Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

UK - States/Regional Dates


New Member
I know we have CC's going on at the moment and most of you are not thinking about states just yet but with the busy state of Organised Play in the UK and in an attempt to actually be organised I thought we ought to start posting the dates as they become known.

So here are the States I know of at the moment, please post any more details if you know them ..

I will update along the lines of the CC thread .. and note foreign nationals are most welcome to play for prizes and points but only UK Residents will win a place at UK Nationals.


Sunday 20 April 2008
South Central State Championships
Rockbottom Toy Store
Bargate Centre
York Buildings

Registration : 10:30am
Start Time: 11:30 am
Entrance fee: £5

Saturday 3 May 2008
London State Championships
Bryant Street Methodist Centre
Project E15 Bryant Street
London E15 4RU

Registration Time: 10:30 AM
Start Time: 11:30 AM
Entrance fee: £6

Organizer Name: Ben Ward Tel: 07949 359750
Email: [email protected] Website:

EU_UK North East State Championships
Saturday 10th May 2008
Hessle Town Hall
South Lane
East Yorkshire
HU13 0RR

Registration Time: 10:30am
Start Time: 11:00am
Entry Fee: £5.00

Organiser: Ben Hargrave Tel: 07855475313
Email: [email protected] Web:
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how many places for Nats are up for grabs pro? thnx -fK

I don't know I am afraid that has yet to be confirmed, in fact I still don't know what the qualification criteria from a CC is either .. we could end up with more places than we thought we would have .. nice if it happens :biggrin:

I feel another call for Venomex to confirm for us all please..
Southern Regional Championships

Hi all can now confirm Southern Regional Championships will be as follows

Date: 20 April
Venue: Rockbottom Toy Store
Bargate Centre
York Buildings

Cost: £5
Registration : 10:30am
Start Time: 11:30 am

Top eight players in each age group will qualify for National Championships
Please please can we have one in the MIDLANDS so we don't all have to travel to the SOUTH or the SOUTH for the opportunity to play?? Especially if we're in the middle of the country, let alone in the North...


More "state" dates will be announce shortly, and yes some are further north!

Also, Regionals will now be known, finally, in the UK as States, as they should be!
Pleased to announce the North East State Championships:

EU_UK North East State Championships
Saturday 10th May 2008

Hessle Town Hall
South Lane
East Yorkshire
HU13 0RR

Registration Time: 10:30am
Start Time: 11:00am
Entry Fee: £5.00

Organiser: Ben Hargrave
Tel: 07855475313
Email: [email protected]
As hessle's reigning champion- to yu two gentlemen i say :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

i'll try and make it up Ben, but i've got a few things to do early may- like finish my degree! :lol:
Hessle still doesn't exist.

lol, not a valid argument unless you've taken the time to travel and see. I reckon your just a little scared thats all :lol:

Be lovely to see you as always andy, hope you can make it but at the end of the day your degree is more important so make sure your sorted with that first. Might open the competition up a little as well :thumb: hehe...
More "state" dates will be announce shortly, and yes some are further north!

Also, Regionals will now be known, finally, in the UK as States, as they should be!

Will the Midlands have States this May? We have a rising player base here and yet it's 150 miles in every direction to get to a State Championship, which many younger players just simply have no way of getting to as easily as us adults can. Thanks!

- fK
Not in any way official but I've located 5 tournaments: Exeter, Southampton, Manchester, Hessle, and London that the organisers are refering to as S/T/Ps. None are flagged as premiere. So I can't be certain. The Leicester event that I found hints of on a bulletin board appears not to be happening. With the possible exception of London it does look like the UK STPs are going to be small events this year. :(
Not in any way official but I've located 5 tournaments: Exeter, Southampton, Manchester, Hessle, and London that the organisers are refering to as S/T/Ps. None are flagged as premiere. So I can't be certain. The Leicester event that I found hints of on a bulletin board appears not to be happening. With the possible exception of London it does look like the UK STPs are going to be small events this year. :(

What makes you say that? To be honest it doesn't seem to have changed much since last year, and although not "huge" (London being the exception obviously) they weren't exactly miniscule. Think the average was in the mid-thirties was it?

It would be a shame if we werent to see any improvment this year though... :nonono:
Hi all can now confirm Southern Regional Championships will be as follows

Date: 20 April
Venue: Rockbottom Toy Store
Bargate Centre
York Buildings

Cost: £5
Registration : 10:30am
Start Time: 11:30 am

Top eight players in each age group will qualify for National Championships

Is There Something Im Missing, People Are Saying Stuff About Qualifications To Nationals But Isnt Nationals Open???:confused::confused::confused::confused: