Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

The iPad.

I was about to make a thread myself, but you beat me to it. So far, I don't see what's so great. It looks like an oversized iPod Touch. Sure, it'd be cool to read a book on the thing, and the price(500$) is better than I expected, I don't see the point. I know for a fact that FPS games really don't work on a touch screen. Anyone wanna tell me what's so revolutionary about it?
The fact that you can get the 3G model is what makes it far better than the iPod Touch IMO. That and screen size makes all the difference.
Not a fan. They're clearly trying to lure people in by pitching it as a laptop replacement, but it's not even close. A laptop of comparable price runs laps around it.

Also, it's a terrible play on words. I've had to endure people with thick accents calling an iPod an "Aye-pad" for a long time. At this point, I'm conditioned to hate the name.
The idea is cool, but the more important question regarding it is that now that Apple has released a unlocked 3G modem in one of their products, will it mean that the iPhone will soon become available through other carriers?
The interface looked kinda like a Touch as well. And if I were to get something that big I'd rather get a laptop or iMac or Power Mac so that I can run Photoshop/Flash/AfterEffects/etc.
Well, you don't get phone service with the iPad.

That's kind of the appeal for me. I think I would enjoy having a gizmo like the iPhone, but I already have a regular cellphone and don't really need an iPhone. But I would like to utilize some of the things that the iPad features, like the book reader, Brush and several other things, without the need to carry around an actual, full-featured laptop.

That said though, it would be nice if they made it like a full-featured laptop, with things like being able to install additional programs beyond apps, or the ability to multitask (seriously Apple, you KNEW people would want that).

As an on-the-go connected device, I think it will serve its purpose just fine. And if you really want a tablet PC and the iPad just doesn't do it for you, give it a little while, because now that Apple has put one out, every other PC maker is going to be making one, so you'll have plenty to choose from.

As an aside, I can see something like this being very useful for Pokemon judges; being able to have the latest updates to the floor rules and can update standings while moving around a tournament would come in pretty handy! :thumb: