Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Joe Dirt Deck

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New Member
While watching Joe Dirt I heard this statement: "I got the poo on me." Being a fan of Joe Dirt, I had to make the deck:

4 Wyrmpul
4 Seedot
4 Nuzleaf
4 Shiftry
4 Grimer
4 Dark Muk

11 Grass Energy
4 Darkness Energy

4 Celio's Network
4 Rare Candy
4 Rocket's Tricky Gym
3 Stephen's Advive
3 TV Reporter
3 Poke'mon Reversal

The basic strategy is to get out as many shiftrys as possible and a dark muk active. Send their energys back to their hand so they will be unable to attack or retreat. You then use your rocket's tricky gym(4 copies because you have to have it out)to hit the bench. Cards such as Mr. Briney and switch give this deck problems.Blastoise Ex and Gardy too. So this is the "Joe Dirt Deck". Enjoy.
thats my question too.
But i think shiftry isnt that good, well, i dont think its good at all, maybe shift it for dark crobat line would be better, as crobat can do 10 to each pokemon ;)
Hey 2EachHisOwn. I think the deck would function a lot better if you used Vileplume ex as your frontline guy. Dark Muk is a cool idea, but Vileplume ex stops switch completely, and Mr. Briney's Compassion is making your opponent lose progress on their side of the field (unless they manipulate energy, like Metagross Hidden Legends, Dark Draggy, and Sceptile Etrans). You could also stadium lock them with Vex and put down Aqua's Hideout and jack up their retreat cost by one. Also, I don't think a couple or more Rare Candies would hurt, since with Vileplume ex they can't ATM: Rock you, because ATM: Rock is a non-supporter.

GL, I really enjoyed looking at your Dark 'King deck. Keep it up.
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