Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The World Championships: Why Bigger is Better.

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Scizor said:
Absolutely disagree here. You're actually quite wrong. You CAN'T "donksack" Worlds if you aren't invited. Someone that CONSISTANTLY places high at tournaments is going to be going to Worlds, everyone there should be well qualified, moreso than ever before. Less awesome players, yeah, of course, there are a lot of good players, but THIS Worlds will crown a great champion, there's no question.

Funny, I remember Jermy being INVITED and then "donking" worlds. It's not like he got through the door for free.

I bet, if Jermy won Worlds 06, many players would still not accept it because he's not in their clique. They don't like him, and can't accept the fact that he's a GOOD player.

If a foreign National Champion (ie. from Italy or something) ends up winning Worlds 07, I bet all the 'good' players will discredit the win. They just can't accept the fact that they are not on top of everything.

Reducing the numbers at Worlds only gives their arguements more credence.

Zegnarfol said:
Point 1: "It makes sense to have people from ALL OVER the World." It does, and they are. Your concern here is also about there being less representatives from all those countries rather than more. How many representatives were there from each country this year at Worlds, and was every country represented anyway? The changes for next Worlds seem to guarantee a complete representation of players world-wide, rather than the enormous skew to a few countries only. The proportion of representation has been so distorted that some countries (if represented at all) only had a token presence amongst the juggernauts. The new system redresses this imbalance and nearly equalizes representation. Numbers aren't what make Worlds a universal championship, its the representation. Also, Worlds in Hawaii is not limited to one event, at least it hasn't been announced so. The side events should satisfy those who didn't make the top cut.

Prepare to be pied.:tongue:

1 representitive from any country hardly means anything. If that 1 player does terrible (let's use Italy again), than consensus will be that their country must suck as well.

I did the math in another thread, and showed that if the US has a pathetic 4 representitives at Worlds this year, than the rest of the World will lose TWENTY-FOUR invites PER AGE GROUP.

Let's try something on the fly here. Japan has 10 invites per A.G., if we bring them down to 4, we still have to remove 18. Canada had 7, so let's cut them to 4 also. Mexico has 4, and I can't see that changing with the kind of numbers they throw around. We still have 15 to cut. Norway and France have 4, UK, Finland, Germany, Czech rep, Chile, Belgium, and Argentina each had 3 last year (as far as I can tell), If we cut all of them to 2, that means we've cut 20 invites outside of the United States. We still have to cut 4, and I have NO IDEA where they are being cut from.

In short, at least 14 countries lose invites this coming year. None that I can see gain any invites.

So tell me, WHO WINS?

EDIT: Just realized, I completely disregarded Invites given out on continental ratings. I have no idea how to account for those.

Point 2: "A small tournament seems less important to the playing public." That's not how I feel as a player. To play the best-of-the-best, rather than a statistically skewed base of players in a small number countries, is more meaningful - quality rather than quantity. This bigger numbers argument isn't necessarily consistent with players being apathetic to a tournament. If the games are challenging, the focus is then on the competitive challenge, rather than on the "I beat a thousand players, only 10 of which really challenged me", over "I beat 64 players where most of the games where a challenge." I reckon this set up is great for player interest and now publicity can be emphasized on the intensity of game-play rather than the immensity of the representation.

I think that bigger tournaments will always recieve more attention than their smaller counterparts. I'm not saying that people will completely disregard it, but with the extremely reduced numbers, and putting Worlds in a place where there will be zero spectators to the main event, I find it hard to believe that the hype will be the same as previous years.

Point 3: Agreed.


Point 4: "Worlds should logically be the HARDEST event of the Pokemon year." Well, was it "hard" because there was more chance of lucking out on draws and math-ups? Why would it be less hard to play a more diverse metagame with more likelihood of unexpected match-ups in the new set-up? The best players will still be the best players and the best of them will be at Worlds playing. Sure, it may be said that the best 10 players from a renowned OP country will beat the 10 best from any other country, but that, in my opinion, is only speculation, since the evidence doesn't support this view.

Less matches will always make it easier for matchups to play a part. Now, 1 terrible matchup means alot more to your record than before.

The more players there are, the more top-level skill there will be as well.

Point 5: "It’s what most players want." The representational value of these polls is iffy. However, the first poll indicated that 64% preferred other reasons that big, premier events (only 64 views). Hopefully Worlds next year will change that. The second poll had "More trips/invites for people outside U.S" equal topping - 25% (only 53 views). So it seems the new set-up is perfectly catering for that need. Poll three shows more than 50% interested in a category other than a trip to worlds (only 46 views). I picked a trip as well. As things go, the more difficult it is to get a prize, the more it is valued and esteemed by the individual and the community. The Toyota has now become a Lexus syndrome.

Those polls may not be perfect, but they show a trend. And that trend says that WORLDS is what the players want.

The chance of all those Polls agreeing, but NOT being what the players really want is very small indeed.
I'll eat a little crust of that humble pie on point 4. I think that that odd match up could prove disastrous, as you say. However, everyone would be in the same situation, so I'm not sure how that will pan out. It most likely allows for a greater degree of surprise outcomes. The metagame would be very difficult to read with the likelihood of more than the usual amount of rogue (or unaccounted for) decks. I think that would add to the appeal though, and certainly make it tougher and therefore more rewarding to get through each round intact.

I've speculated that a small nation like Australia will increase their participation under the new system, moving from one player with a paid trip to another one to three players with paid trips for each age group. I'm much more excited about even such a small rise in the number of players being able to attend Worlds. However, I can empathize with other countries who have been spoiled with invites having their numbers reduced dramatically, but not enough to see the greater benefit of having the Worlds actually being Worldly.

Look, if players can't get hyped up enough to really want to attend Worlds under the new system, then I just don't get it. In my view these are likely pros: There will be greater prestige, more prizes, more surprise match-ups, more exotic locations, more cultural intermingling and cosmopolitan feel. The big con: it's likely that some of the better players in strong OP countries will miss out on getting to Worlds. and that the players from other countries didn't get a chance to prove their worth against them. This may influence people to judge the new World's winner as not the best player in the World (unless that person is also the National champion of one of those major OP countries). Now that would be a shame, as I think the SotG and the funness factor would loose out. I think we need to put the con aside if it means we can't have an equalized representation world-wide.

In consideration of the con, I reckon there's every chance that Grinders will make a comeback in one form or another. I think that it might have been asking too much of the Team to have Worlds in Hawaii and the Grinder to look after. Perhaps its like this: "Let's run one great event with all our attention and resources, rather than two separate ones that divide our attention and diminish those resources." I hope that difficulty can be gotten by in future.

In the meantime, let's get behind the new deal. The tournament may not be bigger, but OP will be bigger for the truely new World Event.
Big Daddy Snorlax said:
Don't you worry about us getting our beauty sleep. I'd guess the average hours of sleep most of us get at these big events is around 4 or 5 hours a night. The grinder provided 8 invites per age group. Under the new structure that would be over 10% of the total invites given. Unfortunately the Grinder's time has come and gone. From the staff perspective I'm sad about that too. This year the Grinder was a high point of the event for me.


Pokemon 'til 3:30 am...quite a RIDE.

Richard - it was truly a marathon experience, that I will remember.

I won't say it was the high point for me...but it was definitely memorable.


Man BDS loves his abuse!
I've speculated that a small nation like Australia will increase their participation under the new system, moving from one player with a paid trip to another one to three players with paid trips for each age group. I'm much more excited about even such a small rise in the number of players being able to attend Worlds. However, I can empathize with other countries who have been spoiled with invites having their numbers reduced dramatically, but not enough to see the greater benefit of having the Worlds actually being Worldly.

I'm sorry, but this is quite funny. I see no possible way that 3 players per A.G. will be invited from Australia. 2 is possible, but highly unlikely.

Upon further review, I only see a small number (less than 5) countries getting any increase in invites in any way. And those are all countries that had less than 1 per A.G. last year (ie. 1 invite for all groups combined, or no invites at all).

Another possibility (completely unrelated to anything I said before in this thread) I came accross has to do with a realization of how many invites will be given out to how many countries have OP. 60 invites are going to be given out per A.G. About 30 countries have OP. Taking this into account, it sounds possible to me that EVERY country gets 2 invites, regardless of size.
About the invites. There are 64 per age group. 4 of them are already taken by last year's winners (assuming no ageups). That leaves 60 invites to spread out through the rest of the world.

Assume again that there are 5 different Continental At Large areas (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa), and that each group gets 4 invites. That means there are 40 invites left for the rest of the world. There were 21 Nationals last year. If that number stays the same, then there would be 2 invites given out at each National Champinoships this year.

If we assume that there are 4 different At Large areas (North America, South America, Europe, Asia), and that each one gives out 3 Invites, then there are 48 to spread around 21 countries.

I don't think that any country will get more than 2 Invites through their own National Championships, because if you were to give more to each country (and also assuming that PUI wants equal numbers representation from each country), then there would be more invites handed out than there are spots in Worlds. 2 Invites per country is probably all that we're going to get, with the At Large bids making up the rest of the invites for this year.

Just a post completely IMO...
1 comment bullados - Only 21 countries may show up on the OP website, but I have the numbers for 24 countries on my computer (from what's been posted on this website), and I know at least 2 other countries had Nationals, but I can't find their attendance (Japan and Brazil).

At least 26 countries have Nationals, and at least 30 have Organised Play of some sort.

That may change your numbers slightly.
OK, assuming 30 Nationals (which is probably not going to happen, but it's the "best case" scenario as far as I'm concerned), then there would either be no Continental awards (based on 2 Invites per National, and that 4 Invites are already given), or there would be a ludacrious number of Continental awards (based on 1 invite per National). 30 Invites to spread around 5 Continents (North Am, South Am, Europe, Asia, Africa) means 6 At Large awards for each Continent, which is a massive number, IMO.

Any more than 30 Nationals, and this cannot work out, period. One invite per Nationals is insane, and there are only 60 Invites currently available. I'd like to see how PUI works this...
2006 Worlds, players per country attending. 15+ , 11-14, 10-
Total of 30 different Nationalities, but only 29 Nationals played (or there must have been a lotery somewere)
Luxembourgh did not have Nationals, this ONLY player got his invite in Belgium or France and payed again his own trip.

Number say more than words, look at them and try to convice me this was a WORLDS championship.

I do have a few revolutionairy ideas how we can easily get more players at Worlds 2007.
First idea, why not demand ALL International distributors pay for the second trip per agegroup, USA, CA and MX will have 2 that way(those have PUI as distributor). Japan meaby 4 to split up the way they want (we don't know how that works)
POP paying the first trip and the distributors the second makes it possible to have 2 players representing a country.
That way there are already more than 64, and it can be much more without POP/PUI investing money.
Those LD's were so greedy to get OP, well let them show they are worthy.

Now we still have 30 trips (moneywise) to spread around the world. (30 Nationalities would grant 30 trips) Those can be done by continental Ranking.

That way there are in each agegroup.
2 per country = 60
4 2006 Winners = 4
30 by C.ranking = 30
2 (from the 4) Japan = 2
Makes a total of players 96 in each agegroup.

But we can have 15 more payed trips in each agegroup.
How? Well simply to reduce the "headbounty" money of all PTO's and LD's get with 2/3.
For International people who are actually running and organizing all events there is no difference, they were not payed anyway.
And I don't expect complains from the PTO's.
We are all in it for the love of the game don't we????

So that makes a 96+15= 111 players in each agegroup, sounds much better than 64.


1 US 68
2 JP 14
3 GB 3
4 FR 4
5 CA 7
6 IT 1
7 NO 4
8 MX 5
9 DK 2
10 NL 5
11 CL 3
12 BE 3
13 DE 3
14 AR 3
15 MT 1
16 GR 1
17 LU 1
18 BR 1
19 FI 3
20 CZ 3
21 SE 2
22 MY 1
23 PT 1
24 AU 1
25 IL 1
26 EC 1
27 SI 1
28 CH 1
29 AT 2
1 FI 4
2 NL 1
3 US 69
4 MY 2
5 FR 2
6 NO 4
7 DK 4
8 JP 10
9 CA 6
10 GB 3
11 MX 3
12 HR 1
13 DE 2
14 SI 2
15 IT 2
16 SE 1
17 BE 2
18 AU 1
19 CZ 2
20 AT 1
1 JP 5
2 US 69
3 NL 4
4 GB 2
5 CA 6
6 FI 2
7 MY 2
8 AR 1
9 BE 2
10 DK 1
11 DE 3
12 SE 2
13 NO 2
14 AU 1
15 BR 1
16 IT 1
17 MX 2
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Scizor said:
"However, by reducing the number of invtees, you're only making it easier for a champion to be questioned. So many awesome players won't even be at Worlds this coming year. It would be easy to argue that less rounds in the tournament, and less World-class players makes it EASIER for someone unexpected to D0nksack the "most important" tournament of the year."

Absolutely disagree here. You're actually quite wrong. You CAN'T "donksack" Worlds if you aren't invited. Someone that CONSISTANTLY places high at tournaments is going to be going to Worlds, everyone there should be well qualified, moreso than ever before. Less awesome players, yeah, of course, there are a lot of good players, but THIS Worlds will crown a great champion, there's no question.
That's only true for the US and other big, competitive countries.

Whomever from the US gets to worlds will be deserving, but what about the other 32 people? If every country get a guaranteed invite, that 1 croatian who gets here in a nationals of like 16 people won't be as deserving as the American who got to worlds.

You're arguing, Chad, that because there are fewer invites, those with invites are inherently skilled and aren't donks- but that might not be the case at all. I bet that there will be quite a few invites players who literally donked living in their countries to get an invite.

I disagree with the statement that 'everyone there will be more qualified, moreso than ever before' simply because there are still those tiny countries will still get those invites, and now they have a MUCH better chance of doing well because there are less people to beat compared to who they had to beat last year. But then the argument can be made that the competition they face from the US will be stiffer, because this year all 32 or so are top-notch, whereas the 50 or so this year were not as top-notch. That can be argued, though. The real issue is that those tiny countries will still probably have the same representation as they did last year, which means if anything, compared to the US players, they're even LESS deserving of that invite than they were last year!

if, say, Ccroatia sends one player from a Nationals of 16 as you suggest then that one player had better do really badly at worlds for your arguement to hold up.

By your arguement none of the lesser countries should ever T8, T4, T2, or heaven forbid actually win. Because that would prove that these lesser countries deserved to be there. Hmmm.....
NoPoke said:

if, say, Ccroatia sends one player from a Nationals of 16 as you suggest then that one player had better do really badly at worlds for your arguement to hold up.

By your arguement none of the lesser countries should ever T8, T4, T2, or heaven forbid actually win. Because that would prove that these lesser countries deserved to be there. Hmmm.....
Perhaps I should rephrase that to mean... they had a MUCH easier time getting to worlds- so I feel they don't deserve it as much as people here or elsewhere with much stiffer competition, who had to work a lot harder to get to worlds.

And as far as 15+ is concerned... I don't think anyone outside of the US/JP was able to T8, and I think the t16 might've been all US/JP too.

11-14 and 10- are just completely different from 15+, and I don't have any expertise in those fields. Whatever I say should be taken in the conext of 15+.

I'd really love to see a player from a tiny country do well in 15+, because it just doesn't happen.
ryanvergel said:
I'd really love to see a player from a tiny country do well in 15+, because it just doesn't happen.

Well we did good in 10-
we did good in 11-14
And we did not good in 15+, meaby because the best 4 players are suspended?
Rainbowgym said:
Well we did good in 10-
we did good in 11-14
And we did not good in 15+, meaby because the best 4 players are suspended?
Like I said, I'm not knowledgeable of the younger age divisions, especially 10-. I'll take your word for it.

I still believe 14- to be not as competitive as 15+, and harder to measure skill- simply because skill in 15+ is much more identifiable. We invent the archetypes, have the superior numbers, are able to post and talk, etc. so it's easy to analyze 15+.
Well I agree with you for one time.
There is a difference in playing style/skills.
Even between 10- and 11-14.

But believe me there are players in those divisions who have more "vision" than a lot of 15+.
Like my son said today, "yes mom now you loose again because you are not listening to me"
And he was right.

Also in 11-14 there are archetypes or whatever played and made, but the mass here is not even willing to take those deck serious.
Lunarock anyone?
Rainbowgym said:
Well I agree with you for one time.
There is a difference in playing style/skills.
Even between 10- and 11-14.

But believe me there are players in those divisions who have more "vision" than a lot of 15+.
Like my son said today, "yes mom now you loose again because you are not listening to me"
And he was right.

Also in 11-14 there are archetypes or whatever played and made, but the mass here is not even willing to take those deck serious.
Lunarock anyone?

Yeah, there are many 10- and 11-14 who are better than a lot of 15+. I'm not ashamed to admit that.
With all due respect, Lia, the USA and Japan DO dominate Worlds more than any other countries on Earth.

If you take the top8 from Worlds last year (15+ only), you come up with this distribution:


DAMN!! Would ya look at that! It looks like 2 countries dominate the World Championships more than any others! But let's extend this search to the top16:

10 USA
1 UK

What'dya know! Same trend! But let's go 1 step further and look at the top32:

19 USA
1 UK

There's a few other numbers I can show, but that isn't really the point. MY point in this thread was that it is better to GIVE inivtes where they're are needed instead of removing them from places where there may or may not be too many.

Bullados and I have tried to figure out just how these invites are going to be distributed, but whatever we try makes no sense. Everyone's going to get screwed this year, some countries a little worse than others.
There will definately be atleast 1 person who T4'd at Worlds this year who will age-up for next years Worlds (from 10- to 11-14). Does this mess with the numbers at all?

Also, I believe POP said there will be AROUND 64 people per age group. Not exactly 64!
Flaming_Spinach said:
With all due respect, Lia, the USA and Japan DO dominate Worlds more than any other countries on Earth.

If you take the top8 from Worlds last year (15+ only), you come up with this distribution:


DAMN!! Would ya look at that! It looks like 2 countries dominate the World Championships more than any others! But let's extend this search to the top16:

10 USA
1 UK

What'dya know! Same trend! But let's go 1 step further and look at the top32:

19 USA
1 UK

There's a few other numbers I can show, but that isn't really the point. MY point in this thread was that it is better to GIVE inivtes where they're are needed instead of removing them from places where there may or may not be too many.

Bullados and I have tried to figure out just how these invites are going to be distributed, but whatever we try makes no sense. Everyone's going to get screwed this year, some countries a little worse than others.

F-S - Japan and USA had so many more players who could go for that titel.
Admit they have good players, but other countries have to, ONLY those people were not there.
Those people simply had NO change to get there.

In terms of equal reprensentatives from around the World, meaby 2007 will finaly be a Worlds in that way.
Screwed UP? Why?
Because there is no easy way in for USA players.
And please don't get me that rubbish about "we have so many good players in our area".
Guess what, we have to and for the past 3 years only 1 could go to Worlds.

What you are trying to say: BIG is better as long as the USA has the most.
That has been the message out of the USA community for years.
We deserve this, we deserve that.

You live in the most absurd sponsored OP environment.
Without POP pushing money in your OP you would have NADA.
You know who are really screwed up.
All that players who have to face a failing OP=LD system.
Those players are screwed up for 3 years now.

So please don't speak ever again about an established OP country.
Because if POP pulls the money plug out of your country, your OP would collapse.
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