Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

twitchy's top 32 report

twitchy lv x

New Member
so i get there friday and i meet up with everyone and we later went to taco bell but end up at 7-11 getting slurpees and then we do the tremandous line that TOOK FOR EVER!!! and BT was complaning the whole time so we finsih there and we went to trade and talk about the deck with medicham and bannete ex and im like 4get this, im just going to go with lbs and kill everyone


round 1
lbs vs. mercury(canadian kid who won canadian nats)i think

ok so i get an ok start and he gets a slow and steady start so i get up everything, but then my onix was prized and i started to attack with jirachi and lugia ex, but then i get nothing from my prized while he starts to turn the game around, so its 2-2 and i end up sending my lugia ex so he would kill it and end this game cause i couldnt do anything else

round 2
lbs vs. medicham and bannete ex(garret farrington)

ok so we neither wanted to play this game since he were friends and all but it had to happen sooner or later. anyways he started to limitate me and i get this 19 hand size and after he retreats to medicham,while i have porygon2,pidgeot,blasty,jirachi, he knocks out my jirachi and i do 60 with my jirachi and he 60s me so i retreat and stump my other jirachi and attack wit the other jirachi i brought as active so i kill that and he starts to flick poision my blasty but i already had all my switch cards in my hand thanks to limitaion. so i kill his bannette with steelix so he flicks me again and i kill the roselia been 2-4 in my favor and he sends up the other banette and i latias* kill him ftw.

round 3
lbs vs. dragtrode(mikkal/norway guy)
ok so i get t1 bird and i start setting up with mentor and stuff and he gets and ok set up as well but i get my blasty like t2 and prygon as well. so he warps and i bring up my pidget knewing it was going to get killed so he kills it with the dark trode and moves 2 darks to sneasel ex and i bring another bird up just like that and get steelix up that turn and kill his sneasel wit 2 darks and he attacks me wit ray* trying his 1st attack but gets tails and then i kill that with steelix and he does 70 with dragonite and i kill his trode in the back and he finally kills my stelix and i lugia kill him after that he didnt have anything but a dark trode and he admins me to 1 but i had porygon2 and lugia kill the trode ftw.


so the malecs, me and teh hills end up going to quisnos and eat over there and get back on time

round 4
lbs vs. raichueggz(zane nelson)
at last my revenge for losing to him at top 16 in nats. ok so he gets set up with castform and i start setting up everything and i snipe the egg and he zapps me and i kill him and he head butts me with pikachua and i snipe the other egg and he didnt have anything else afterwards, so i just kept taking my prizes one by one.

round 5
lbs vs. flariados(matuki/jp)
ok so he doesnt gets basic for 2 times and i get and decent start and he gets t2 but i have jirachi out, so i get t2 blasty out and start killing his stuff, and he keeps devo flashing my pidgeotto and pidgeot. well i pow up his espeon with 2 energies and latias* kill it and i stump my about to die blasty and bring another one. and kill more stuff after a while he ends up burning and confusing me and i retread and latias* kill ftw.

round 6
mirror match(elissa hill)
so i didnt want to play her either since we were friends and all but oh well, so i get t1 bird and t1 porygon2 and she starts saying how do i get this lucky,anyways i get a fast steelix and kill her pidgeotto and other stuff so at the end she only has a blasty out and she only killed one jirachi so i switch and latias* kill ftw.
gg 5-1

ok so knowing that im already in top 32 i didnt care much about the othert match

round 7
mirror match(bobby malec!!!!)
we were like this cant happen, but it sadly does. so he gets a heck of a better start than i do cause i had a horrible start which was draw, jirachi,and pass but i get a porygon 2 wich he snipes but then i admin and get squirtle,candy,blasty and try to stall and he admins givin me a POW which was like the only good card i had ,so POW his steelix since i was just goofing off since i though i lost and all and admin and i end up getting lugia kill (if i knew i would have gottein this i would have prefer the blasty,hehe)annyways he kills it later and were tied since i knock out a lugia he had out, so were tied 2-2 and if he knocks out my latias* he knew he was g2 lose cause of my 2nd POW, which he knew i had, so hes like were already in so ill just kill you and i POW the blasty ftw.(amazing comeback from lbs)
gg 6-1

so i lost 1st round and went undefeated for the other

so i end up ending 7th over all and i was playing matt sbaa which he was playin raichueggz

so everyone end up going to the napnap thing and BT got his new nickname called the WATERBOY!,lol which was just awesome. so i get horrible whike kyle gets like 6 misdreavus and 24 fossils,lol, so after losing 1st round to orion i was like in no mood to play anymore cause this was g2 be boring so i just left to trade poeple and went to sleep

top 32

....................... ill get back to you when i remeber but i have to do work so ill do it when im back
gj...you rock on the mirror matches...especially because it was Elissa and Bobby...nice job at worlds