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Sheer Force Ability


New Member
I'm thinking of getting a Braviary with Sheer Force but before I do, I need to make sure it does what I think it does. I know that Sheer Force removes the secondary effect of an attack but also increases the power by 33 percent. Does that mean attacks with recoil effects like Superpower and Brave Bird will no longer affect you with a recoil? I was looking on Serebii and it seemed to support this theory by classifying the recoil damage, etc as a secondary effect. Is this true? I need help quickly.

Thanks in Advance!:thumb:
Basically the secondary effects that are nullified are those that would typically work in your favor. A Sheer Force Conkeldurr that uses Hammer Arm will still have its speed lowered, but this can be used to your advantage in a Trick Room team.
Nah, when they talk about effects, they mean like say, the 10% chance to burn on a Fire Punch, or 30% chance of paralysis with Thunder. It'd be broken if it also took off recoil and stat-lowering effects from attacks.
Don't forget flinching moves like water fall, rock slide, etc. counts towards the sheer force ability.
you can stack up quite a punch with this ability. Add life orb, use helping hand- and just watch as your opponant has his/her pokie holdin a focus band :lol: