Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

US Nationals Info Announced

3 days? Ugh my only complain. I guess judges haven't ever worked in a factory because complaining about walking on your feet for a long period of time is nothing if you have worked at one.

It's not that. We don't want Juniors playing from 9am until midnight, then have to come back to play at 9am. Last year's Masters was insane, I think they played until 2am on day 1, then started again at 9am the next day. I'm betting that the MTs just wanted to stretch the time out of the "unreasonable" area and more into the 8-12 hours a day area.
uck, why not at GenCon :( I don't think I can go anyway, well its either nats or worlds for me I think this year.
RE: School - Nationals consistently takes place during HS graduations, it seems.
Which state are you in?
In Northern Virginia, we get out on June 21st. However, the school board where I live is going to be voting on how to make up 4 days lost to snow. One plan, although it isn't the one recommended by the superintendent, calls for extending the year to June 25th. :/
Anyone have a cheaper hotel flight site? $400/each seems to be what Im getting from SouthWest. Dang 2000 miles cali-to-indy trip..
I don't know if Nats will be bigger than last year, but it sure seems as if every attempt to make sure this year's Nats will be better is being made.

I'm not knocking St. Louis, my son Charlie and I found food and we both had a great time. That said, it looks like there are for more places to stay and eat near the tournament site.

Also three days, or possibly 4 days with a Professor's Cup, is a terrific plus for the attendees.

Finally, let me recommend the side events to people who show up early, and those who do not make the last day's cut. I got to Judge some side events when I wasn't working with Juniors. One of the tournaments I ran was the biggest event by itself that I had been a part of working, not counting Nats itself. The prize support for the tournaments was beyond generous as well. Consistently, more people received prizes during the side event tournaments, and the prizes were larger than expected as well.

I have found Pokemon to be pretty darn amazing, and the Nats tourney first rate.

Congrats to everyone who attends, win or lose it is an awesome get together.
In Northern Virginia, we get out on June 21st. However, the school board where I live is going to be voting on how to make up 4 days lost to snow. One plan, although it isn't the one recommended by the superintendent, calls for extending the year to June 25th. :/

Dang Skippy...when does school start in the Fall? School systems just need to get 180 days of instruction in to qualify for a "school year". We start in August here in TN and get out end of May. This year, last day (when you just have to pick up report card) is June 2.

If Nationals really matters to you, request to take your finals early, tell the school your family has plans and you could not otherwise attend finals. Blame the snow. Really, the last few days of the year in most American High Schools aren't the most important.
Single elimination? Sorry for the obvious question, but does this mean no best-of-three in top cut?

While I suppose in theory that's possible (they haven't explicitly said it'll be 2-of-3, as far as I know), I would say its 99.99999999999999% likely that top cut will be 2 of 3, with the possible exception of the first round of the cut (depending on the number of players they let go through).

When they say single elim, they mean if you lose a match, you're out, regardless of what point you lose the match in the cut. So, just like any other premier level event.
I can't speak for TPCi but I think it's a little stretching to say that they can't bump it back or forward a week or two from the static date it's been at. I don't know many kids who are in school into June and I don't know any schools that start up in July.

I know this is a couple months late, but being one who is taking a kid out of school for Nationals this year I can tell you many kids are still in school. Actually, about four and half MILLION school kids (about 10 percent of US student population) in the North East are in school on the 24th (most also in on the 25th, and NYC is until June 28th, which is over one million kids in itself).

This is a kids game? One week later would have helped a lot.