Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Top 2, FINNISH Nationals in Seniors + DialgaChomp List


New Member
Good day all, Bloodbane here. I have rather little to do at the moment, so I decided to translate my Nationals Report to English. FInnish Nationals were held about a month ago, but that doesn't prevent me from writing a report. I'll leave the names of the players out, just because this is internet and you never know.

Some background then. I have played DialgaChomp all season, and it was the only deck i even considered, mainly because there were better Luxchomp players, and I don't like VileGar or VileLostGar or Sablelock. And then there is Gyarados. I didn't play it, or MewDos, because I never could get the lists straight. Anyways, here's my DialgaChomp list:

1 Dialga G X
2 Dialga G
1 Garchomp C X
3 Garchomp C

2-1 Uxie LV.X
1 Azelf LA

1 Bronzong G
1 Crobat G
1 Lucario GL
1 Skuntank G
1 Toxicroak G


4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Poke Turn
3 Energy Gain
4 Power SPray
2 SP Radar
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection
1 Looker's Investigation
1 Twins
1 VS Seeker
1 Premier Ball
1 Junk Arm
1 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Contest Hall
1 Snowpoint Temple


3 Spec Metal
2 Basic MEtal
2 Warp Energy
1 Psychic Energy


To the report:

We(My dad and me) left home at eight, and we arrived at the tournament place in Hyvinkää at 9:37. After I arrived, I filled my Decklist, and went to the deck check. For some reason I didn't pass the deck check, and I had to chance my sleeves. So, I went and bought some white Dragon Shields, resleeved and went to the deck check again. This time I passed it. AFter this I went to talk to others, mainly our candidate as the tournament winner. He faced a bad matchup in Top 8 and lost. Bad luck bro. I spent some time watchign the MAsters play their games, and after the last years Seniors CHamp won his game, I wanted to play him. The game wasn't anything special, and we had to stop it when the pairings came.

Round 1 Vs. Steelix

Yep, right off the bat I get one of those matchups that I hate. I have never practiced this matchup, since there are only two players in Finland who play this deck. Well, the game went rather smoothly, me loading up my Dialga and he his Steelix. I Dragon rushed something, he came out with Steelix and did some damage to it. He had no expert belt for a reason or another. Well, I poke turned the Garchomp, came out with DIalga, and used Remove Lost. I hit two heads, making him unable to attack the next turn. He tried to heal his Steelix with soem trainers, but he only flipped one Heads out of four. Then he used energy stream, not dealing any damage due to Spec Metals. I used Remove Lost again, getting a tails. He attacked, I used Warp Energy and Healing Breath Combo. I killed the Steelix, and time was called with him needing to draw two prizes. He was unable to do that, and I won.


Since time was called, the second round began almost immediately.

Round 2 Vs. A new player with Gyarados, sort of.

Not much to tell about this game, T1 deafen and his bad hand sealed the game very quickly. He got his first Gyarados out when i had two prizes left, and that's about all.


After this, there was a break for all to buy and eat some food. I got myself hamburgers and soda, and went to discuss pretty much everything. After some time, some games played just for fun and half a litres of Coke, the next round began.

Round 3 Vs. Luxchomp

My only game against Luxchomp in the entire tournament, I think there were perhaps three Luxchomps in the entire tournament. Weird eh? But, my rather slow start with DRagonite FB active and no turns or ways of getting them coudl have been a disaster. Thank god he misplayed, forgetting to flip Leap away. If he had gotten heads, he could have Dragon Rushed T2, making me lose the game pretty much there. But, he forgot and I Topdecked Cyrus. 'cause of that, I could Dragon rush one of his Garchomps. He KOd my GArchomp with Dragonite, and I return the favor with another Garchomp. His last GArchomp has no energy, and he could not revenge kill me, so that was basically it. I Hit the Deafen+Looker button, with him drawing absolutely terribly. With a two prize lead and the ways to draw the last two, I could not lose the game anymore.


Since this game almost went to time, there was almost no time to do anything else.

Round 4 Vs. Tyranitar/Ampharos/Manetric?

This game was absolutely stupid. I had a god hand, he had nothing. No supporters. Only two basics. Rest were energy. I gave him two turns to draw something, he got nothing. He looked his topdeck for the next three turns. Nothing. At this point he scoopped.


At this point I am very happy. I have to go 1-1 and I'm in the top cut for sure.

Round 5 Vs. VileLostGar (T4 Worlds 2009 Junior)

A favourable matchup, but a very good player. Mixed feelings, and even more so after i see my starting hand. Five Trainers, Collector, and Dialga. Not good. I am soon forced to use Bebe to get Dialga X to prevent me form losing. To Poltergeists. Then I'm level downed and i have to stall for several turns to get the another Bebe. I couldn't level up that turn, and I hoped for the best. Well, he Seekered his Gengar, played Uxie for Two, Played everything back, moved energywith something, can't remember anymore, and Lost Zoned DIalga X and GArchomp X. GG


After this me and perhaps the two best Seniors players thought who would end up against who. Because we thought someone was 4-1, when he was 3-2, our system was faulty. I didn't end up against a VileMachamp run by Mint Nature. I end up against...

Round 6, DOWNER PAIRING Vs. VIlechamp

What the.... Downer pairing, Vilechamp. Wierd situation. If I lose, I will be out of top-cut for sure. If he wins, He can't get in even if he wins, because of his horrible opponent's win ratio. Well, the game was purely stalling until both players had everythign needed. He had three Machamps, one of those was SF version, rest were Primes. He attacked, killed something. I killed his Machamp SF with Toxitank. That is Revenge KOd by a Machamp Prime. I Aaron the Toxicroak and the psychic energy back, move energy with Galactic Switch, flash bite twice, and kill the Machamp. Again, my toxicroak is horribly beaten, KOd and out of game for good since my VS Seeker was prized. Then my Dialga started putting pressure against the last Machamp. One Warp Energy+Healing Breath combo finished the game.


Yay, I'm in the top cut for sure. One luxchomp was 6-0, run by the guy who was favourite for winning the tournament. I'm in 3rd place, I end up against SpeedMachamp. 6-0 Luxchomp had to face Steelix, and that was pretty much all.

Top 8 Vs. SpeedChamp
Round 1

T1 Deafen against his hand of only trainers, GG. He scoopped.

Round 2

I got Toxitank in play T2, he got his sole Machamp in play T2, I take his Machamp out and Looker him. He draws nothing and that's it.


At this point I hear that the Luxchomp lost, and went to talk to him. Well, he was incredibly mad, but that's the game. I have to wait for 50 minutes for the next game to start, so I decide to take a nap. SOmeone wakes me up, and I go to the Top tables. Looks like i'm against STeelix, the same guy who dropped the Luxchomp. Suits me.

Top 4 Vs. Steelix
Round 1

This game was veeery slow. Nobody attacked noone until the energy count in play was this: 7 DCE, 8 SPec metals, and an assortment of other energies. After that, we stalled some more until 30 minutes had passed and my opponent was 10 turns away from decking with a HUGE hand. He Judged us, and attacked. With him putting all his eggs in one basket, or steelix, I knew exactly what to do. I had attached expert belt and played Dialga X previously. I drew everything i needed from the Judge: Twins, Warp energy, everything. I Attack with Remove Lost. And I hit four heads in a row. Yeeeaaahhh! Well, that's three DCEs and a SPec MEtal in the Lost Zone. He heals half of the damage off, and attacks. I heal all damage off, and Remove lost again. This time I hit three heads. What? Oh well. He attack again, I heal all the damage off. Then I attack again with Remove Lost, killing the Steelix and this time hitting four headses. At that point he couldn't get another steelix up, so he Scoopped.

Round 2

His slow start was ripped apart by my almost perfect start, with me getting four prizes before the first steelix appearing. He scoopped. GG.


I was extremely happy, so was the guy who was dropped by the steelix player. Lots of people shook hands with me, and me and my opponent talked of everything until the camera was setted up.


Round 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZHQTEpfjgw There's a link, ignore the talk during the game. It was pretty weird final game.

Round 2

I got donked by a Gyarados, but that was a bit intentional. Just because he got 2 Magikarps in the discard pile by T1, and he started. Also, he had a Belt, and another two karps so I would be in a hopeless situation. GG. Looks like I didn't have what it takes to be a National Champion. At least I tried.


So, I got a booster box, and 750$ for the 2nd place. I'm very happy with that. Hope I'll do well in Masters next year.

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