Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Tariner Lock Deck

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New Member
This is my deck. I hope you can help me with it.

Pokemon 22

4-4 Mismagius CL
2-1-2 Vileplume UD
2-2 Beartic
2-2 Slowking
1 Manaphy

Trainers 9

2 Rare Cnady
2 Switch
2 Junk Arm
3 pokemon Communication

Supporters 16

2 Seeker
1 Juniper
3 Collector
1 Flowrshop
2 Judge
1 Twins
1 Sage

Energy 13

6 Psychic
3 water
2 Rescue

The Stratagy is simple. Lock with Vile plume then Use poltergeist for alot of damage because of the trainers in hand. Beartic is after because i can use him to trap my opponent and they cant use switch to change. If I ever come to a spot when i need to use a trainer i can seeker up vileplume.

I hope someone can help me with it.
I wouldn't want to run Junk Arm or Switch in this. I'd drop those for a 3rd Rare Candy, a 4th Pokemon Communication and a 4th Collector. Also with a huge supporter count, chances are Juniper will hurt you more than it helps you so I'd drop that for another PONT. Also I'm not really a fan of PETM because it can't save you from a bad hand. I'd try dropping those for 2 more Twins. As far as Flowershop, you already have 6 attackers so it's not really necessary. I'd try dropping that for another Sage.

And then for the Seekering Vileplume if you follow the above changes you'll only be using Communication and Rare Candy in the deck. After you get Vileplume out, the only trainer of any use is Communication, and I don't think it's really worth running the Seekers just to use Communication. Try dropping those for a 4th Twins and a 3rd Sage.

The Judge goes against what the deck is trying to do. You're trying to clog your opponent's hand and dropping it down to 4 lowers Mismagius' damage. Try dropping those for Copycats because if your opponent's hand is a bunch of trainers they can't play it usually gets pretty big late-game.

Those core changes should help the deck with setting up a lot. Another thing you could try is Cleffa over Manaphy - it does have lower HP but because all of the basics in the deck have a retreat cost you can't retreat and use Manaphy in the same turn.

I'm assuming that your reasoning for running the Slowking is to make them draw more trainers. That's not bad on paper but you have to remember a couple things: first, the trainers don't go into their hand right away so it doesn't instantly increase Poltergeist's damage. Secondly, Slowpoke has 2 retreat, which is really bad on a basic. And 3rd, with only 80 HP, Slowking is an easy snipe target. I see Slowking's synergy in the deck so it's okay to leave it in, but I'd suggest taking it out. Doing this, you could add in a 4th Sage's Training, a 3rd Oddish and either a 1-1 Sunflora line (see next paragraph) or a Copycat and 1 card of your choice. The 3rd Oddish is good because Oddish are really easy to snipe early in the game and you don't want to be stuck without a Vileplume.

My last suggestion would really shake the deck's core, but think about trying Yanmega Prime in this over Beartic. Vileplume helps make it easier to match the opponent's hand size because they can't play as many cards in their hand. Also if you did this, you could run a lot less types of energy - there would be no need for the DCE or the Water. Yanmega's snipe attack is nice and the free 70 can be great at times. Also the basic has free retreat and free retreat is great in this format. It helps to have a fast attacker a lot in this format. And Yanmega is a really popular card, which hinders the use of Beartic (because they can just retreat to a different Yanmega). Because Yanmega and Vileplume share the same type, Sunflora is a great card to add in to search stuff out after you can't use Communication. If you did add Yanmega in, I'd try going 4-4 on it and then 2-2 on the Mismagius. It changes the idea behind the deck a little, but I like Mismagius as a late-game card to take big prizes more than I like it as a main attacker. Yanmega works great with it because Mismagius takes 2 energy to power up and you can spam Yanmegas while setting it up. If you add in Yanmega you could also change the energy line to be something like 3 Rescue, 2 Grass and 8 Psychic or 4 Rescue and 9 Psychic. I know it's not common to run grass in the deck but it really helps when you're in a pinch.

Hopefully this helps you out a lot, and have fun with the deck!
Those core changes should help the deck with setting up a lot. Another thing you could try is Cleffa over Manaphy - it does have lower HP but because all of the basics in the deck have a retreat cost you can't retreat and use Manaphy in the same turn.

I would personally stick with Manaphy. Cleffas can get donked by Tyrogue or even Zorua, and can be sniped or catchered easy as pie. Not to mention once you've got an energy on manaphy, its attack is gaurunteed to work until it's KO'd, whereas Cleffa can stay asleep and screw you over if you needed to use EEK! again on turn 2, meanwhile while you're getting your stage 2 Vileplume set up your opponent might use a catcher and KO or damage something else. Also, if it's on the bench with very little damage, Manaphy can take a couple rounds of sniping before it is KO'd. I've run a Blastoise/Floatzel deck with two Manaphy and seem to start most games with manaphy active (you could even run a 3rd), so having to retreat and use Manaphy on the same turn is an uncommon situation. Not to mention, I usually get enough draw power from Supporters like PONT that I will end up with cards I need for the next turn and will not need to use Manaphy's Deep Sea Swirl on turn one. In those situations, it's nice to use Manaphy to just get in a quick 20 damage, 40 if you're up against something weak against water like Phanpy or Cyndaquil.

I say stick with Manaphy, but its really up to you.

PS, I'm working on a Beartic/Vileplume deck as well. Good luck with it!
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I would personally stick with Manaphy. Cleffas can get donked by Tyrogue or even Zorua, and can be sniped or catchered easy as pie.

Running 1 Cleffa will not get you donked very often at all. As long as it wins you more games than it loses you it's a good card in the deck. And as far as snipe targets, you simply should NEVER play Cleffa down if you're not going to use the attack. Tyrogue is seeing a drop in play - there are more important cards to put into your deck now. Because if you're going first with a Collector and they open lone baby you're probably winning either way and his stalling capabilities are all but gone.

Not to mention once you've got an energy on manaphy, its attack is gaurunteed to work until it's KO'd, whereas Cleffa can stay asleep and screw you over if you needed to use EEK! again on turn 2, meanwhile while you're getting your stage 2 Vileplume set up your opponent might use a catcher and KO or damage something else.

If you're ever using these shuffle-draw attacks more than once during a game, you've already lost. That's two turns of potential prizes completely given up. Also if your deck gives you those kinds of hands twice in a row you should be considering re-working your list. The 25% chance excluding any switches or Catchers they play is slim enough it's more or less irrelevant. Besides, if you're immune and they don't kill you the prizes haven't changed at all so you're not a disadvantage. With Manaphy they can Catcher around it just as easily. You flat out should NOT be planning your game around a 60HP basic in the active position surviving to the next turn.

Also, if it's on the bench with very little damage, Manaphy can take a couple rounds of sniping before it is KO'd. I've run a Blastoise/Floatzel deck with two Manaphy and seem to start most games with manaphy active (you could even run a 3rd), so having to retreat and use Manaphy on the same turn is an uncommon situation.

With Catcher, Manaphy is basically as much of a free prize as Cleffa. If they're running Yanmega, only an inexperienced player will snipe the Cleffa right away anyway. Doing so only gives you an extra bench space and leaves more important parts of your setup unharmed. They will take the Cleffa as their last prize or when they truly have no other options and need to maintain the prize lead. If it's the latter, you probably win anyway. If you're running only 2 Manaphy and you usually open it, you're flat out lucky. With 4 Manaphy you should only be opening it around half the time. Besides, more than 1 Manaphy is overkill in any deck.

Not to mention, I usually get enough draw power from Supporters like PONT that I will end up with cards I need for the next turn and will not need to use Manaphy's Deep Sea Swirl on turn one. In those situations, it's nice to use Manaphy to just get in a quick 20 damage, 40 if you're up against something weak against water like Phanpy or Cyndaquil.

Using Manaphy for 20 damage is a luxury reserved for decks running a high count of Water energy. This deck and decks in general don't have that energy count. Also, Manaphy is an absolutely horrible attacker. You shouldn't ever be using the 20 damage attack. It's a wasted attachment.

I say stick with Manaphy, but its really up to you.

The deck that placed 2nd at worlds ran 6 30 HP Basics. The winning deck ran Cleffa. Pretty much every deck that cut ran Cleffa. You HAVE to listen to the best deck lists out there, because they're obviously doing something right. You're arguing against the results of one of the most respected tournaments of the year.

PS, I'm working on a Beartic/Vileplume deck as well. Good luck with it!
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