Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

TER - Team Europe Returns (?)

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New Member
Back in 2001 …

The decision of Wizards that there will be no European qualifier for the ECSTS 2001 is made public.

Some European players don’t understand why they don’t have the same opportunity to play at the STS as our US friends.

A Norvegian player, Eskil Vestre, has an idea : the creation of an European community of Pokemon players.

Quickly joined by Jonah Asih from Finland and by myself, Team Europe was born.
Shortly, players from all over Europe (Norway, Finland, Germany, Belgium, UK, Holland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, …) joined the Team.

What did Team Europe want ? The same opportunity for the European players as for the US players to qualify for the STS in New York.
After a lot of letters and emails to Wizards showing the togetherness and the dedication to the game of that European community of players, an email sent by Wizards to Eskil announced that Wizards had changed their minds. STS Qualifiers would be organized in Europe again.

But Team Europe hasn't been concerned about STSQ only, many other topics have been discussed by Wizards and TE.

When I’ve met the MT’s at the STS in New York, and later in San Diego or Seattle, we’ve of course talked about Team Europe.
They really enjoyed that idea and were very positive about that community. Why ? They heard one voice coming from Europe, one voice representing the European concerns, instead of having a lot of sounds coming from a lot of countries.

The MT’s and Wizards staff also liked the idea of a community of players talking about the game in their part of the World, bringing ideas, sharing experiences.
And the ‘Team Europe Veterans’ will remember the fun we’ve had every time we’ve met at tournaments all over the World. ;)

This is history

but when I read all the topics and posts about Pokemon in Europe, I’m feeling back in 2001. :rolleyes:

Wouldn’t it be easier and more productive to talk to PUI with one European voice instead of the huge amount of letters, mails and phone calls they must receive from Europe ?

If some points are specific to each country, the great majority of our questions, problems and concerns are the same all accross Europe.

Would PUI accept that communication channel ? I don’t know. I’m not sure the attempts made by Marsh (Skywolf) last year have been very productive despite all the time and energy he put in the defense of the ‘European question’.

But what do we have to lose ? Some time to collect all the individual questions, problems, ideas, suggestions, and to prepare a positive document for PUI about these points.

Time for a ‘Team Europe Returns‘ ?
Ooooh, I wonder if there will be Eskil ex in the new set? :D

I don't think it would hurt. I imagine that many who do not speak English have a very hard time conveying their messages to Pokemon USA . An organization that could be a comment box for Europe could be a way for more voices (collectively) to be heard by those in Seattle who are working hard with the game in the Americas.
A potentially timely post Michel... from what I have heard ..

I think resurrection of Team Europe is an excellent idea and maybe we should look to reinstate some team Europe Boards and a TE Chat so we can guage the level of commitment?

My only fear is that the commited few will be those that are active in TE and PUI/POP already know us ;)
Nice history. Made me feel all nostalgic. :') But don't forget SauroN and Freddy K! I wouldn't ever have gotten anywhere without their help and support. And I'm not even sure if it was me or SauroN who first came up with the idea of the TE website.

There are two reasons why I stopped updating http://team-europe.vestre.net, and they are:

1. Less activity on the boards
Team Europe's role on the boards became smaller and smaller, and our gigantic 20-page Team Europe-topics were missing (and missed?).

2. The company I work for became the new distributor of the Pokémon TCG in Norway
It felt weird to update an official website for Pokémon (www.pokemon.no) and an unofficial (team-europe.vestre.net) at the same time. I also feared that I wouldn't be taken seriously as a Team Europe member and webmaster when I had become a "company man". I've always wanted Team Europe to be unofficial and independent, and we used to be in a constant "friendly conflict" with Wizards, complaining whenever something wasn't right. I loved people like Harlan, MTM and DMTM, though, and my dream when becoming part of a distributor was to do something for the game and its players in the same way these guys did - at least in Norway.

However, if anyone wants to continue updating the Team Europe website, I would be very happy. If anyone wants to, I will upload the entire website to their FTP and let them edit and update it the way they like, and make the team-europe.vestre.net address redirect to the new FTP server.

Who wants to go for it? Michel ex or Freddy ex? And while I don't think I'll be your Eskil ex, I would love to be your Supporter card Eskil's Advice. Or Professor Eskil's Research?
Ben, at least we won't be anymore spare voices, but 1 big shout :)

I think this is a great idea to resurrect TE, I was thinking to do a similar thing with a Professor association, but TE may have regular players too, and may have more success when taking to PUI :)
When Eskil's Advice will be published by the Norway distributor? ;)
mmm, I am changing my mind here now and I am not yet convinced of the need for TE as opposed to the need for potential TE members to post...

We have heard little of peoples Pre-release experiences how did they go for you? Why did Germany not run any the first weekend? What is happening in Europe with CCs? Who has been approached yet, what dates?

Where are your tournaments being listed here??

Perhaps we need to be more vocal with or without a label..
Just another thought for the pile .. even if TE returns who do they communicate this one big voice to? PUI/POP have told us time and time again speak to your distributor about local issues and PUI/POP abiout issues with the distributor..

What we have seen little of generally is a willingness to listen.. do you really think TE returning will change that?
Sorry if repeat another time what I think.
PUI has contracts with european distributor. Only breaking contracts with inefficient distributors and treating directly with TO, Professors or any other association the game can restart effciently in Europe.
TE could be a good thing but only if PUI recognize it.

A question for Michel....why 1 year of silence? Why only now do you come back to Pokemon?
I have great greivance for the way things are going for you guys over there. My opinion, Team Europe should return, you have the support of Team Shadow here in Washington, and I believe I speak for all of the Team Shadow members when I say this.....To hell with those distributors. They don't seem to be doing the job they were asked to do. I am very sorry for you guys. You have the ultimate support of Team Shadow. May Team Europe be heard.
Some answers :)

Tego, please forgive me ... I had forgotten to mention Sauron and Freddy, but I don't forget them ;)
I understand that it's difficult for you to be the leader of TE and work for the distributor at the same time.
I think we'll need all the 'old' and 'new' people involved in Pokemon in Europe, but the first thing to know is if people are interested in the idea.
Team europe alone is not really TE :D

Rainbowgym, TE has always be open to ALL the European Pokemon players !

'Pro : sure we're most of the time sent back to the distributor. The distributors are 'local', TE would be 'European'. TE wouldn't talk about the problem with one specific distributor, but about the global situation in Europe and how our community think that the quality of POP can be improved. And I'm sure that only a few points solved could really improve POP all accross Europe.

POP is, according to PUI, 'International'. If I do understand that word, which is the same in french, it doesn't mean a 'local' POP at all. Would we imagine, for example, a different prize structure for tournaments in Arizona, California, Florida, Washington, ... ? Of course not, but it's what we see in Europe. These states have borders like we have in Europe, and these states are all members of the USA like our countries are member of the EEC :p When US players talk, they talk for their country, no matter if they're from the East or the West Coast. When we talk in Europe it's most of the time about the situation in our own country and not the global situation in Europe.
And you know as well as me that there is no more difference between an Italian and a Danish than between a Texan and a New Yorker ;)

Of course, PUI may close the door, or even not open it. Of course European people may keep on posting here or emailing PUI and their distributors like they do for months. But are we happy with the results of that ?
PUI is responsible for the game worldwide and the global politic of POP. They have someone working on International POP. I would be surprised that they shouldn't listen to the voice of a community of people representing different countries of their market.
In 2001, the door was really closed by Wizards, and ... ;)

Prof Donphan, do you sometimes come on the pokegym ? ;) If you do, you may not have missed the fact that I do post here almost every week since ... before Team Europe.
I've never quit Pokemon as a player, even if i've decided, for different reasons, to stop running and judging events.
If you're talking about 1 year of silence of TE, you'll find the answer in Tego's post. He was the man behind TE.

To my US friends who have either posted on the boards or sent me emails or private messages : thanks a lot for your support ;)
I have more fear about the game when I see the rarity of some cards, than when OP is not working.
Players are stepping out because it will cost a fortune to create a deck and this is getting worser and worser.
While in R\S you could find 6 EX pokemon each box, there are now only 2 EX pokemon each box (as it looks now after opening 2).

Sets are released to fast behind each other and they are too expensive.
Most players can't afford it and get frustrated and step out.
This is going to be more and more a problem, most people don't have much to spend and certainly not on CARDS.
Our economical situation is bad, very bad and people are not spending money.
Alle they buy is what they need in first place (food, drink, houserent) and luxery things as tradingcards are not on that list.

This game is promoted here for kids age 8-12, were on earth do they have to money to spend on cards.
All I like to say, this game is going to die in some countries, not only due a lack of support, but also due the impossebility to get the cards you need for a deck.
I think it's time for Team Europe to rise from the ashes, too! But first off let me say that Pokemon TCG here in Norway is alive and kicking as never before. If you measure by sales (shot me here Eksil if I'm wrong, but you sell loadsa cards nowadays, right?), by League attendence or by activity at the official norwegian Pokemon board, you'll see norwegian Pokemon TCG is on the rise. We've had 6 prerelease tournaments, we have updated League Kits (for the moment at least), full access to most and newest sets in several stores, we tripled attendance at nationals this year compared to the last one etc etc.

Now I suspect this is not the case in many other European countries. Why? Because local distributors and TO's are "moneymen" and not "gamemen"?

I'd hate to see Europe left behind on sanctioned play again. Man, I was scared back in those days when WoTC turned their backs on us...

An up and running TE to share european concerns and ideas, and put them into one (loud) voice is an investment for the future of Pokemon in Europe.

I don't have enough time to run the whole TE site myself, but I volounteer to modarate, write or otherwise help out in any way I can.

Rainbowgym: I agree cards are expensive, but for those kids with parents who understandes the quality of the game, it's a hobby like any other. And sports equipment are not cheap too you know. OP is what makes Pokemon TCG grow, that's my experience at least.
I had a long reply that got lost in the post a few days back... =|

I think one good move would be to make sure that the Europeans feature as heavily as the Japanese for example did at Worlds with consistently good decks. Having someone do extremely well, or rather many people, could help European players to justify more investment in OP over here (as it's clear that we can't do it just through buying boosters). Europe's good players need a place to get together. Europe also needs to try and get on top of the metagame to be a force on the world stage.

STSQs when they went killed off the European Team, that and the few opportunities in WotC's last year in charge of getting a trip to the World Stage especially if your were 15+. The Prof program was harsh on European 15+ players at that time.

I think there is not much that we can do as European players but if Team Europe mkII is going to happen you have my support. I would want gaming experience and the sharing of strategy to be honed through the movement, I wouldn't want it just to be something that TOs have as a medium for moaning and groaning about how they don't like Nintendo because they don't get badges. I say this as a player playing a game competitively for opportunities to play on the World Stage, that's all.

A final thought - When JMSchosse did the impossible in 2001 it was at a time that every European had a deck that was competitive - Typlosion or Feraligatr variants. The standard of European decks from European decks that I saw played at Worlds is very much behind those played in the USA or Japan, in terms of consistency and reliability overall - this was reflected of course in the final standings.

Freddy K. said:
.. I think there is not much that we can do as European players but if Team Europe mkII is going to happen you have my support. I would want gaming experience and the sharing of strategy to be honed through the movement, I wouldn't want it just to be something that TOs have as a medium for moaning and groaning about how they don't like Nintendo because they don't get badges. I say this as a player playing a game competitively for opportunities to play on the World Stage, that's all...
But surely the US got the metagame just as wrong at Worlds this year? I don't want another board or talking shop for decks and strategy god knows there are enough of those and the l33ts have the closed boards too.

What we need is to see you posting here more FK and for the rest of Europe to join us.. TE whatever is no substitute to posting on the important subjects. As a l33t player Freddy I understand you wanting more chances to win and show high in the rankings at major tourneys, as an organiser and player I want that too for you, but I want my players to have the opportunity as well and more of it. And I cringe when I see the inequality between here in the UK and just across the water in Holland, let alone the difference between that and the US!

How much would you shout if the UK only gave 1 booster pack at a pre-release and charged £18 to play?? We need a worldwide OP programe that does away with one site for US and another hidden for the rest of the world. If TE Helps us get that then I am for it.. if all it is for is honing decks and winning a trip to the US then there are plenty of other opportunities for that FK .. maybe you need to resurrected the TUK site?
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But surely the US got the metagame just as wrong at Worlds this year? I don't want another board or talking shop for decks and strategy god knows there are enough of those and the l33ts have the closed boards too.

What happened at Worlds was that a lot of people prepared for the US metagame and not the Japanese one. We didn't realise that a large contingent of players would all be playing the same deck, Team Magma. I and I'm sure Eric Craig for example (Stadium Challenge Champion) would not have played our Shiftry decks! It was a learning experience for sure. Metagaming wasn't as important as sheer speed and consistency with the Magma decks, there were lots of cards from the set that did go under the radar - Magma Energy for one, TM Zangoose for another.
My point being where the American players got things wrong they made up for it in terms of good play and decision making. The European players didn't figure at all, I did find that players from the same countries tended to stick together. I contrast this with San Diego's STS, we playtested with German players as we knew them from the STSQs. We also played against the Dutch, Swedish players, Danish and Belgians. I have to say none of that really happened as far as I could see. I knew quite a few American players from previous trips to the US and met new players through them. There wasn't that fear of playing a European player in the main event as there really was no European metagame as such. The decklists of the winners from the European National events tended to reveal what I saw as very strange Trainer engines. Granted, TM decklists blew me aside when I saw them in action, but European decks weren't unique in any way, just bad really. I dunno whether that was out of lack of playtesting, or the lack of opportunity to playtest locally, but I'm sure both of those things have a part to play in it somehow.

What we need is to see you posting here more FK and for the rest of Europe to join us.. TE whatever is no substitute to posting on the important subjects. As a l33t player Freddy I understand you wanting more chances to win and show high in the rankings at major tourneys, as an organiser and player I want that too for you, but I want my players to have the opportunity as well and more of it. And I cringe when I see the inequality between here in the UK and just across the water in Holland, let alone the difference between that and the US!

Myself I've just simply been busy, with work and the second Cleffa. Places like Holland definitely have a raw deal absolutely. I wonder sometimes what we can do other than just voice support. I think there's not much we can do at all to be honest. I have come across some of the best players I've known ever who have been Dutch. Damien Swinkels for example. Or Stoney. In terms of metagame I think we really suffered when the 15+ saw no reason to continue. They fell behind on the cards, on collecting and on playing. You need the 15+ to help the 11-14 and 10- to trade with and share strategy - they buy more boosters and not always, but generally, build better decks.

How much would you shout if the UK only gave 1 booster pack at a pre-release and charged £18 to play?? We need a worldwide OP programe that does away with one site for US and another hidden for the rest of the world. If TE Helps us get that then I am for it.. if all it is for is honing decks and winning a trip to the US then there are plenty of other opportunities for that FK .. maybe you need to resurrected the TUK site?

I wouldn't attend the event of course. It's Nintendo's game though, what decisions can we realistically have an influence over? I'm sure Nintendo are aware of the situation in Europe. Maybe we could find out what they want to do with it, I guess a TER could help that happen.

I think what would help immensely would be an official board linked directly off op-pokemon or something. I think that helped generate a lot of the European interest in the past.

I also think that in problem places like the Netherlands they need to sit down like us guys did when things went wrong in the UK, and talk things through about how the Profs can help. Offering help always gets you further with people - how far have they gotten with such moves?

BTW Team UK I will start up again as soon as the CCs are announced... my workload will be a lot easier then. I still work for the magazine though =)

Don't forget about Team Shadow guys. Team Shadow is here to help out with anyone that may be in need of it. I see this situation in Europe as a cry for help. We want to help, because everyone deserves to play this game on equal grounds. Teams Shadow's ultimate goal is to help OP grow equally in all countries. Just ask, and we're there for you.
Freddy K said:
I wouldn't attend the event of course. It's Nintendo's game though, what decisions can we realistically have an influence over? I'm sure Nintendo are aware of the situation in Europe. Maybe we could find out what they want to do with it, I guess a TER could help that happen
If we have no influence and voice; and we have tried very hard to open up channels of communication in the past; and if there is no point as you and a lot of players and TOs suspect then I can't see a point in TE..

If it's just a l33t talking shop then TE's not for me, just as it wasn't last time round. I hope there is room for players and organisers, and I am pleased this discussion has got you involved in the boards again Freddy and I hope you'll stick around :)

Here's to the CCs in 2 months time - we may even have another new set by then!
I remember that either Ukpro or Nopoke was collecting European questions last year.
This was on request of PUI and with the excuse that it was easier to answer that way.

As far as I know there are still questions of that email to be answered by PUI.
So that gives me reason to think they will even not take a TE serious.

As the situation in Holland concerns
The National Distributor does NOT want us in.
So even if OP is going to be equal worldwide, than we still don't have a change to be part of it.
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