Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Unown g


New Member
Does unown G stop effects done to the pokemon its attached to by that Pokemon? If Unown G is attached to Golduck SW, and if I Break beam for 60, will Golduck be confused?

I know this might be in the wrong forum, but I posted it in rules team. I jsut need to know pretty quickly, thanks!:thumb:
I think unown G doesn't stop the confusion. You still might want to check the compenium for the answer. If you cant find unown G and golduck look up unown G and arcanine RR, their rulings should be the same.
I think unown G doesn't stop the confusion. You still might want to check the compenium for the answer. If you cant find unown G and golduck look up unown G and arcanine RR, their rulings should be the same.

Nothing came up, I didnt see anything? Unown g say efects done to that pokemon, it doesnt say by opponent, so...
No G doesn't stop the confusion. G was errata'd to say effects done by the opponent's active pokemon to your pokemon that unown G is attached to are prevented (I think that was the errata. I know that it doesn't prevent effects of your own pokemon though.)
Thats stupid, It says what it say on the card, I guess they try to find way to keep cards from being played, whatever though!!!
Thats stupid, It says what it say on the card, I guess they try to find way to keep cards from being played, whatever though!!!

It was errata'd because when they translated it from the japanese, they left out that clause.

It had to be fixed. The card would be amazingly broken otherwise.
Think of other attacks with effects like having to discard energy cards or many others.
*drools at the thought of no discard on a guarded chomp C*

Why would you do that with Chomp C?
AMU would sort of be the obvious combo. 200 every turn.


Ok... Unown G ... on Rayquazza LA ... parnter it with Electivire GL X

150 a turn without filling up your bench.

He goes down, Speed gain and rip again. That fails, active promote elecX... load the benched Ray, drop a Mesprit to prevent gust...


That's what's up !

Anyway, the guy's question has been answered.
Thanks for the clarification on this one PokePop