Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

TFG tourney report (double elimination)


New Member
TFG tourney report (double elimination)

Attendance - 7 people
rounds - 4 or something
best 2/3 games
admission - FREE!
My team

round 1 Mike peral Team -meowth,murkrow,murkrow,kyogre,zangoose, 1 more figure that I don't remember

game 1

he beat me pretty fast so I don't really remember

game 2

this was longer, he defended his goal with zangoose and when I attacked wth murkrow he would swords dance the dodge. Eventually I put the double choke on him and it was over.

game 3

He had a misplay and I won Turn 2. Murkrow FTW

Round 2
Robert chirco Team - I don't really remember

Game 1

He took me down before could double chhoke him, his spins were pretty bad though. I lost game 1 so I have to come back

Game 2

I got the choke on him by like turn 5 and almost T2ed him but he longthrowed his lugia. Choke them all!

Game 3

Same as game 2.

Round 3
Gregory Team -spearow, and that was the gamebreaker for the tourney.

Game 1

He spears me by t2 (SPEAROW IS BEAST)

Game 2

I mayed the misplay of attacking the krow game 1, this time I sent out absol to block. This went for a long time but once I double choked him and absolized his lugia, it was over. Whoever wins this basically wins touney because the next opponent would be an easy win.

Game 3

I did everything I could to stop him, but the speared me in the face, nough said. GG Greg

Round 4


I watched greg spear mike peral in the face.
GJ Greg!


Having fun
Getting a murkrow in the 2 pack I got
FREE Tournament!
getting 2nd


Getting speared in the face!

thanx for reading
Choke means lock in your opponent's entry points. A double choke is when you lock both of them in and therefore your opponent can't win unless a miracle happens.
Choke means lock in your opponent's entry points. A double choke is when you lock both of them in and therefore your opponent can't win unless a miracle happens.

Or, yknow, they could just kill the Pokemon on the entry point with one of their Pokemon that's already on the field...
look seriously, if you play 1 long throw and waste it T2 while I murkrow lockyou then you cant use it when I double lock you. And you really like to look at things that you could do in the double choke position, if I faced you I would finish you quicker than Spearow wins the game
Choke means lock in your opponent's entry points. A double choke is when you lock both of them in and therefore your opponent can't win unless a miracle happens.

Wow, we already have TFG slang developing. Perhaps there is hope for it after all....
There isn't enough faith in the TFG because people with TFG break a BUNCH of figures and people watching seem to get discouraged watching it happen. Quite unfortunate.
The figure prices are also expensive for figures, so it'll have some trouble catching on with TCG players, but don't get me wrong, this could catch on and get it's own OP too.
I've played a LOT of battles and i've never had or seen a piece break MID spin. (and I used to play a Ho-Oh) So you have to be really awkward I think so spin and break a piece, as its really easy to spin with relative care.

Now broken figures in boosters at stores....another issue entirly....
charizard will sometimes break midspin because of its weight. Happened to the first one that was opened at the store