Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Survey on your beliefs about the current metagame

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New Member
Hi, guys. I'm not a competitive player, but a pokedad with a son just sticking his toe into juniors.

In real life, I am a university professor and I teach statistics and game theory among other things. I can't help myself but try to apply these things to understand the game a bit better.

If you're interested, help me out and fill out the survey in the link below. It asks you to rate how often you would expect each deck to win in matchups among ten decks (in the current format heading into States).

If there are enough responses and the results are interesting, I'll circulate a summary. There aren't any sensitive questions and I won't have any way of knowing who you are individually, unless you tell me, but all individual responses will be kept completely confidential. Feel free to pass the link on to other players.

Thanks for any help, and good luck in States!


Apologies for cross-posts.
This is a really awesome idea! I filled out the survey, it'll be cool to see what people think.
My belief is this format is the second suckiest we've ever had, surpassed only by last years format.
in defense at least every game was like 5 minutes, hgss-bw the games were really long and sucked, so i'll give it some of a defense.
My belief is this format is the second suckiest we've ever had, surpassed only by last years format.

Last years states was bad, but not as bad as what we currently have. This is the worst format we've had since we rotated to HGSS-ON.
Sorry if I missed this somewhere... but what the heck is Darkrai/Goodstuff? Further more, this survey needs to be fleshed out a bit... the deck options are EXTREMELY ambiguous. I think this is a good idea, but things like Darkrai/Goodstuff or Terrakion EX + or Lugia EX + are not specific enough. I can think of a dozen unique decks that these could represent which have very different match-ups across the board.
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What, you actually LIKED the Sabledonk format?
I don't think anyone disagrees that that was an unfortunate end of a format to what was once a celebrated decision (to rotate to MD-On).

It sounds like players would have liked to have rotated to something else instead of HGSS-On.
The Sabledonk format lasted for one set of BRs, so it doesn't really count.

HGSS-on was much worse than we have now. All those Reversal flips deciding matches.
Maybe I'm missing something. This sounds like "Tell me what you're playing and what beats it". Playtest the matches. Record your own experience/data. Answer the survey if you all like; but I'm not comfortable with handing over freely my experience. If you want decklists, I'm a bit more understanding. Pokemon is unique when it comes to deck construction.Vanilla lists rarely ever outperform 'experienced' ones. But the only way to KNOW each matchup is to play them. Your data will be biased and flawed unless each person answering has done extensive testing for each one. Asking for massive theorymon data is like inviting yourself to be convinced that Lost World/ Gengar will be BDIF.

Admit it. This is your way of figuring out what deck your kid should play to max their possibility of winning/performing well? As a fellow pokedad; the answer is "Whatever they are most comfortable with".

Maybe I'm missing something. This sounds like "Tell me what you're playing and what beats it". Playtest the matches. Record your own experience/data. Answer the survey if you all like; but I'm not comfortable with handing over freely my experience. If you want decklists, I'm a bit more understanding. Pokemon is unique when it comes to deck construction.Vanilla lists rarely ever outperform 'experienced' ones. But the only way to KNOW each matchup is to play them. Your data will be biased and flawed unless each person answering has done extensive testing for each one. Asking for massive theorymon data is like inviting yourself to be convinced that Lost World/ Gengar will be BDIF.

Admit it. This is your way of figuring out what deck your kid should play to max their possibility of winning/performing well? As a fellow pokedad; the answer is "Whatever they are most comfortable with".

This is just a silly response to this. Is Pokemon really such serious business that you aren't willing to ever divulge your opinions on a format? Is this game really SO competitive that we all can't have some fun discovering what public opinion believes the best decks to be?

This survey is fun. It's interesting. It gives us all a very general idea of what people believe the best decks currently are. What is does NOT do it tell us what decks actually ARE the best decks. It's just a fun statistical experiment that can actually be somewhat helpful to all of us since it can give us a general idea of what decks will be played in what numbers at States. Of course, to any halfway decent player, that should be obvious; it's not hard to determine what people are going to be playing. But still, it's fun to see gathered statistical information to validate one's own opinions.
What, you actually LIKED the Sabledonk format?

You mean the 1 month format that ceased to exist almost immediately and was in effect for insignificant BR's? Yeah. At least pulling off the donk required half your deck. Not a Mewtwo or Tornadus/Virbank/DCE/Laser GG. The only reason this isn't sabledonk all over again is the ridiculous HP on these EX's, but you can't play anything that's not a huge HP EX or else you DO get donked.
I presume the context is based off what is currently available card wise (so BW-PLS) ??
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