Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

This is a deck just for fun.

senior pokeboy

New Member
Hi, i have made this deck just for fun. It is NOT good but it works. Heres the list.

3 Bonzor (SF)
3 Bronzong (SF)
3 Surskit
3 Masquenrain
4 Spinarak
4 Ariados
2-1 Uxie

4 Great Ball
2 Bebe's
2 Memory berry
2 Warp Point
2 Switch
2 Night main.
1 Luxury Ball
2 Miasma Valley
2 Cybthia's
3 Super Scoop Up

2 Call
4 Multi
4 :psychic:
3 :grass:

Strategy: This deck is made for giving Retreat Cost and to give damage via Retreat Cost. You want to Get as many Ariados up as possible so you give more Retreat Cost. Then there is 2 attackers:
Masquerain and Bronzong. Masquerain does 20x the number of your opponent's Retreat Cost, with 2 :colorless. The Bad thing about this is it only has 70 HP.
Bronzong spreads with the effect of Retreat Cost. Bronzong gives a number of damage counter on all of your opponent's Pokemon eaqual to it's Retreat Cost. If Bronzong has a Memory Berry on it can use Bronzor's Gyro Swap, put damage to the defending eaqual to your Retreat Cost. With Bronzong you can both spread and attack active with this method. Bronzong helps giving the energies, so you don't need Roseanne's. The bad about Bronzong is that it needs 3 Energies to do that attack.
Miasma helps giving the damage on the pokemon getting spreaded. Warp Point help with teasing when they can't Retreat so good.:biggrin:
What do you think?