Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

skyla/computer search


New Member
I think that with these 2 cards we will see alot of tech trainers
Ex: 1 switch in a darkrai i deck, less tool scrappers in a deck, and some decks running 1 plus power.
thoughts? i guess this could be a review of the uses for these 2 cards if someone wants to
Honestly, if you don't run one of the other Ace Specs, Computer Search should be in just about every deck. Dumping two probably useless cards in order to get ANY card is just too good to overlook. This may change next set when we get another playable Ace Spec, but for now it should definitely be played.

As for Skyla, I've been testing it a lot. She is absolutely invaluable in decks with high Trainer count. My personal style of deck always includes a small 'toolbox' of about 5 different Trainers that I only run 1 of. Energy Switch and Energy Retreival usually make their way in there. Skyla hugely boosts the usefulness of this toolbox.

One card, however, that is totally killed by Skyla is Random Receiver. Using a RR and flipping over a Skyla is just sad. It seems to me that a player will have to choose between RR and Skyla for decks now.
actually, testing skyla myself, ive found myself in several instances where i have a RR and hope for a skyla. if there is only one trainer card you need and you use RR a skyla is better than an N as you dont need luck of the draw
I think that if you have a computer search in your deck you should at least use it for something that you need more like getting a gabite in a speedchompo deck instead of searching for something like a pluspower.

Just my opinion though..........
I didn't run much Random Receiver pre-Skyla anyway. Running a deck with a lot of techy trainer options, 3 RR with 3 Skyla (and 4 N and 4 Juniper) has been golden for me.

If you're RRing and hoping for a draw supporter when you hit Skyla, maybe you shouldn't run quite so many Skyla, or should just cut out the middleman and add in Cheren instead of Random Receiver?
Anyone else missing Bicycle?

While still not a 100% perfect solution, including a TecH Bicycle so that Skyla can get a draw card still usable that turn when your hand is low (and thus you need it most) was a good option. Only getting to draw one card is better than none, and Bicycle drawing two is still a pre-Supporter Bill, a solid move.

Please notice I am speaking of a very specific scenario here, including a single Bicycle so that it can be fetched when your hand is low and you have Skyla handy (such as off of Random Receiver). For an actual deck, Kayle voices my opinion, but with the reverse that I did use Random Receiver heavily and am not sure how heavily I'll run Skyla. Still I was making do with TecH Supporters already, and tend to use my Random Receiver earlier rather than later, reducing odds of hitting that lone Bianca that exists as an N counter (for example).