Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

To Protect the World from Devastation


New Member
To Protect the World from Devastation

Part one of Two​

“Electabuzz, thunder punch!”

Electabuzz’s punch looked like just a tap but Nidoking went down hard, and stayed down.

“Nidoking is unable to continue. The winner is, Electabuzz!”​

“No way,” said Garry, “Nidoking is a Stage Two Pokemon and is resistant to lightning! There’s no way Electabuzz can take it out with one punch!”

“Care to try again?” Said Dr. Nanba, “Electabuzz needs a good test and, frankly, I expected a little more of a battle from Professor Oak’s grandson. Now I see why you gave up battling and decided to go the Professor route yourself.”

Gary was enraged. “Flygon, I choose you!”

Flygon took to the air.

“Flygon, Rainbow Burn!” Flygon’s attack lashed down towards Electabuzz. To Garry’s surprise Dr. Nanba didn’t order Electabuzz to block or even dodge the attack. The Rainbow Burn hit Electabuzz solid and the stadium was filled with a bright flash of multi colored light.

As the light faded Electabuzz stood still looking up at Flygon. Garry expected Electabuzz to fall over but Electabuzz didn’t even appear to be hurt by the attack.

“Electabuzz, Thunder Shock.”

Before he could even think to dodge the lightning bolt flashed skyward and knocked Flygon to the ground. Flygon made no move to get up and lay still, its eyes closed.

“Flygon is unable to continue. The winner is, Electabuzz!”​

Gary said nothing but returned Flygon to his Pokeball and left the stadium.

Two members of Team Magma approached Dr. Nanba.

“Tune the microphone Meowth,” Jesse snapped, “I can’t make out what they're saying!”

From their hiding place in the bushes across from the stadium Jesse, James, and Meowth had watched the battle. Meowth made an adjustment on the microphone pointed towards Dr. Nanba and his voice blasted in their earphones.

“…imbued five times so, of course, he is five times stronger than any natural Pokemon. And he is showing no ill effects from the imbuement processes.”

The Team Magma members nodded in agreement as Jesse, James, and Meowth ripped the earphones from their ears.

“Meowth!” Said James, “Why don’t you warn us before you turn up the volume like that! I think you damaged my eardrum.”

“We can buy you a bionic ear if we can steal that Electabuzz and give it to the Boss.” Said Jesse. She was already daydreaming of all the things she could buy with the money that the Boss would surely shower on them for brining him such a strong Pokemon.

“Imbued,” said Meowth, “He says it was imbued five times so it was five times stronger. I wonder what that means.”

Dr. Nanba and the Team Magma members were leaving the stadium. Team Rocket followed, sneaking along behind.

“I want to try another imbuement tonight.” Said Dr. Nanba.

“But we don’t have any more Pokemon.” The Team Magma captain answered.

“Then go out and get some more! What do I pay you for?”

Later that night Team Rocket watched through a skylight as Dr. Nanba worked in his lab. A Vileplume was strapped into a harness with wires and tubes coming off at different angles. Next to the Vileplume was the Electabuzz they saw battling with Gary earlier.

“I’m going to imbue you with the essence of a Stage Two Pokemon this time Electabuzz.” Dr. Nanba said fixing the restraints on both Pokemon.

Team Rocket leaned in to get a closer look and the skylight gave way. They fell to the floor with a loud crash in a pile of dust and broken safety glass from the skylight.

“What are you doing here?” Dr. Nanba shouted. “Did Team Aqua send you? Who are you anyway?”

Jesse and James dusted themselves off and got up.

“Who are we? Ha ha ha ha!”

“Prepare for trouble!” “Make it double!”
“To protect the world from devastation!” “To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!” “To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Jessie!” “James!”
“Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!” “Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”
“Meowth! That's right!”​

“Ah, so you’re Team Rocket. I’ve heard of you. So Giovanni didn’t want to make a bid for my secrets and he sent you bumblers to steal it instead?” Dr. Nanba pressed a switch and a large steel cage fell from the ceiling trapping Team Rocket. “I’ll deal with you three later.”

Team Rocket watched as Dr. Nanba turned back to the Pokemon strapped down on the table.

“What are you doing to those Pokemon?” Jesse asked.

“I might as well tell you.” Said Dr. Nanba. “You see, I’ve created a process to imbue Pokemon. Each imbuement makes them one magnitude stronger than they were before. This Electabuzz has been imbued five times already, now I am going to try imbuing him with a Stage Two Pokemon. If he survives it, I hope to double his already incredible strength!”

“Imbue him with what?” Asked James.

“This machine lets me take the essence of one Pokemon and add it to another.”

“What happens to the Pokemon you takes it from?” Asked Meowth.

“Watch and see.” Said Dr. Nanba as he pressed a large red button and the machine began to whine.

The Vileplume struggled violently against its restraints and then lay still. Its eyes closed tight, a painful grimace across its face. The Electabuzz jerked twice then raised its arm breaking the restraint.

“Incredible!” Said Dr. Nanba, “It seems to have quadrupled its strength!”

“What about the Vileplume?” Asked Meowth.

“It’s finished.” Said Dr. Nanba. He unlatched the restraints and tossed Vileplume into a large metal container. As the lid slid shut Team Rocket could see the still shapes of many more Pokemon inside.

“Electabuzz, keep an eye on these three trouble makers. I’ll be back to deal with them later. Maybe we can use the Meowth to imbue another Pokemon.” Dr. Nanba left the lab.

Team Rocket huddled in the center of the cage.
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To Protect the World from Devastation

Part Two of Two​

Team Rocket huddled in the center of the cage.

“Jess, I know we’re bad guys but this Dr. Nanba is evil. No wonder the boss didn’t want any part of this. Using Pokemon like that? Taking their essence?” James said. Jesse said nothing and just looked at the floor. “Jesse, are you all right?”

Jesse looked up, her eyes filled with tears. “We have to get out of here James. We have to get out of here now! We have to get Meowth out of here before…” She looked towards the metal container where Dr. Nanba had tossed Vileplume. “How can anyone be so evil? Oh those poor Pokemon…” The tears rolled down her face.

Meowth was already working on a plan. He walked to the edge of the cage and spoke to Electabuzz. “How can youse allow yourself to be used like this? Don’t you see what that nut case is doing to these other Pokemon?”

“Buzz buzz, electabuzz, buzz.”

“He says he aint got no choice. That Dr. Nanba is his trainer and that he’s got to do what he’s told.” Meowth translated for Jesse and James.

“I’ve got an idea!” Said James. “Electabuzz, where is your Pokeball?”

Electabuzz looked at the table in the corner. In a basket on the table was one golden Pokeball. “Buzz buzz buzz.”

“He says that the golden ball in that basket is his,” said Meowth.

“Buzz buzz Buzz!”

“He says that it’s a special kind of Pokeball and that Dr. Nanba uses it to when he wants to keep him locked up.” Meowth said, “I guess he’s become too strong to be held by a regular Pokeball.”

“Buzz buzz Buzz!”

“He says that every time he gets imbued it hurts more and more whenever the doctor puts him back into that golden Pokeball.”

“Electabuzz,” said James, “If you give me that golden Pokeball I’ll be your trainer and I’ll make sure you never get locked up again!”

“What are you saying?” Said Jesse, “We need to capture that Electabuzz for the boss!” Then she remembered Vileplume and the other shapes in the metal container and immediately felt guilty for even thinking to benefit from such evil.

“Not this time Jess.” James said, “Were the bad guys but we’re not evil.” “Electabuzz, if you give me that Pokeball I’ll,” he hesitated looking around the lab, his eyes coming to rest on the metal container, Jesse nodded and James continued, “I’ll release you. I’ll set you free.”

“Buzz buzz buzz?”

“He says he don’t see why he should trust youse.” Said Meowth, “We are the bad guys after all.”

“Electabuzz you can’t like what’s going on here.” Said Jesse, wiping her eyes, “You’re a Pokemon and no Pokemon could go along with this, this, evil.”

“We’re all bad guys here Electabuzz,” said James, “But we don’t have to be evil. We steal rare Pokemon.”

“Well we try to steam ‘em!” Said Meowth.

James continued, “We steal rare Pokemon but we don’t,” he looked again at the metal container, “we don’t do that. We’re bad guys, but we’re not evil. Don’t you want to be free Electabuzz?”

Electabuzz went to the table and picked up the golden ball. He looked into Jesse’s damp eyes.

There were voices in the hallway. Dr. Nanba and some Team Magma members were coming.

“Hurry Electabuzz!” Jesse said, “Toss us the ball!”

Electabuzz tossed the ball to James just as Dr. Nanba and two Team Magma members entered the lab.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Dr. Nanba yelled.

James caught the ball, and then dropped it; it rolled towards the bars on the cage. Meowth dived for the ball and batted it back up to James. Holding the ball James looked at Electabuzz. He smashed the ball to the ground and stomped it with his boot until it was broken.

“Electabuzz, I release you!”

Electabuzz turned immediately to Dr. Nanba then to the imbuement machine. He punched the machine with all his might and fire, sparks, and smoke flashed across the lab. In seconds the lab was in flames. Team Magma ran out the door but Dr. Nanba came forward.

“All my work! All my Work!” Dr. Nanba shouted. He ran to the back of the lab to grab his notes from a file cabinet. Just then the imbuement machine exploded and part of the roof started to collapse.

Electabuzz ignoring the devastation, hatred showing on his face, turned to go after Dr. Nanba.

“Hey!” Shouted Meowth, “Don’t forget about Meowth!”

Electabuzz ran to the cage and lifted it with one hand. Team Rocket scrambled out and Electabuzz hurled the steal cage back at Dr. Nanba.

The doctor was knocked down but was pulling himself up, a bundle of papers clutched in his hand. He started to come forward towards the door, but the steel cage had landed on his foot and he couldn’t move.

The fire grew hotter and other parts of the ceiling started to fall. The imbuement machine gave one final blast and a huge steel beam fell from the ceiling and crushed Electabuzz. Even his super strength wasn’t a match for the two ton beam. Fire filled the room.

Jesse and Meowth started for the door. James stared at the place where Electabuzz was struck down, a light flickered and Electabuzz was gone. Jesse grabbed James’ arm and pulled him away. “You kept your word James. He’s free now.”

They ran to the door.

“You can’t leave me here!” Dr. Nanba shouted through the smoke.

James turned and started to pull a Pokeball from his pack. Jesse put her hand on his arm, took one last loot at the metal container, and shook her head.

“To protect the world from devastation.” Jesse said quietly.

Jesse, James, and Meowth exchanged glances. Their faces were solemn. They nodded their heads once, turned their backs on the doctor, and ran out of the lab.

Minutes later they watched from across the field as the lab collapsed in a heap of smoke and rubble. They saw a red van quickly drive away; the van had the Team Magma symbol painted on the side.
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