Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

twitchy winning warner robins, GA CC

twitchy lv x

New Member
ok so after having bad luck at duluth, i decided to test and change the list for raieggs a bit that night i tested agaisnt everyone(chris ferro,aaron,bobby, kyle) and got very good starts in every single game, the only weakness i had was mewtric. so we drive like 5 min. to the place and the rolls,craigs, silverstros, and the dollars get to the place when i see that the store is small and the 10 and under had to play in the floor. anyways heres how the tourny went

1 round (rk9)
me vs. phil
ok this game took for ever since i started with a butcheecks and started drawing like crazy and i let it died so i could sramble with with raichu and do 90, so thats wat i do and he kills it and i scramble again with eggs and knock out the rk9 and the hit the benched one. i lay down my cessation crystals before he gets out the houndoom out, so i try killing all the rk9 but he kept getting all heads on er2, regarding that it was 1-2 in my favor, so i have an egg doing 70 everyturn and a raichu with 50 on so all he could do was to knock out the raichu and thats all cause even if he could knock it out i had a another egg with 2 energies.gg phil

2 round (6 corners/queen,eggs,latio/a/and gardy d)
me vs. carson roll
ok so heres my hand egg junior, 2 big eggs, magnemite,a butcheeks and 2 curse stones, so i decided to start with egg for t2 exggutor but i couldnt get a basic and he t3 me since i didnt have a bench.gg

3 round (gator d with meg)
me vs. craig abley(duluth winner)
i get a magnemite start and nothing else, so i got nothing else but attack with the magnemite, so i top deck a pikachu, and i started to set up the pikachu and doing 3 to the totodile he has and he also had a bayleef in the bench, so when his totodile was about to die he braineys compassion it and brings up bayleef and pass. so i get a raichu and kill it with metallic thunder, so he sends up the croaconaw that he got the turn after compassion , and tries to scrary face me but fails, so need a DRE to win the game so i get an adventurer and draw 3 so i draw one nothing, draw 2 nothing , and draw 3 dre so i metallic thunder ftw. gg

4 round(shiftry with eveelutions)
me vs. jim roll
i get another magnemite start and i he starts with 2 evees so im thinking i lost this one but he evolves into jolteon and passes. luckyly i topdeck an egg junior, so it took him about 2 turns to kill the magnemite. so i send up the egg junior and evolve him so i can scramble , as well as mentor the same turn to be able to knock out the jolteon. so he setting up a shitry and i start to zapp around. so he starts to kill my bench, so i kill it with eggs and he kills another egg , so its a tie if he kills another pokemon i win cause of scramble, so i have 4 dre in my hand and i try to kill him but dont have enough bench so he retreats for another one since all his pokemons a severe damaged cause of zapp, so he knows the outcome of the match and scoops right there when i show him my hand.gg mr. roll that was a good one.

round 5 (metanite)
me vs. greg dollar
yes!, finally a metanite match, i get all pikachus and raichus agaisnt him so i start to zapp him and he wastes his whole hand triyng to set up and he could only get a draggy and metagross, so after curse stone zapping he plays his tech blissey and losses all energies, so he cant do anything , so i continue to zap for 30 and 20 and play cessation on him so in about 2 more turns i was about to take all my prizes that was left. but before that he notices that he cant win this game so he scoops. gg


so i made top 8 making 3rd place

Noobelhaus w/ mewtrick 5-0
Heidi Craig w/ arcanine ex 4-1
Twitchy w/ raieggz 4-1
Jacob Adams w/ metanite4-1
Jennifer Abley w/ jynx/wobbufett(i think she went 4-1)
Greg Dollar w/ metanite3-2
John Silvestro w/ flariados 3-2
Aaron Curry w/ kabutops/fossils 3-2

so its

aaron vs. kyle
me vs. greg
jacobs vs. jennifer
john vs. heidi

after that we went to taco bell and kyle and bobby are racing to see who eats the most of 5 tacos. anyways back to the tourny

top 8
me vs. greg(metanite)
ok this is the fastest game ever since greg dropped after he found out he was facing me again.
come on at least you could have given it a try, so i got stuck for an hour doing nothing .

top 4
me vs. john
kyle vs.jacobs

top 4
me vs. john(flariados)
this game was kind of wierd since he didnt get much of flar part so i got my pikachu loaded with 3 energies and killed an eveee , so i get my raichu and mentor up and start metallic thundering, so i kill his ariados and he gets out an espeon ex and kill my raichu but then i come with my raichu and dre with curse stone which was out like the whole game and kill it after that he scoops the game .

this game was quick i got egg junior and mentor and he tries to paralize and poison but he fails so i do 10 and pass, he still has no basic with surpise me cause if he didnt i win. so he tries to paralize and poison again and got heads, so my turn i evolve mentor and delta circle for 50 t2 game.gg


top 2
me vs. kyle(mewtric)
game 1
i get a decent hand and so does he, and i start to delta draw so he kills the butcheecks with disconnect and i scramble raichu for the knock out so he brings his manny and starts to disconnect and kills it in 2 turns so i bring my eggs and mentor for the knock out. but he gets a scott and crsytal beach disconnect ftw. so i scooped that one.

game 2
ok he gets a crappy start with a lone mew and no energies and i get a change of t2 but i go for the mentor in case he does something unexpected besides i saw my top 3 cards and i wont haven gotten it . so i start to zapp. and eventually i killed it and and i got the advantage in the game so he bringsthe manny but he knew if i had a dre it was over, so he asked me to show him the dre so i did and he scooped.

game 3
this game was suckish since he didnt got anything in his hand and i had a decent one, so i start zapping and he had to play his ray* in order to live so he does and i get my raichu with 2 metals so he reversals the big egg and gets heads as always, so he finally gets the manny but cant recharge so i attach to the raichu and pass after that he scooped since he kills the egg and i kill the mew ftw. gg kyle

so i end up winning my 1st 15+ tourny

for the fun tourny
florida winning every age division
grafton and orion for winning
yo momma jokes
the power rangers mask
going at 2 am to get energy drinks
taco bell
bobby winning duluth
aaron and mr. curry for driving us
roadtrips rule
pink sharpies

getting my naruto deck and worlds deck box stolen
not making top cut in duluth
bobby losing to an eveetron deck with energy switch
chris making 9th place
being so cold outside
bobby not making top cut
jim and linda(4-1) not making top cut
Good job, seems like there was a lot of tough competition.

scpetilerancher: no prob , we have to stay together to represent, are you going to clermont?also gj to you too winning in miami
Goob Job, once again another Delta Deck. But still I don't think
it's as popular as Metanite and Gatr right now. But once again
congradulations and best of luck in the future.
You still have my Holon Legacy, lol

and Cris only owns 4 cards now, and they're wumples, yay

Gj sunday, Pink Teez took 5 cities this weekend, cya in clermont I think
yea i know and kyle has your camera and im coming to clermont cause i dont think i can go to mississippi.i feel bad for cris.thats 5 for now wait until next week, kyle and me are winning that one.

lord broly: your right raieggz isnt as big as metanite or g-tor and can you guess how many raieggz were there in GA, 1, and that one was mine. though thnx and good luck to you too.
it was a lone magnemite, rofl

gj twitchy, but i have one major question....

Do Yo Chain Hang Low???
