Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Serebii's ONE AND ONLY BR: Brooklyn, NYC

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New Member
Hiya peeps! Just to give some background information, this is one of the only few tournaments I can go in the whole year because of classes =( This was also my first event in Seniors... Okay, so I wake up at like 7:00 AM lol. I just stayed on the computer and did some homework. Then, my dad and I leave at about 10 AM. We make a wrong turn lol but we still get there much earlier. I was the first one there. Signed up, wandered around, and then Matt (mtam22) came and we started testplaying upstairs. I had no idea what I was gonna run that day, and I really didn't want to run Kingdra. I was about to play Auto Zone, but decided it was too slow. My friend Dan tells me to run MagBliss, but I've never played with that deck, so I said no. I ended up with the deck I built, Torterra. We first start with 1 Junior (LOL) 2 Seniors, and 15 Masters... Soon enough, round one comes.

Deck: Torterrafying!

Round One: Matthew T. (mtam22) -Magnezone/Blissey-

So, I actually got pared down for this round... Okay, so I'm fairly confident of this matchup. I have a pretty beast start, and start setting up quickly. He has a pretty bad start, and can't draw into anything he needs. I start swarming Torterra's. There was a turn where he made a crucial Wager, and drew some god cards. He started paralyzing with Magnezone. However, I Warp Point him and then kill everything. I knocked them out one by one. Sorry Matt! Good game. 1-0

-Between Rounds- My friends Aziz-Al Yami (Hax$) and Alex C. (pikachual) arrive a few minutes later after round one =[ They get a first round loss... I'm scared because Alex is playing MagBliss, and surely, I end up playing him for round two.

Round Two: Alexander C. (pikachual) -Magmortar/Blissey)

I went into this matchup very scared, and knew I had to play correctly to win. I had the most horrible start: Turtwig, Baltoy, PokeBall, NM, and 3 Energy. He has a god start. I almost knew it was good game. I go second, and flip for PokeBall. I got heads, and get Claydol from it. Even though Alex got T2 Magmortar, he didn't have Claydol. I eventually started setting up, and the game becomes 2-1. I make the game finishing blow. Great game Alex! 2-0

-Between Rounds- Lunch Break! I go with Alex, Matt, and their dads to BK. Good meal lol.

Round Three: Aziz-Al-Yami (Hax$) -Gliscor-

We both knew the winner of this would win the whole thing. This game was so epic lol, one of the best games I've ever played.Okay, so he started off with an Azelf and Call while me with Turtwig and Roseanne's. We both have pretty slow starts, and he started misplaying on the first few turns. The game the just goes back and forth. One turn, I take 2 prizes in one turn with Vigorous Dash, and made the prize count 3 to 4. However, I had no more support. He had De-Voluter and made me burn all four Candies eventually. Thus making me attach FOUR energies to Torterra. WE finally make the game go to one to one prizes. I had one Turtwig on my bench, 3 Claydol's, and a Chatot. He plays a Plus Power one turn just for the fun of overkilling XD He finds that it was a big misplay, and cost him the game. I finally got the DP Torterra out and 60'd his Claydol for the win. Excellent game Aziz, great playing! 3-0

Round Four: John -Random-

I knew I already won, so I didn't really care. However, after I saw a really horrible start, and him starting with a Mewtwo, i panicked. He got a T2 Mewtwo LV.X, and put me to sleep with the LA Mewtwo. I couldn't get heads on my Sleep or PokeBall Roles. I became so desperate I started Mimicking for 2 Cards. I then 2HKO'd his Mewtwo and swept him. 4-0

So it looks like in my first BR, I went undefeated! My first event in Seniors also! It was

-Victory Medal/God packs= Uxie LV.X, Kingdra, Luxaray, Mesprit, Snow Point, Dragonite, Buck's, etc.
-Peter and MK Choy for being awesome judges!
-Aziz for that epic game lol. Nice job winning the previous day.
-Alex, Matt, Dave, Dan, etc.
-Matt's Dad. Thanks for the Torterra and the energy!

-Aziz and Alex coming a few minutes later and got a first round loss :nonono:
-No A/C
-Long ride home
-Probably only tournament before Regionals.. :frown:

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