Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

SSBB Tournament Finals Chompy VS Pokemon99

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I thought I was out cause I lost?

I thought only the losers in the FIRST round get to play again....
I TRULY TRULY am confused....
Ok so if you lose in the winner's bracket, you go to the loser's bracket.
If you lose in the loser's bracket, you are eliminated...

ummmm, i am not playing you this round. XD

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and, i might be able to go on the 2nd for the double cities
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I'm sorry that I wasn't able to play you at all, Pokemon. I've been pretty busy these past few weeks.

Elite_4_Allen: Please PM me or post here when you're available to play.
Pokemon99: Im going to use my friends Wii at the moment, so register this FC: 0602 6328 4236. Let me know when your going to be on wifi.
Pokemon99: Im going to use my friends Wii at the moment, so register this FC: 0602 6328 4236. Let me know when your going to be on wifi.

Oh, hey, I got my GC controller. All I need to do now is make my Fox, Sonic and Wario good again,lol.
Slash doesnt have a PokeGym account. If you want to talk to Slash, use AIM to talk to him and his screen name is SlashX17
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