Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars



New Member
pre tourny: me and my test a little he runs venasur/sceppy/parasect and its good while i run gyarados with a ditto and croak promo tech.
on to the report

round: 4
top 2 cut

round 1 me vs. will (toolbox with weird lines)
lets see t2 gyarados doing 60 then 90 against sp = PWN


i should've droped this round, but then i saw the pairings and its

MATT MC"DONALDS" Flygon -Lock with 2-2 mewtwo x
dude why in the world of warcraft do i have to play against him EVERY TORUNYY WE BOTH GO TO I END UP PLAING AGAINST HIM = fail

so i get my fast 'dos out draw a couple of prizes his flygons and mewtwos fail at one point i go switch ditto and power swing to K.O 2 flygons that way


round 3 elisah woth Palkia/luxray/mewtwo x/ and lunatune engine

so i get worst start ever 1 baltoy, 2 bts, 1 gyrados, 2 poketurn, 1 bebe i top deck karp bench and pass he keps mesprit locking until go bebe for sableye and impersenate a cynthias and shoot myself back at this game.
i suck at ssu oh well 173 which was enought to make a comeback from 6-2 to 2-2 cause he ACCIDENTALY played 6 bench and had to take the mesprot back 1 turn of cosmic and uxie got me everything i needed so i get to 2-2 prizes and beat up some palkias to win the game GG


round 4 a nOOb who is 2-1 FTW (gigas/rayquaza/cubone and more??????)
get t1 gyarados doing 6 0'd him and won in less than 5 minutes


i should have dropped cause my next opponent is......... guessed right


MATT Mc"donalds" flygon lock
i get good start and he makes comebacks and short story he mills away in 1 turn 2 rescue and i flip 0/3 on tsd to seal my loss

0-1 with 30 min left

game 2 get g-hand to get t2 90 damage and get fast 4 prizes until he scoops 15 min left


game 3 well cause i always started with sab he starts with ditto and i start with the karp LOL, so he retreat to mewtwo and i proceed to get the fast dos and make it to 4-5 prizes until time is called on his turn.
i say " well thats game with having a sad pandaface on so he immieadiatly kills me dos with giga burn, my turn i go bts rescue karp bts gyarados and gg man cause mewtwo already had 0 damage on


i suck i won with the 'dos

winning i guesss
GASHMOIGAN < becaus i can
PEt it
THE gross
Kami nomi zo shiru sekai
and you guys if you want to

started so late
MATT Mc"donalds
^^^not showing up
you GUYS WHO SIT ON THE PC AND HAVE NO lifes < dang did i just meant me?????

Rancho Cucamonga

so ran gyarados again but this time with 2 cylone enrgys WHICH ARE BROKEN

round 1 me vs. JARED WATSON Bees
so i get fail start cause i have to retreat my karp to get set up with sableye and he gets t2 2 bees and claydol, WOW but then i respond with gyarados doing 60 and he does 120 then i kill him he uxies me adn i use my new gyardos and 2 bts to kill his bee he gets a new one out and pp K.o
then i go get another one bak and 2 bats for k.o he is screwed cause he gets his bee back but it was his last night so i just go and cylcone up his bench bee whcih gets done another k.o and he scoops cause i have rescue ,dos in my hand GG


me vs. MAMAgengar JASON MARTNIEZ (2nd worlds 2009 juniors) he is lucky i swear
i HATE gengar, but its and easy matchup if you have regular lcuk but he was godly. I get setup t2 adn get t3 dos and start damaging gengars then he goes cosmic for 2 gets candy queen nidoran FTW, no more crobat drops to kill him ohh. then i kill his gengar manually and guess what he gets heads. then he goes rooms a bat and i turn it and play down to kill his uxie with DITTO thats what i do to get another prize. then i dos his genar with another 2 turns and guess what HEADS FTW 2/2 heds so we are 1-2 in prizes (my fav) he goes rooms a sab, i go hit his gengar for 70, then he kills my sab and i risk it all and kill him and...
HE GETS HEADS FTW 3/3 heads this is BULLS**TT
GG if you flipped 1 less heads
sudden death i go t1 sab for rosy and get 2 karps he uses uxie to put 20 on sab, i top deck bat play down rosy for psy and regiteel use registeel discard 2 karps then bts karp gyarados and retreat sableye AND DONK



round 3 me vs. nick mama gengar i hate this deck
gengar is bad he gets t10 claydol and i roll thorugh his gengars until he gets the queen then i k.o them regulary and he goes 0/2 in fainting spell, buti had rescue dos in my hand anyways

top cut 2

me vs. nick mama gengar
i roll trough him cause he has bad start but uses relicanth anemia to stall but i use cyclone to eat up a uxie he gets a claydol but i was already to far away


game 2: i have a bad start. i have to uxie for 20 then he uses call and i use sabley to set my elf up and find out after i discard 2karps thats i have 2 karps prized so i azel to get karp bts gyaados and run through baiscs until he goes bts gastly haunter genagr but no enerngy

i win

i just showed gengar is WDIF (worst deck in format)

SAN diego Br

well i run same list like last week thinking many deckout flygons appear and none happen most people were noobs oh well

round 1 me. vs. Nublet
he is awesome cause he gives me a flygon x which i wanted so badly so i get stalled by san attack and fail to attack for 7 turns yesi suck at flipping heads so yeah easy win still


round 2 Daniel S AKA DJ Macheap/with 1-0-1 techs called/queen/dusknoir/explloud FTW
he gets bad start to my mediocre start and i get ahead by 2 prizes until a meacheap apperas he also drops dusky and plam my claydol but can't realy do much with macheap against 'dos so i win 6-2


round 3 me vs. cody WATSON w/flygon/palkia g lock
i like the deck its good but he got a terrible start and i use t1 ros to get enrgy and sableye so i can retreat in a couple of turns and use impersonate only to find out i had 3 ros FTW so i just use bebes all the time and he gets nothink i get out dos to his only flygon and go ramapge after i kill his palkia g x and vibrava he is left with a trpinch and baltoy draws no dol and scoops

GG man


i win again and still undefeated OHH YEAH

i got an absol g x for my *** pory z x and a 2 flygons+ luxray gl for 2 garchomp pop pack

my last Br for this year and i change my registeel for regice


3 rounds
no cut


he gets ahead by 2 prizes cause of fast dialga but then my gyarados swept the game easily


round 2me vs. NOOb with NOOb cards like shaymin
t3 donk gyardos

round 3 me vs. MCDONALDS flygon/gardevoir/dusknoir/palkia/mewtwo x
okay i get crap start crobat,azelf, 2 poketun, SSu , 2 BTS top deck a lux ballk and grab a sabley and use ros for 2 karps while i azelf for a karp and play down. he gets out azelf i can't retreat or set up for 5 turns then he plox me i evolve my bench karp to dos and i use impersanto to use felicty and discard karps and then the REAL battle starts until we are 2-2 prizes he gets out my regice with palkia and sand walls discarding BTS and i use ssu it up attack :psychic: to diito and extreme attack gardy x, then he ploxes my ditto and then I PLOX with ditto, and the K.os me and i k.o him with dos for game


i won again huh 15-0 UNdeafeated are you ready for me CA?

well i think the best prop of all is ELEKI loosing to THE FIRE KID LOL
LOL Edmund it is me Matt
that was pretty hilarious that i had to play end the beginning once and the end twice... why did i make dat miss play DOH!!!!!!!!!
^^ what the heck JOEMAMA??? also YOU GOT CHARIZARD!!!!

yes it doesn't and i should not change it cause I am WHAT I am