Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Sedalia is the best city ever. - A BR Report


New Member
(It's a long one.)

My pals were all busy. Didnt have the money or had something else going on. So I decided to go all by myself.

I hung out at my league in Ames, IA that Friday. After that was done, got some granola bars, chocolate milk and water for the road. Drove to Sedalia, MO. That took about 5 hours. I was cruising at a painfully slow rate of 60 mph because I get better mileage that way. Everyone was passing me. I hate that feeling.

Got there around 3 in the morning. Slept in my car. It was so hot too. Windows down or windows up? Insects at a cool temperature. Or no insects at a warm temperature. Windows up. I think that was the right play.

Sedalia is a nice big town too. Site of the MO state fair. Heard lots of good things about it in the radio. The whole town is beautiful. So big props to the city planner. Couldnt find the spot so I asked someone at WalMart and the guy knew the town frontwards and backwards. So he helped me out tremendously.

Got there before registration. 11 or 12 or 14 people in the Masters. I was looking at the playing field. I think I saw a couple of Flygons, Flariadoses, Infernapes, Electivires, Destiny, Absol, etc. So I knew from there on in, that this was gonna be a real hard one. And there were no Pokeparents playing. So no easy wins. And virtually everyone was playing a proven archetype. So again, no easy wins.

These Missouri guys sure know how to pick their decks. The whole state is so good in Pokemon. For sure.

I wasnt taking notes. But I think there were 4 rounds...oh and i'm playing my flygon tech. but since i'm in missouri. my deck is called flu. :)

Game 1 - Bye. Yay for sucky tiebreakers. Now, I have to win every single game to get it to Top 2.

Game 2 - Flygon. Crapola. A mirror. This guy was good too. Based on what I got on my opening and my starting position, I decided that the best move was to Delta Draw. And I did so for 2 turns. I think I toyed around with Ray ex d. Got some damage spread around. which set up the KOs for Flygon's Pulsing and Sand damage helped. Win.

Game 3. Flariados. Holy Smokes. I have no teched in Holon Energy GL. gah, I hate being a noob. Every good player is scared of Flariados. And I was pretty scared. So let's see here. One of the best decks in the format vs a deck that breaks the format. Starting the game, spinarak paralyzes and poisons. only 1 warp point in the deck. uggh. sometimes i'm not so smart. i didnt get to draw it anyways. Later, he picks on vibrava/flygon and picks on ray ex d. Couldnt wake up. Oh well. before i know it, he's winning with 3 prizes left. and i have yet to draw one. 15 mins to go. I was getting killed. Was i surprised? nope. that's how flariados works. for one measly energy, you're doing a bazillion damage to anything you want.

so i had to keep my composure. i managed to get a flygon going. and i psychic pulsed the ariados away. sand damage built on the basics. then it was a flareon ex vs flygon d. swifting goes through the flame screen. then he brings up a fresh flareon ex. so i bring up a mew star. mimicry the heat tackle. gg. Hardest match of my life. That guy ryan is a top notch player.

Game 4. Flygon. Missouri style Flygon at that. I still need this one to make it to top2. If he lost, he still would make top 2. Based on what I got, I had to delta draw. He did the same. We both got set up. So lots of Pulsing and lots of spread damage. The whole match was so epic. My stadiums helped me out. I managed to get the win. That is now the hardest match of my life.

So I guess I'm undefeated. And I'm ranked first in the standings.

Top 2. Please no curse of the first this time. Please. Please.

R1. Flygon vs Flygon. Rematch. Why does everything have to be so hard? This guy's deck is good too. Near mirror to mine. This round was a little easier because I got a better draw. I got a quicker setup. And that's it. Who sets up fastest wins. I wish I could share some game winning strategies with you. But there's nothing to tell. I just got a good draw and I got the faster setup.

R2. Start off with Casty and Trappy. He with Mew d and another Delta. I start. DD for 1. He mentored, copied and DD for a lot. I scientist in my next turn. I get some good cards. I use ray to snipe his trappys for 30. There were some pokes that I hit for 50. Then we both got our flygons going. But the match was already on my side because of all the damages on his side of the board. You gotta play with what you got. And I really have to admit I was getting a great draw on that match. So I guess I win.

My opponent played with a lot of heart. So yeah, big props to this guy. I dont mention his name because you wouldnt know him anyways because I dont think he posts on Pokegym.

I got to meet vegeta ss 4. Man, this guy is cool. I traded him my Infernape Lvx that I got from my prize boosters. Then, we playmatched some decks. I gave him my Flygon deck and I played my old trusty Metanite deck. I got killed. But then I showed him how good my Banette list is.

Everyone in Sedalia is super cool. Coolest people you will ever meet. I got to talk to a good looking chica. Oh and the TO, Raymond Simmons, he's the guy. He ran the tournament really really well.

So props to all and slops to none.

the Doc is out.
I wonder if I would of played if you would of won...LOL. Yeah but I didnt see the need in playing, judging was much better. If I would of played I would of either used by infamous Ariados+Eevleelutions or Flu. You are a pretty cool dude, congrats on coming in and invading Sedalia and taking it. Also the guy you played in the finals was Jesse Egan....AKA....Super Stoise EX...He is a very solid player who has luck issues...man I sooo wished I could of played you with my Ariados+lutions but taken it apart FTL!!!
You should come down more often dude. You are a pretty solid player for being a rookie in all.
Also Ryan is a very great player. He messed up his list though but runing Cacturne and such but still, he is a solid player. Just so you know, Flu is supposed to beat Flaridos so you shouldn't be shocked at all.
Nice report, and Nicely done! Congrats!

Thanks Blazik King. You're a pal.

I wonder if I would of played if you would of won...LOL. Yeah but I didnt see the need in playing, judging was much better. If I would of played I would of either used by infamous Ariados+Eevleelutions or Flu. You are a pretty cool dude, congrats on coming in and invading Sedalia and taking it. Also the guy you played in the finals was Jesse Egan....AKA....Super Stoise EX...He is a very solid player who has luck issues...man I sooo wished I could of played you with my Ariados+lutions but taken it apart FTL!!!
You should come down more often dude. You are a pretty solid player for being a rookie in all.
Also Ryan is a very great player. He messed up his list though but runing Cacturne and such but still, he is a solid player. Just so you know, Flu is supposed to beat Flaridos so you shouldn't be shocked at all.

Hey man, I wished that you did play. Maybe we coulda squeezed in one more round if more people were playing. And yeah judging is better. you get boosters packs automatically. what a deal.

Playing Flygon the way I did, I dont think I have an autowin against Flariadoses. It's still a hard matchup. I think.

And yeah, I do want to come down there more often. You guys are cool. I'm gonna be a dual resident one of these days. Belonging in the Iowa and Missouri metagame. Next Pokemon year, if you guys have a Autumn Battle Road and Cities. I'll be there. Or if I come across a large lump sum of money, I'll make a random trip to your guys' league. Good ol Sedalia. I miss it already.
Thanks Blazik King. You're a pal.

Hey man, I wished that you did play. Maybe we coulda squeezed in one more round if more people were playing. And yeah judging is better. you get boosters packs automatically. what a deal.

Playing Flygon the way I did, I dont think I have an autowin against Flariadoses. It's still a hard matchup. I think.

And yeah, I do want to come down there more often. You guys are cool. I'm gonna be a dual resident one of these days. Belonging in the Iowa and Missouri metagame. Next Pokemon year, if you guys have a Autumn Battle Road and Cities. I'll be there. Or if I come across a large lump sum of money, I'll make a random trip to your guys' league. Good ol Sedalia. I miss it already.

oh.....I am sure we will have cities and a battleroad again.....We have a great PTO of Ray S. Of course they will give him more tournies!!!!

also, have your points changed at all???, I don't think it has been updated!!!
yeah, it's still not showing my ratings change. i dont think anybody who went to sedalia has had their ratings change yet.

*waits for a few more days*
it's posted now. and i went up 50 pts. and jesse got higher in the MO rankings i think. so win-win for the both of us.
yeah but he is still behind me though :p:p:p.......I don't care where I finish at this year, I failed this year, I just wish I could of traveled like most of the top 30 in North America can.......I cant go to 7 cities....4 states....2 regionals....if I could though my points would be up in the 1900's!!!!
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yeah but he is still behind me though :p:p:p.......I don't care where I finish at this year, I failed this year, I just wish I could of traveled like most of the top 30 in North America can.......I cant go to 7 cities....4 states....2 regionals....if I could though my points would be up in the 1900's!!!!

yeah. and it's all in the metagame too. some states are harder to win than others. and some regionals are harder to win than others.

thats still pretty good for how long u have been playing!!!!

yeah. thanks, man. i'm crazy for pokemon. pokegym is the thing that helps. without pokegym, i'd be ranked 1300 something. that would be horrible.
Earning 50 points at an event...I miss those times. =(

I gained 175 in Rolla(or was it 135?)
Could of won the whole thing undefeated but Jake you know why I wasn't...to embarassed to say!!!!!
But seriously....I will be bringing it next year...I am going to tons of tourneys!!!!!

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there's always next year, jake.

He doesnt need next year...he is a contender for the top 8 spot....If he does well at Nats then he is in!!!!!!
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