Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Starting a League


New Member
Starting a League ~

Hello, I am trying to start a League and would like some help. I am not sure how to start a league, or even if I can. I have been playing Pokemon for a while now, and I really love the game. I live in a small town, and the nearest league is about 150 miles away. I have a couple of friends who play, but they are not very good, and they don’t spend the time, money, or energy to become very good. Basically, I just give them a deck and they try, not very enthusiastically, to win with it. And my parents don’t play either, so almost all the practice I get is against myself with proxies. I’m going to Nationals, and hopefully Worlds too, so I really want to get in a lot of practice in before then, playing against other people.

There is a card shop in town that has a nice backroom with tables and chairs. They already have a popular Magic night, and the owner is willing to host a league if he has absolutely no work to do to start it. I’m in the Masters, but am under 18, so I can’t actually run the league. I think we would get at least a few people each week, even if they would only be the little kids at my school who don’t like playing with evolution, energy, or prizes. Actually, the store owner says that Pokemon sold better last year than Yu-Gi-Oh, which is insidiously popular in my area. I would really like to start a league, and if anyone can tell me how to do that, I would appreciate it.

Thanks. :smile:
Tyranitar7 sounds like you got one of the toughest things accomplished already...getting store owner buy in. The next thing would be to get the store owner to submit the league application to get approved. If approved he could make you the league leader and have you do the league reporting (providing you have internet access either there or at home). Setup a day/time with the store owner to run league (generally 2 hours a week). If you both want to you could do twice a week (one weekday and one weekend). Then make up some league flyers to promote and put in the store but also put up other places (i.e. Wal-Mart, Grocery stores, etc...) to promote. Once the word gets out you may be amazed how many will show up. Good luck!!!
Like Feraligatr says, getting a store location and a sponsor is your biggest hurdle. Check out your town and find places for free advertisement: the local newspaper, parent magazines, community bulletin boards at grocery stores, the library, schools, YMCA, etc. In your "ad" mention beginners welcome and all ages welcome, etc. Don't forget the magic word "FREE" but mention --bring your own deck. Once you get players to show up, talk to them! That may sound like a given, but I've been to leagues where it's hard to determine who is the person in charge, they don't say "Hello" and I have no clue what to do. I'd say expect your first batch of players to be new or to be players returning to the game with old cards. If possible try and have some little door prize each week. this can be some random cards or a POP pack or two. Have on hand a theme deck or a 40 card beginner deck to loan for the day to teach the new players. Once you get a family or two coming and they are happy, they tell their friends, who tell their friends, etc.
It's a bit of work and you may have to have a league for a while before you attract someone who is competition for you. Once you have a league formed you'll be on the OP website and those Pokemon players in the area will find you. Being a league organizer looks good on a resume!

Have fun!

best wishes,