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Top BR Performers (Win %, Records, Medals)

desert eagle

New Member
I'll compile a list of the top Battle Road performers and how many victory medals they won with records. If you have 3 or more BR wins OR HAVE A WIN% OF 80 OR MORE, post here (record and number of medals) and I'll put you on.

5 - Kant S. (29-3) 90.6%
4 - Adam G. (33-4) 89.1%
4 - Bobby M. (34-5) 87.2%
3 - Ivan Z. (15-1) 93.8%
3 - James A. (11-1) 91.7%
3 - Wes S. (24-3) 88.9%
3 - Trevor H. (36-7) 83.7%
3 - Lia V. (29-10) 74.4%
2 - Allan A. (11-1) 91.6%
2 - John K. (13-1) 92.6%
2 - Josh B. (8-1) 88.9%
2 - Andrew M. (29-5) 85.3%
2 - Spencer N. (19-4) 82.6%
2 - Adam C. (27-7) 79.4%
2 - TJ C.
1 - Alex B. (21-4) 84.0%
1 - Nathan Woolery (6-0) 100.0%
1 - Kyle S. (9-2) 81.8%
1 - John S. (12-3) 80.0%
1 - Shaina W. (4-1) 80.0%

5 - Jasper (29-1) 96.7%
5 - Monta S. (24-3) 88.9%
4 - Garrett F. (19-1) 95.0%
4 - Clint A. (20-2) 90.9%
4 - Patrick T. (20-2) 90.9%
4 - John B. (30-4) 87.3%
4 - Andy M. (28-5) 84.8%
4 - Jeremy S-K. (27-7) 79.4%

6 - Thomas A. (33-2) 94.6%
5 - David M. (22-4) 84.6%
3 - Kyle O. (12-0) 100.0%
3 - Renan B. (12-0) 100.0%
3 - Andrew D. (12-0) 100.0%
1 - Karina A. (8-2) 80.0%
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This is a really poor way of determing the best Battle Road performers, most victory medals does not equal best player.
Player A has 3 Battle Roads in his area, and wins them all record of 19-0.
Player B has 10 Battle Roads in his area, and wins 5, with a record of 30-9.
Is player B the better player becuase he won more Victory Medals, despite the fact that he finished with a worse winning perchentage then player A? I think a much better question would be: "Who has the best Battle Road winning perchentage in 2 or more Battle Roads?"
This is a really poor way of determing the best Battle Road performers, most victory medals does not equal best player.
Player A has 3 Battle Roads in his area, and wins them all record of 19-0.
Player B has 10 Battle Roads in his area, and wins 5, with a record of 30-9.
Is player B the better player becuase he won more Victory Medals, despite the fact that he finished with a worse winning perchentage then player A? I think a much better question would be: "Who has the best Battle Road winning perchentage in 2 or more Battle Roads?"

which is WHY im posting records. I'll put win % on as well if you want
I believe Garrett F. has a ~95% win percentage (19-1) and 4 BR wins...maybe more game wins tho.
I would like first to state that winning Battle roads means next to nothing in the long run.

Dark Weedle
Masters ,OK/TX
30-5 record, 86% wins
5/6 Battle roads won
4th in the world masters

And this thread is stupid it will change in 3 weeks come cities and 16k
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This is a really poor way of determing the best Battle Road performers, most victory medals does not equal best player.
Player A has 3 Battle Roads in his area, and wins them all record of 19-0.
Player B has 10 Battle Roads in his area, and wins 5, with a record of 30-9.
Is player B the better player becuase he won more Victory Medals, despite the fact that he finished with a worse winning perchentage then player A? I think a much better question would be: "Who has the best Battle Road winning perchentage in 2 or more Battle Roads?"

The true way to determine a better player is using the exact same deck playing best out of five.
Record: 20-9 (3-2, 2-3, 6-1, 3-2, 6-1)
Win %: 68.96...
BR Medals: 2

Clay C.

(I would have been in he 80% Range had I not made some major misplays on saturday oct 14)