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Secret Tech in G&G!!!

How many techs can you pack in a G & G. I think Clay Carney once packed in 7 techs but that may have been another deck.

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Not using supporters will counter ampharos but if opponent dosen't use supporters how will he setup?
Cards like celio's,rosean's,mentor'TGW,TV reporter,Oak's visit and more are necessary for every setup unless he uses a ball engine.

Porygon 2 will escape the wrath of Ampharos.
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Porygon 2 is perfect against ampharos. But he could be an easy target for gardeviour lv.X since he has a low 70HP. Also gallade can OHKO him too.
Play it ... With all the pachisaru set up decks floating around your bound to surprise most people:thumb:

Madhatter made gardy/gallade work in his duskqueen deck ......I belive he won a CC with it
aight listen, i kno you think you figured somethin big out but come on dis aint no secret. now granted there defnitly is a secret tech ya heard but it aint no nothing so old from DP1 mayn, come on.
aight listen, i kno you think you figured somethin big out but come on dis aint no secret. now granted there defnitly is a secret tech ya heard but it aint no nothing so old from DP1 mayn, come on.

Its not exactly secret but come on have you seen anyone play dusknoir in GG before? And SSOOO many people are playing pachi that if you play dusknoir late game you can just surprize them and shuffle their good atttackers into their deck. They will most likely have some "helper" pokemon and you just leave those there (i.e. minun, claydol, delcatty). With pachi running around, dusknoir is better than you think.:wink:
Lol I'll make a response now because this annoyance needs to be eliminated, and quickly: Pachirisu is not the messiah that decided a player can have 6 Pokemon out. It's been getting quite tiresome of people justifying Pachirisu is the sole reason Dusknoir should be played. Last time I checked, having multiple Pokemon out was fairly simple to playing them down. It's not like full benches were unheard of before Pachirisu, COME ON, most games are played with full benches Pachirisu certainly doesn't change that, but it is not originator of a larger bench existing. With that said; if Dusknoir failed in the past under similar conditions, why would it make a comeback now?
Lol I'll make a response now because this annoyance needs to be eliminated, and quickly: Pachirisu is not the messiah that decided a player can have 6 Pokemon out. It's been getting quite tiresome of people justifying Pachirisu is the sole reason Dusknoir should be played. Last time I checked, having multiple Pokemon out was fairly simple to playing them down. It's not like full benches were unheard of before Pachirisu, COME ON, most games are played with full benches Pachirisu certainly doesn't change that, but it is not originator of a larger bench existing. With that said; if Dusknoir failed in the past under similar conditions, why would it make a comeback now?

I agree, people have always been filling their bench. ever heard of holon mentor? Pachi just is popular now and I thought that it would INCREASE the amount of pokemon on most people's benches.

HOWEVER, dusknoir has not "failed" in the past. I knew one guy who went 4-1 in the swiss part of a BR only losing to me in the 5th round. My point is that Dusknoir has always been better than most people think IMO, and some people may have seen how good it is, but couldn't find the room to fit it into a deck, or they didn't think that it was good ENOUGH to be worth playing, etc.

I am not saying your opinion is wrong, I'm just arguing that dusknoir IS good IMO.
I agree, people have always been filling their bench. ever heard of holon mentor? Pachi just is popular now and I thought that it would INCREASE the amount of pokemon on most people's benches.

HOWEVER, dusknoir has not "failed" in the past. I knew one guy who went 4-1 in the swiss part of a BR only losing to me in the 5th round. My point is that Dusknoir has always been better than most people think IMO, and some people may have seen how good it is, but couldn't find the room to fit it into a deck, or they didn't think that it was good ENOUGH to be worth playing, etc.

I am not saying your opinion is wrong, I'm just arguing that dusknoir IS good IMO.

I don't feel like commenting on the Pachirisu statement because you haven't presented anything new and what I previously stated still stands.

I don't understand why you make that poor attempt at a joke; wasn't I the one who brought this point up? If so, it's simple to conclude I was fully aware of the existence of mentor, et al. I didn't list all of the "Thousand and one" ways one could fill their bench without Pachirisu, because I chose not to insult your intelligence because that obviously wasn't my motive.

Also, since when is a Seniors' winning record in a Battle Road evidence of proving a deck is good? Would you say that a Blissey variant with 25 energies is good? It had a winning record in a Battle Road, but that hardly proves anything. To be frank, even if said deck would go out and win a Battle Road I wouldn't, and I hope you wouldn't either, be convinced, but that's not the case and I don't wish to dwell in the hypothetical. Short answer: So what?

I think you make one of my points for me; "or they didn't think that it was good ENOUGH to be worth playing, etc". No kidding...I don't see how that's a positive, unless you're calling the majority ignorant, which may be true for some hidden combos out there, but certainly not Dusknoir that has been tried to death and, once again, the public has deemed "not worth the space".

To comment on the last line; of course an opinion can't be's an opinion. Either way, it seems to me you somehow think your hidden sympathy makes things any better. It doesn't. In fact, there's nothing wrong about disagreeing, hiding behind a "safe statement" is as pointless as writing "IMO", et al at the end of your sentence, and seems rather amateurish, if you will.
I don't feel like commenting on the Pachirisu statement because you haven't presented anything new and what I previously stated still stands.

I don't understand why you make that poor attempt at a joke; wasn't I the one who brought this point up? If so, it's simple to conclude I was fully aware of the existence of mentor, et al. I didn't list all of the "Thousand and one" ways one could fill their bench without Pachirisu, because I chose not to insult your intelligence because that obviously wasn't my motive.

Also, since when is a Seniors' winning record in a Battle Road evidence of proving a deck is good? Would you say that a Blissey variant with 25 energies is good? It had a winning record in a Battle Road, but that hardly proves anything. To be frank, even if said deck would go out and win a Battle Road I wouldn't, and I hope you wouldn't either, be convinced, but that's not the case and I don't wish to dwell in the hypothetical. Short answer: So what?

I think you make one of my points for me; "or they didn't think that it was good ENOUGH to be worth playing, etc". No kidding...I don't see how that's a positive, unless you're calling the majority ignorant, which may be true for some hidden combos out there, but certainly not Dusknoir that has been tried to death and, once again, the public has deemed "not worth the space".

To comment on the last line; of course an opinion can't be's an opinion. Either way, it seems to me you somehow think your hidden sympathy makes things any better. It doesn't. In fact, there's nothing wrong about disagreeing, hiding behind a "safe statement" is as pointless as writing "IMO", et al at the end of your sentence, and seems rather amateurish, if you will.

I apologize. I didn't mean to sound offensive. Of course you have heard of mentor and you're right- an opinion can't be "wrong", I just meant that I disagree...

Again, I'm sorry if you thought that I was being offensive...that was not my intention- I was just trying to argue my point that dusknoir is a good tech in GG.
I apologize. I didn't mean to sound offensive. Of course you have heard of mentor and you're right- an opinion can't be "wrong", I just meant that I disagree...

Again, I'm sorry if you thought that I was being offensive...that was not my intention- I was just trying to argue my point that dusknoir is a good tech in GG.

Don't worry, I'd have committed suicide long ago if personal attacks (or their apparent) would phase me, for the crime of being a waste of matter.

Awaiting your response to the actual topic, if possible.
Well, I'm not saying that dusknoir is "the god card you must play in GG" like tranceiver is in MetaNite- I'm just saying that I think that there will be 2 MAIN decks played at states-GG and magmortar. I think that the GG vs. GG matchups are hard, but you may just have to resort to outplaying your opponent. I for one have had little experiance against magmortar and know that the fire truk varients USUALLY have a pretty full bench to function the best. Dusknoir is a tech that can give me an upper hand in that matchup. Then, after I thought about it, dusky could hurt most all setup decks. It is a tech, and a good one at that, but it is not necessary for the deck to work. The main reason for dusknoir is that it is a nice tech to give me the edge hopefully against magmortar.

BTW I hope to meat you at the St. Louis regionals.:smile:
i beg to differ that tranceiver is the god card in metanite.
because, as im sure anyone who has ever read my sig knows, i won PLENTY of tournaments with out any holon trainers other than mentor and farmer.
but thats not what we're talking about.

i soppose dusknoir could be a usefull tech, but i think that that there is better options.
ive played dusknoir against both gallade and mag, them only haveing three bench doesnt help as much as you would think.
HOWEVER, dusknoir has not "failed" in the past.
That's right, I've won two Battle Roads, one of them was maybe the most challenging in Germany, using a Dusknoir deck. It's a good card, but many other techs are also that good.

There was one City Championship I played a 2-2-2 (2 Dusclops because it's really nice to block Flygon ex d and to lock down special Energy) Dusknoir line with Gardy/Gallade. In three Matches it didn't really help me, in 2 it was quite useful and in one match... yeah, i got KO'ed turn 1 by Roseanne-called Absol SW because I had a Duskull start.

Some decks can play around Dusknoir and don't need more than three slots on the bench. Just be sure not to kill the starter if you want to take benefit of Dusknoir's power. Magmortar w/ Typhlosion should get problems because they can't swarm that well, but single Magmortar w/ Delcatty or Claydol and most of the other current meta decks can deal with Dusknoir if the player is skilled.
There was one City Championship I played a 2-2-2 (2 Dusclops because it's really nice to block Flygon ex d and to lock down special Energy) Dusknoir line with Gardy/Gallade. In three Matches it didn't really help me, in 2 it was quite useful and in one match... yeah, i got KO'ed turn 1 by Roseanne-called Absol SW because I had a Duskull start.

Another point that I had not even thought of. IDK how popular flygon ex d will be at states, but it would give me a hard time and dusclops IS helpful in that matchup.
i beg to differ that tranceiver is the god card in metanite.
because, as im sure anyone who has ever read my sig knows, i won PLENTY of tournaments with out any holon trainers other than mentor and farmer.
but thats not what we're talking about.

i soppose dusknoir could be a usefull tech, but i think that that there is better options.
ive played dusknoir against both gallade and mag, them only haveing three bench doesnt help as much as you would think.

if you beg to differ with da holon transceiver i beg to differ with your arrogance regarding your state win with an inferior engine mayn comeon!!!11.

aight be serious, da holon engine allowed for an increased speed and increased consistency. y'all recall the times when only 2 Researchers and 1-2 Adventurers and 1-2 Scientists and what not. UMM HELLO only 2 "celio" and 2-4 draw cards and yet it still kick major tauros hide? spin-tail tyranitar please
son, now youre teasin' the gorilla in the monkey house.

if you beg to differ with da holon transceiver i beg to differ with your arrogance regarding your state win with an inferior engine mayn comeon!!!11.

aight be serious, da holon engine allowed for an increased speed and increased consistency. y'all recall the times when only 2 Researchers and 1-2 Adventurers and 1-2 Scientists and what not. UMM HELLO only 2 "celio" and 2-4 draw cards and yet it still kick major tauros hide? spin-tail tyranitar please

you dont beg to differ anything, only i can beg to differ.
i dont care about any of the increased speed of holon's POOP engine.
i played HPE in my deck durring battle roads and all it did was make my deck SLOWER.
every competitive person at most of the tournies i have won were playing the holon engine, and i beat them with good ol' reliable (celios, stevens, TVR, the works!).
now i in no way think im better than those that did play it, but i do take pride in winning something as big as states withOUT using holon's POOP engine.
my trainer engine was in no way what so ever "inferior".
i have no arrogance regarding my state (and 4 cities) win(s).
i REFUSED to use the same engine as everybody else did, im an idividual like that, lol.

i could bearly understand any of what your second paragraph said.
it looks like the chimps in said "monkey house" have been typing for you.

i would love to play you with my ol' metagross dragonie deck and show you what inferior is.:thumb: