Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

spazcrackers 1st Place w/list Winter Regionals Orlando,FL Masters


New Member
Hey everyone it's been quite some time since I've posted a report. For those of you that know me, welcome back,for those of you who do not,hello I'm Brent nice to meet you. https://www.facebook.com/brent.siebenkittel

Many of my friends were going to the St. Louis,Missouri event but I decided to attend the Orlando,Florida event instead. I left Friday morning with my gf Jess and we picked up our friend Scott along the way to FL,there we stayed with long time friends Steve&Michelle Silvestro who were great hosts. Saturday morning we woke up early and left for about an 1:30hr drive south to the venue.

I have piloted Keldeo/Blastoise/Mewtwo at 6 Ciy Championships;4 times being a champion and finishing with a 4th and 6th at the others. Between those events and hours of play testing against friends and myself I learned many things about the deck that I feel contributed greatly to my win at regionals. I'll discuss some of these things along with my list shortly. :)

Round 1 vs. Zach Fisher w/ Emboar/Rayquaza ex/Mewtwo ex/Reshiram
Zach is a long time friend and I know him to be an outstanding player as well,we couldn't believe we drew each other game one. He opens and gets t2 Emboar,I get t2 Blastoise and we have a game of big attacks and prize exchanges. This was honestly one of the best games of the entire tourament. (Prizes 6-5)

Round 2 vs. Jake Hoth w/ Hydriegon/Darkrai ex/Virizion
I open with 3 mulligans and go 2nd,he opens with a t2 Darkrai and just rolls over my supportless lone Mewtwo ex start. (Prizes 0-2)

We took a lunch breack after Round 2 and we had Subway.

Round 3 vs. Rob Kemper w/Tornadus ex/Sigilyph/Meoleotta
I open 2nd for the third straight time,I get out a 5 energy Blastoise and play the aggressor clearing 2 Sigilyh and Meleotta,I maintained pace ftw. (Prizes 6-2)

Round 4 vs. Daniel Shiekh w/Tornadus ex/Sigilyph/Meoleotta
I open 2nd,he drops a Tropical Beach which I put to use and start rolling,he manages to build a decent board but I got ahead early and maintained pace. (Prizes 6-3)

Round 5 vs. Kevin Kobayashi w/ Emboar/Rayquaza ex/Mewtwo ex/Reshiram
I open 2nd ,I get t2 Blastoise and start Catchering and KO'ing his Tepigs,he struggles to get an Emboar until the 4th Tepig drop,by then I'm far enough ahead to keep the lead. (Prizes 6-3)

Round 6 vs. Daniel Diaz w/ Hydriegon/Darkrai
I open 2nd (like usual lol),I get t2 Blastoise and start rolling,his start is really slow and he wasn't able to give me much of a game as a result. (Prizes 6-0)

Round 7 vs. Aaron Curry w/Accelgor/Garbodor.Tornadus ex
1st time I have won the opening flip all day and the only time I opened in 8 rounds of swiss. I get a t2 Blastoise and he struggles to set properly,I just maintain the lead. (Prizes 6-2)

Round 8 vs. Daniel Lopez w/Darkrai ex/Mewtwo ex/Sableye
I open 2nd,I get t2 Blastoise and start rolling against a slow start for him,I just maintain pace. (Prizes 6-2)

After 8 Round of swiss,I am the #8/32 seed at 7-1. We take a dinner break and return for Top 32. We get stuck in traffic ( I think there may have been an accident,fire engines were passing by) and it looks like we might be late for the round,Jess is also in Top 32 at 6-2 so we make the decision to get out and walk/run back to the venue and let Scott 5-3 whiff drive the car back. Jess and I make it back right in time.

Top 32 vs. Jose Marrero w/ Blastoise/Keldeo/Mewtwo
G1-I win the opening flip and take advantage of his Tropical Beach,we both get t2 Blastoise and both hit Super Scoop Up,this game was a shoot out . (Prizes 6-4)
G2-Much of the same as game 1,another shoot out. (Prizes 6-4)

Jess got KO'd in Top 32 by a Keldeo that just went off ending her run with Hydriegon. I advanced to Top 16 so we head back to Steve& Michelle's for the night. We wake up early and head back to the venue and decide that no matter what happens we are going to Disney or Universal Studios and having a good ole time after the event;its a win-win man!

Top 16 vs. Khi Pizar w/Klinklang/Darkrai/Keldeo
G1-I open 2nd and get a T2 Blastoise and start rolling,he stabilizes mid-game with Klinklang and Max Potion but I hit a key SSU.healing my active and allowing me to tank a fresh Keldeo,I also N his hand away this turn to reduce his options. Massive Keldeo just OHKO's anything he has left. (Prizes 6-3)
G2-He opens but is really dead,I get going by the third turn and just roll through this game. (Prizes 6-0)

When Top 32 started I said to Jess and Scott that I would have to defeat Aaron Curry,Justin Sanchez,and/or Harrison Leven to win this tournament;little did I know I'd have one of the hardest schedules and draw Aaron in T8,Justin in T4,and Harrison in T2.

Top 8 vs. Aaron Curry w/Accelgor/Garbodor.Tornadus ex (rematch of Round 7)
Despite winning against Aaron in Round 7,I knew this match-up wasn't favorable and that this would be the greatest test of my tournament. Top 8 would also be hands down the best match I played in top cut.

G1- I open and Aaron gets an early game lock with Garbodor and Accelegor,he pretty handily wins this game.
G2- I open and get a decent start,Aaron again gets set up pretty well and take the early lead,I'm down by like 3 prizes when I notice he discards his 4th Switch on Ultra Ball. I'm Accelgor and Garbodor locked so I Catcher up Garbodor,manual attach an energy,and use his Tropical Beach to end my turn. I rinse and repeat and slowly grind my way back into the game and win a close one.
G3- He opens Trubbish/Mewtwo vs my lone Mewtwo and he gets the T1 DCE ,Switch and 80 damage. I'm like whoa that happened pretty fast so I change plans and sacrifice Mewtwo and start setting up Blastoise and Keldeo in the back,he goes up 2 prizes,I respond to tie. We are 4-4 when time is called and after +3 we are in Sudden Death at 3-3. He Skyla's for his last Rescue Scarf to lock me down and probably win the match and its prized,I had a feeling it was since it took him so long to get the 3rd copy out. I draw and am able to Rush In and Energy Retrieval ftw. (Prizes 6-4)

Top 4 vs. Justin Sanchez w/ Tornadus ex/Landorus ex/Mewtwo ex
G1 I open 2nd and he gets a lone EX start,I get a T2 Blastoise and win. (Prizes 2-0)
G2 He opens and gets another slow start,I open Keldeo ex and Mewtwo ex,we start trading attacks but by mid-game his board is pretty dead and mine has a Blastoise and an abundance of energy,at this point he scoops.

Top 2 vs. Harrison Leven w/Keldeo ex/Blastoise/Mewtwo ex
G1 I open 2nd and he drops a Tropical Beach for me,I take advantage of it and get a T2 Blastoise and start rolling against his slower setup. (Prizes 6-4)
G2 He opens with a lone Kyogre ex and manually powers,mid-game he's further behind with the Kyogre ex start since it can't damage my benched Squirtles early game with the spread. I'm 4 prizes deep and threatening with a dual Keldeo ex and dual Mewtwo ex board,he Rushes in and retreats with DCE to the other Keldeo (burning energy so I don't Catcher and X-Ball ftw) He forgot to drop his Squirtle first and retreat to it so I would only take 1 prize and maybe prolong the game,as a result I'm able to Energy Retrieval and KO the active Keldeo ex ftw and to win the tournament!

After the event Scott,Jess,and I went to Universal Studios and did it big until the place closed;epic!

With the release of Plasma around the corner there will be some change in the format,as a result I'd like to share my championship list with everyone and give some insight as to how to pilot it,enjoy! :)

Pokemon (13)
4-1-3 Blastoise
3 Keldeo ex
2 Mewtwo ex

Energy (14)
12 Water
2 Double Colorless Energy

T/S/S (33)
1 Computer Search
1 Super Rod
2 Energy Retrieval
1 Pokemon Communication
1 Level Ball
1 Heavy Ball
2 Ultra Ball
3 Super Scoop Up
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy
2 Cilan
3 N
4 Professor Juniper
4 Skyla

From my experiences at City Championships I learned how critical Super Scoop Up was to the mirror,I also learned that whoever dropped Tropical Beach usually took the early lead,but then allowed their opponent a means to freely recover from any N or dead hand due to Tropical Beach.

I decided the entire focus of my build would be to get out T2 Blastoise without depending on Tropical Beach,after that I have many means of searching cards and retrieving energy. There are some interesting combos to be utilized between Super Rod/Cilan,Super Scoop Up/Blastoise,and hands with say Pokemon communication and any 2 Pokemon in hand. I hope you've enjoyed my article and even try my list for yourself and see how it handles.

I'd also like to give sites such as Top Cut,6 Prizes,and Pokebeach permission to share my report and list. If anyone is interested in interviewing me about the tournament for sake of a site simply get in touch.

-Jess and Scott;you guys made this trip great!
-Steve,Michelle,and company for their hospitality!
-Chas for his insight to the genius of 1 Pokemon Communication in this deck,ytmnd!
-Matt and Jess for being my 2 main play testing partners,you guys help so much.
-All my friends,family,and PTO's back home that helped me play test and support me all season long!
-The staff that ran the event and judges as well;the event was well ran and the judges were quite fair and fun regardless of how rulings went.
-Heidi for announcing Brad the winner;priceless!
-Starbuck's Coffee
-Universal Studios
-my deck,you really came through thanks!
-Florida weather
-Seeing many old friends again and making a few new ones along the way.
-My opponents for being great sports all weekend long!
-Kudos to Aaron Curry for playing me the closest match of top cut and being the only person to win a game against me in all of my top cut matches
-I'd like to give a special thanks to anyone that rooted for me,you guys rock! :thumb:


Thanks for reading,I'm heading out to take on all the kids at league and pass around the trophy,cya soon everyone! :)

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Brent, congrats on your win. I'd have to say that SSU hands down won you this tournament though. You hit two huge flips in our top eight games that turned both games around for you. Not to say that that should detract from your accomplishment by any means though. Again, congrats and I hope to see you soon.
I don't post much on here anymore, but you deserve a log in and congratulatory post :)

Good to see you back and playing a lot (granted, we played last April in Texas, but this time you're heavily involved again, and it shows with your win!)

Wish I could have been down there, but I'm sure we will see and hopefully play each other again in the future.

Congratulations on the win! :thumb:
thanks for the compliments, Brent. Our game could've easily gone either way. Kevin was actually playing the exact same list as me, and it sucks he had to sac 3 tepigs to set up. Great game man, one of the best I've played in a long time. You did forget to mention that you N'd me to 1 out of the win 3 turns in a row!! Pretty crucial!!!

I love you though man, you've always been a stand up guy and I'm truly proud of you and happy that someone I consider a friend won regionals in my home state. Keep up the good good hombre, hope to see you again soon!