Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

T8 Great Lakes Regionals report (masters) POTION FTL


New Member
Wow, its about bloody time I did well at a tournament. I know you dont want to hear about my "amazing" 4 hour drive from Indianapolis to Tecumseh, MI, so Im going to replace that part with three tiny dots. ... I ended up playing Shiftry EX/Houndoom. There were 59 players in the masters division, so it was 6 rounds of swiss with a T16 cut.

Round 1: David Broker - Flygon EX d
I know he's mad when I flip over my 3rd mulligan and he sees the Shiftry EX, because he knows he has the loss. After about 20 minutes of the judge talking, we got started. I got an early Shiftry like I was supposed to, along with a Nuzleaf for the Latios EX d. He's the best person I know with that deck, but he can't pull it off.


Round 2: Scott Faust - Raieggs
Im so lucky. Getting paired with 2 good players from the start. Unfortunately I am playing a 30-70 matchup in his favor. He had a lone Exeggute vs my Lickitung, if he didnt top deck the transciever, I would have had an early win. From the start, I go with the Lickitungs and the Dooms for attacking, but it wasn't enough. I mananged to take this game all the way to the time, but I lost.


Round 3: Kim Alen - Metanite
This had to have been a bad Metanite, as I she didnt do anything for like 5 turns. Blade Arms FTW.


Lunch break. Mmmm.... greasy sandwich.

Round 4: John Cantrell - Sallygross
Kudos to John. But everything he had tried to throw at me, I found away to throw it back. I just kept Target Attacking his Bagons and Shelgons, as I had the Doom lock on him the entire game. When the Sally EX's came out, I was worried, but I found ways around them. He scooped with 3 cards left in his deck.


Round 5: David Brown - Kingdra EX swarm
I knew it wasn't good when David Broker shook his head at me when he saw my opponents hand, because he laid down Horseas. -_- I struggled to get anything set up that I could. When I did, I put him into a position where I could knock out his only pokemon with energy. I had the perfect amount. Just knock out the Lickitung and... POTION!?!? WHO PLAYS POTION!? Gah! I lose because after that, he swarms me and my weakness. He eventually gets top cut. With potions.


All that I had to do was win this next match and I was in the top cut. I was the highest of the 3-2's after round 5. The nervousness was overwhelming.

Round 6: Jackie Wheeler - Feebas.dec
I go first. My lone Lickitung vs her lone Feebas d. Psychic energy. IM SUCH A LUCKSAC!!


Im in the T16 12th seed. Tim Spurling is as well along with Foisy, Moss, Fulop, Faust, etc. etc. Go figure.
Im playing Bannete EX. Some people get all of the luck. :tongue:

Top 16: Tyler Fryman - Speed Bannete
First off, this guy went like 3-15 on ER2 and Reversal flips. Again, lucksac.
First Game: I got 2 Shiftrys out. GG
Second Game: I dont draw any energy and he just gets 3 Bannetes out.
Thrid Game: I put myself in a situation where I could take out anything he put my way. GG

Mmmm... T8 gets pizza.

Top 8: Sean Foisy - Metanite
People say I have this matchup, but I think Metanite is just so techy that it can get around anything.
First Game: SOMEHOW I manage to win this one. Im not quite sure how though...
Second Game: He gets a Metagross EX out and plows through my set-up. My curse stone being prized doesn't help at all.
Third Game: Again, he gets set up incredibly fast. In the very end, I manage to get out a Shiftry EX with 2 energy. He has 2 prizes left. He shows me the switch, Lugia EX, and Castform with the Dragonite d and Metagross DX on the bench. -_-

So yeah, there is nothing wrong with T8. Foisy ended up winning it all so I got 5th. :smile: I traded in some of my 18 packs of PK for DF and ended up pulling Skarmory EX, Gardevoir EX, and Altaria EX. Not bad.

Shiftry EX
Feebas for being so inferior
Tim Spurling and his daughter for both making the top cut
Alex "Lemon" Ade, who rode up with us, for getting 17TH on a T16 cut. ><
Anyone else
Foisy for being a Red Wings fan

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well done man. New archytpe in the making. But take out the Houndoom. Trust me. You'll hear more about this deck in the next coming hours/days.
Nice to hear you did so well! Wish I could have said the same. I take it you'll listen to every single word I say in the future. Good to know, really.
I'll second the sentiment.... Potion FTL!!!!!! Metallic Thunder for 90 - WAIT! - Two Kingdras are out, so MT for 70 -- WAIT -- 3 potions = Metallic Thunder for 10 :lol: :lol:
game 3 was a close one it would've been closer had my crystal shard not been prized and i could actually land a reversal/er2 flip but oh well.

GG dude,
Yah Umbreon you didn't get Fifth. It goes by SEED. You were the 12th seed; you can figure it out. I was the highest seed to lose in the Top 16 (2nd), therefore I got 9th place, like anyone cares nor does it matter. Just tell people you got Top 8.

Gj, though. I like the deck.