Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

V-Stock Fall Battle Roads Report Top 4 Report w/ Garbodor

I played in 2 Battle Roads this weekend within the St. Louis area. I wrote a report for the Saturday event on Celadon City Gym. You can check that out here!

I decided to play Garbodor again today (I played the trash bag a few weeks ago at Collector's Cache) because yesterday's metagame implied that the deck should perform well today. There was a lot of Hydreigon and Eelektrik variants and few people were playing Tool Scrapper. My good friend Brit modified my list from Collector's Cache and performed quite well with it yesterday at his Battle Road. I made the same changes he made and hoped for the best!

Here is a link to my Collector's Cache report in case you haven't read that yet!

Here is the list I ran today..

Pokemon: 12
3x Trubbish (NVI)
3x Garbodor
3x Terrakion
2x Registeel EX
1x Mewtwo EX

Energy: 13
9x Fighting Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Trainers: 35
4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Bianca
2x Random Receiver
3x Heavy Ball
3x Ultra Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Exp. Share
3x Eviolite
4x Switch
1x Tool Scrapper

Brit decided to cut a Trubbish and a Bianca/Random Receiver for a Mewtwo EX and the a Tool Scrapper. The addition of Mewtwo EX was a great decision..but I didn't use the Tool Scrapper at all. I don't think this is the type of a deck that you want to run a single card like Tool Scrapper since it can't be searched for. I'll probably cut the Tool Scrapper in order to go back to 4 Trubbish as I had some issues getting them early on in my games.

So on to the report!

Round 1: v.s. Darkrai EX/Tornadus EX/Mewtwo EX
I went second and opened Registeel EX to his Tornadus EPO. He benched a Tornadus EX, attached a Darkness Energy, played a Skyarrow Bridge and passed. I attached a Fighting and Eviolite to my Registeel EX and passed. He attached a DCE to Tornadus EX and benched 2 Darkrai EX. He played Tool Scrapper to get rid of my Eviolite and used Power Blast to put Registeel EX up to 100 damage. He flipped tails and discarded the Darkness Energy. On my turn, I benched a Terrakion and attached a Fighting energy- then passed. He knocked out my Registeel EX with another Power Blast- flipping another tails and grabbing 2 prizes. I Catchered up a Darkrai EX and used Retaliate for the knock out. He then hit my Terrakion for 60 with Blow Through. I played an N, hoping to get another Catcher but missed and swung into Tornadus EX for 70. He attached a PlusPower and used Blow Through for the knock out on Terrakion. I believe I promoted another Terrakion and used Retaliate on his second Darkrai EX after benching a Mewtwo EX. Over the next few turns I put some more damage on Tornadus EX's and gave up a Terrakion to put him at 2 prizes. My plan was to knock out a Tornadus EX with damage with my Mewtwo EX..but he Max Potioned that damage off and Catchered my Mewtwo EX and hit it for 60 with another Tornadus EX. I retreated and Land Crushed for 70. He got another Catcher and knocked out my Mewtwo EX for his last 2 prizes with a Mewtwo EX he had put down the turn before. I don't think this is a very favorable matchup for my deck. Garbodor was completely useless and Tornadus EX is really strong against variants like this.


Round 2: v.s. Zoroark/Darkrai EX/Sableye
I went first and opened with Registeel EX to his Darkrai EX. I attached a DCE and passed. He benched a Sableye and Darkrai EX. He attached to the active Darrkai EX and passed. I played down a Trubbish+Terrakion and attached a fighting to the active Registeel EX and used Triple Laser. He just attached to the active Darkrai EX and passed. I Catchered the benched Darkrai EX hoping to get a Garbodor+Tool off of a Juniper. I got the Garbodor but wiffed on the Tool. I used Triple Laser to hit his 3 Pokemon again. Over the next few turns, I started powering up a Terrakion and another Registeel EX. I didn't want to go too aggressive with Terrakion because he played a lot of Dark Claw and could easily one shot my Terrakions with Zoroark. He Max Potioned the 60 off of the Sableye and didn't do much else on his turn- I am pretty sure he was having a slight energy drought. I just did 30 to his 3 Pokemon again. So his 2 Darkrai EX's were up to 90 and his Sabeye had 30 now. I believe I finally got a Tool this turn so lock in the active Darkrai EX with no energy. On his turn he used an Enhanced Hammer to remove the DCE from my active Registeel EX and benched 2 Zorua and put Dark Claws on them both. He also Max Potioned the active Darkrai EX. On my turn, I played a Switch for my benched Registeel EX that was powered up and used Triple Laser- putting 30 on a Zorua, 30 more on Sableye and 120 on the benched Darkrai EX with 2 Energy. I believe he attached a DCE to the benched Zorua that I did damage to, evolved to Zoroark, played another Enhanced Hammer to remove the DCE on my active then passed. On my turn, I played a Switch for the benched Terrakion with 2 Fighting, Catchered up the Darkrai EX with 120 damage and used Retaliate for 60- grabbing 2 prizes. He responds to the Terrakion with a Zoroark hit for 140 and the knock out. This is where it gets really interesting. My hand was pretty bad and I couldn't really go aggro Terrakion any more due to Zoroark. I also had very little energy on the field. I believe I only had 1 Fighting on both Registeel and I put a Fighting from the knocked out Terrakion that was put on a benched Terrakion with EXP Share. So, I promoted a Trubbish, attached a Fighting and used Garbage Collection to put a Pokemon Catcher back on the top of my deck. His plan was to start knocking out more important things than Trubbish (like Garbodor/Terrakion) so he retreated his Zoroark and Junk Hunted for 2 Catcher. I played my Catcher to bring up the benched Darkrai EX with no energy and used Garbage Collection to put a Switch back on the top of my deck (I believe my hand was like 2 Garbodor and 1 Terrakion at this point). He used one of his Catchers to bring up a Garbodor and passed. I played the Switch and brought up Trubbish and then used Garbage Collection again to put the Switch back up on the top of my deck. He played his last Catcher to bring up Garbodor and passed. I used the Switch again and brought up Trubbish and put a DCE on the top of my deck. Time was called on his turn and he attached a Darkness Energy to the active Darkrai EX and passed. I retreated Trubbish for Registeel EX and knocked out his benched Sableye with 60 on it putting me at 3 prizes and him at 5. He had no way of grabbing 2 prizes on his turn so he scooped! Very fun game :)


Round 3: v.s. Rayquaza EX/Eelektrik
I went first and opened Registeel EX to her SR Rayquaza and benched Tynamo. I attached a Fighting+Eviolite and passed. She played another Tynamo and a Rayquaza EX and used Dragon Pulse to do 20 to Registeel EX. I attached a DCE, played down a Terrakion and hit the the 2 Tynamo and 1 Rayquaza EX for 30. She evolved both Tynamo to Eelektrik. She didn't play Tool Scrapper and I had gotten 2 Trubbish on the field so she decided to start powering up the active Rayquaza with more energy so she could use Shred (I believe she was worried she couldn't keep up a stream of Dragon Bursts without Dynamotor). I got out a Garbodor within the next few turns with a Tool and Catchered up an Eelektrik. She couldn't get a Switch which allowed me Triple Laser he bench for 3 turns getting 1 prize off the benched Eelektrik and piling damage on other Pokemon. She eventually got a Switch and knocked out my active Registeel EX with her SR Rayquaza. I promoted my Registeel EX and knocked out a benched Rayquaza EX and her Eelektrik and put her other, powered up Rayquaza EX at 90. She was able to knock out my Registeel EX with her Rayquaza EX after retreating the active Rayquaza..but I just used Retaliate for my last 2 prizes.


Round 4: v.s. Ho-Oh EX/Mewtwo EX/Terrakion/Sigiyph
I went first and opened Registeel EX to his Mewtwo EX. I attached a Fighting Energy to the Registeel EX and passed. He got a Ho-Oh EX in the discard, along with 2 Energy and failed on Rebirth. I benched a Terrakion and Trubbish, attached a DCE to Registeel EX and an EXP Share to Terrakion and hit the Mewtwo EX for 30 with Triple Laser. He got another energy in the discard pile, flipped heads on Rebirth, played a Switch, attached a different energy to Ho-Oh EX and did 200 to Registeel EX. I promoted Terrakion EX, Catchered the Mewtwo EX and hit it for 90 after benching 2 Trubbish and evolving to Garbodor (no Tool yet). He landed heads on Super Scoop Up to pick up the Mewtwo EX, Catchered up Garbodor and hit it for 100. I'm not exactly sure how the next few turns went but I was able to knock out the Mewtwo EX with my Terrakion and he knocked out all 3 Trubbish/Garbodor putting him at 1 prize and me at 4. I bench a Mewtwo EX, Catcher up the benched Ho-Oh with no energy on it and play N. I hit the Ho-Oh EX for 40 with my Mewtwo EX after playing a Switch. I got him pretty good with this N because he is unable to ever recover from this. I get another Catcher to kill the benched Ho-Oh EX with 5 energy on it and he promotes a Sigilyph with a DCE. He can't get a Psychic energy so he passes. I Switch to Terrakion to knock out the Sigilyph and then I knock out his Ho-Oh EX over the next two turns. These turns were a bit more epic than they may sound in this report.. I remember him getting a Random Receiver but he hits an N instead of a Juniper and is still left with just a 1 card hand. I also remember me wiffing on one of my last Pokemon Catchers to win a turn earlier at one point. Very good game!


Round 5: v.s. Rayquaza EX/Eelektrik
I went second and opened Mewtwo EX to his Rayquaza EX. He benches a Tynamo, attaches an Electric to Rayquaza and uses Celestial Roar and gets 1 Fire Energy. I put an Eviolite on my Mewtwo EX, attach a Fighting, bench a Trubbish and a Terrakion and pass. He does 100 to my Mewtwo EX after benching another Tynamo. I am unable to get Garbodor or another Trubbish- so I just attach a Fighting to Mewtwo EX and hit the Rayquaza EX for 60. He attaches an Electric to Rayquaza EX, Catchers up Trubbish and hits it for 60. I get another Trubbish and hit the Rayquaza EX for 60. He gets an Eel into play and is able to put 2 Electric on Rayquaza EX and knock out my Mewtwo EX. I promote Terrakion, evolve to Garbodor, play an N and wiff on the Tool. I knock out the Rayquaza EX with Retaliate and grab 2 prizes. I also got him really good with this N because he never plays a Supporter again. He also can't get another Fire Energy so he can't attack with Rayquaza EX. I grabbed 2 Tools from Prizes and attach one to Garbodor- he also doesn't play Tool Scrapper so he never gets to use Dynamotor again. Over the next few turns I just run through his Pokemon with Terrakion.


So, standings are posted and I end up in 4th place! The entire top 4 looked like this..

1st- Garchomp/Terrakion
2nd- Eelektrik/Zekrom
3rd- Darkrai EX/Hydreigon
4th- Garbodor/Terrakion/Registeel EX/Mewtwo EX

I was pretty happy with my placement! I already talked about the change I plan on making to this list (cutting Tool Scrapper for the fourth Trubbish), so I'll just say a few more things about the deck.

- This variant does not have strong matchups with basic exclusive decks like Ho-Oh EX variants and Darkrai EX/Tornadus EX/Terrakion things. You should probably not play a deck like this in a metagame where these big basic decks are popular.
- It is hard getting early Trubbishes. It is very important that you get this little guy really early so you can keep the Ability lock online for as long as possible.
- If Zoroark gets popular, this will probably not be the best variant to use since Terrakion isn't all that strong against Zoroark. I see promise in Zoroark- so this is something to really consider.
- I was never Tool Scrappered over the course of the day (except the first game..but that wasn't all that meaningful). I ended up making a very good decision with Garbodor. People had taken Tool Scrappers out of their decks since no body had been using Garbodor within the past week in our area. If you want to successfully play Garbodor, you need to wait for a time where no body is using Tool Scrapper.

Anyway, that's it for now! Props to all of you guys for reading!


P.S. Sorry if I confused some turns or games..I wasn't able to take very detailed notes since a lot of my games were very long.
Congrats, glad the trash worked out pretty well for you. Can't wait to see you next weekend. Should be quite the battle roads. ^_^
Great job getting 4th! It was pretty tough competition yesterday. Also glad to see that I was able to provide you with the spark you needed for the winning streak...... ;-)

I was your 2nd game and yes I did go on an energy drought which just killed my game from ever really progressing once you got your Garbodor lock in place... I discovered after the game that 3 of my energies were prized so that didn't help either. What's also funny is that if I had prepared this deck for me instead of my son to use it, then I would have had a Tool Scrapper in it. But he decided at the last minute that he wanted to use my ZekEels deck and so I had to play his deck which I had tailored for the Juniors... But I guess he made a good call because he was able to go 3-0 and win Juniors with it yesterday!!! Way to go son!!! His first ever tournament win.
Yay to a new Junior champ!

Nice report as always Colin. See you at Yeti on Wednesday.

This is going to be an epic season. So many games going down to the wire in this format.

We get this weekend off - then Gamenite Saturday the 29th and...

YETI on Sunday the 30th!!!!

See you ALL there!
