Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

VA and MD state report w/ link to pictures!


So sorry it took over a whole week to get this up! This is my first tournament report and it’s basically a review of both VA and MD State Championships. Team Leesburger (Me, Spencer, Ryan, and Devon) and I were originally only going to go to VA states because until I get my license our parents don’t prefer to take us to back to back tournaments. But because of my good looks and smart personality (cough, cough) I was able to manipulate my parents to take us on Sunday to MD with bribes and so on. We were good to go for this year’s States. The next task was deciding on a deck for, not only me, but for my two brothers as well. During the City Championships I was able to trade for all the Metanite essentials. I had the option of playing Delta, Bandoom, an anti delta red face paint deck, and Metanite. Knowing the current metagame and with its Cities’ record it seemed like Metanite was the right choice (with a few techs to take on my mirror of course). So I was good to go, I just needed to figure out my brothers decks. My brother Devon (Registeel) was older then Ryan so he got the next best thing. Spencer (Super Wooper) and I always help each other out with Cards and he wanted to use my Bandoom. So Devon got Delta and Ryan and I put together a Megainium ex / RK9 deck for him to play. Great, so I put together the decks the night before Saturday and we played a couple games for them to practice their new decks. Alarm goes off! Saturday morning, the sun is out, I feel good, and I was ready to go get an X-0 record (cough, cough). We get ready to leave, Spencer and his Dad show up at around 9 and we were off! As we were doing some last minute deck check ups in the car Spencer suddenly decides he wants to play Delta. Hmm, ok so now we need to switch decks with my brother, but it wasn’t a big deal. Devon was fine with Bandoom. So they get their decks figured out and Spencer helps Ryan with a couple changes to his deck. All the while I’m basically sitting back and taking pictures for this article. (CLICK HERE FOR ALL PICTURES) By the way my my-space is: com/back_gate

We get to Woodbridge with about 5 minutes early. We walk in to Game parlor to find it completely packed with players. I believe there were over 100 people in the store just competing. It’s amazing how much pokemon has started to expand. We find a table and get our deck lists written out to register. My brother Devon had a lack of Holon trainers so he was running around asking any one there for trainers. It was quite amusing to be honest. Spencer and I get in line which was practically out the door to get registered and to grab a ticket for the door prizes which included a pink, oh yes I said pink, DS lite! Sweet, well after about a half hour we get our Decks checked and we are ready to play. Shuffle like mad! So we did and did it over again. Mr. and Mrs. Tuskey were Running the Tournament that day (By the way please forgive me if I misspell any one’s name). Registration ends and Mr. Tuskey starts the announcements. He says the usual and mentions the DS lite, and then proceeds to say the parings are up. So everyone starts running over each other to get to the parings and we all sit down to start our first match. IT’S SO INTENSE!

Round: 1
My first match up was against a one Kevin Forbis. I believe he was a pokedad, if you excuse my slang (Phhht). We get all set up and start the match. I got the preferred Holon Castform start so I was happy and he started with a Nidoran. I assumed he was playing Gatorqueen but by third turn it turned out to be a Nidoqueen / Gardevoir red face paint deck. I take a few Delta draws and I get set up. Turn 4 he has a powered Nidoqueen active and a couple Ralts on the bench and he KO’s my Castform with his Nidoqueen to take the first prize. I move up my Metagross and end the turn by Knocking out his Nidoqueen with enough energy from the delta charges, unfortunately I had to discard both energy on Metagross to get the KO, but it was necessary. He pushes up a Kirlia d and Mentors for a few extra pokemon to fill the bench with 2 Ralts, and 2 Nidoran. He throws down another Kirlia d on the bench and hits me for 80 because of the weakness issue. Next turn I’m slightly concerned because it seemed like my active Metagross was going to die next turn because of the lack of energy on him. So I delta control for a rare candy and I use an adventurer to grab a windstorm, a lightning energy, and a Metagross DX. DOH! I play the Metagross DX, use his power, use 1 Delta charge and discard all 3 energy to KO. He was able to KO my active with a Gardevoir d DS, but at that point it was too easy to take advantage of Weakness with my Metagross DX and after a few easy KO’s I walked away with my first Win.
Metanite vs. Nidoqueen / Gardevoir d

After the first Match we all broke up for lunch. Sean (CFK) joined me and Team Leesburger to go get some food. We showed up at Subway. The line was out the door so I think our inner self advised against it. We walked a little further to Dairy Queen but it turned out the line was just as long and we realized that subway would be faster, so we walked back, but just as we got there Sean brought up the option of driving us to Burger King. Sounded good to us so we all jumped in his car and Got to a Burger King that had the longest line of them all! Oh well, we get our food and eat in the car to save some time.

Round: 2
We get back and finish our food just in time to sit down and set up. My second match up was against Kevin Wong (Pokemonforever). I start the match with my Castform start again. There was one little problem, Kevin was playing RK9 / Houndoom one of my worst match ups. I was pretty worried, but I was playing the Latias-Latios ex combo so I new there was a chance to pull through. He gets a great start with a Growlith active and a Houdour on the bench. I didn’t have a great hand so I really had no choice but to play more then 2 pokemon to get a decent delta draw. He starts out playing a trainer and giving Growlith an energy. He flips tails on the body slam so I’m ok for at least 1 more turn. I play a Transceiver to grab mentor, expecting to get the lati@s and laugh, but oh no, guess what, the Latias d was prized. OOPS, well I still have the Latios ex with weakness advantage so in my mind it wasn’t over yet. I play Latios ex with an energy and play a couple stage ones on my bench. I end the turn with Delta draw. Turn 2 for Kevin and he plays a PETM for a RK9 ex and already had the energy and Houndoom in his hand. He plays the Houndoom and the energy and hits my Castform and my Beldum for 30 and 20. I draw and and I am unable to find another Castform for Latios ex so I delta draw one more time and get the Castform. Turn 3 Kevin plays down another Growlith on the bench. Suddenly he plays a reversal to try and get rid of my Latios ex before I had a chance to fight back. He flips tails again, which obviously was a huge relief for me. So he KO’s my Castform and hits Beldum again for 20. I push up the damaged Beldum with a second beldum on the bench. I used delta charge on Latios ex and return the metal with the Castform and retreat to Latios ex. I try to attack with 60 for the KO and Kevin interrupts me by saying “you can’t attack”. He then points out that he had placed down a Crystal Beach the last turn. OOPS AGAIN, I hadn’t noticed it which was my first miss play of the day. I can’t retreat again to save it and I can’t attack so I basically lose right there. Kevin KO’s the Latios ex and continues to beat me up for the win.
Metanite vs. RK9 / Houndoom

Round: 3
Ok, I try to forget about it as I set up for the next match. Match 3 I was up against Bradley Hammitt. My brother had just beaten him and I talked to him before the match so I already new he was playing, a Kingdra ex red face paint deck. Bradley and I both got decent starts and we begin. He goes first with a eevee active with a Horsea d and a Spearow benched. He call’s one and pass’s to me. I start with a lone Beldum and play a mentor to get a Castform, a second beldum for the free retreat, and a Dratini. I then delta draw for 3 after attaching a lightning energy on castform. I get a rare candy in the draw. Turn 2 Bradley plays mentor, evolves a Horsea, attaches an energy, CCF . My go, I draw into a Metagross and I delta control for a Dragonite. I use an adventurer and draw another rare candy. I evolve to Dragontie and use Delta Charge. There isn’t much else to explain. Bradley gets the first prize by taking out a Beldum, but because I set up faster and he had the Weakness problem I out played him and got the win.
Metanite vs. Kingdra ex

Round: 4
So far I still can make it into to the top 8, I just couldn’t make anymore misplays (cough, cough). My next Match was against Gonzalo. I started 2nd with a Dratini active and a Transceiver. He was playing a red face paint Kingler d / Scizor ex deck. He went first with a Scyther active and a Scyther on the bench. He played a grass and used Twin Play to grab a 3rd Scyther and a Scizor ex. I had a rare candy and the Dragonite so I decided to hold out with him instead of trying to put up a Castform. So I played a Metal and used the rare candy to Dragonite, used the Transceiver for mentor and got out 2 Beldum and a Latios ex. I used Delta Charge on the Latios ex and passed to Gonzalo. 2rd turn Gonzalo evolved the Scyther and played a Metal. He evolved a second Scyther and things looked bad for me. He used Steel Wing and hit my dragonite for 30. I new I had to play it safe for one more turn until I could power up Latios ex. I evolved a Beldum and played a lightning on Dragonite. So it turns out I have the heart of the dice because I flipped 3 heads on Agility. But because he didn’t realize he could still use effect of Steel wing he just passed to me for 3 turns which was very helpful. After the 3rd Agility he retreated to a fresh Scizor ex and played a Kraby with an energy. I retreated to Latios ex and stalled for another turn. He retreated to Kraby and slightly surprised me with a tool card and a DRE. He hit me for 70 and I the returned the favor with a Metagross and knocked it out. After that we went back and forth KOing each other, but I was taking more prizes because of his ex pokemon. It was close but I ended up with the win. Gonzalo reacted by dropping out, which gave me really bad resistance. Oh well.
Metanite vs. Scizor ex / Kingler d

At this point I needed to win at least 1 more match to have a chance into the top 8, it seemed very possible to me, although I was still a little worried about my resistance, but I couldn’t know for sure what would happen. So my next match was against Jesus, but we like to call him John Anderson. I new from the beginning he was playing my mirror, and I also new John was a very smart player, so I had to assume he was prepared for the mirror. Just before we set up, Mr. Tuskey announces that he is going to draw a ticket for the winner of the DS lite. So we wait, he pulls a ticket and…. And…. And! Its not my number = (... Oh well, I couldn’t expect it out of 100 people. But wait, there’s a commotion going on. What could be wrong? The person with that ticket was no were to be found! So Mr. Tuskey decides to redraw. And……And………..And! It’s my ticket! Yep, I won the DS lite. That’s the second time I have won a DS at a pokemon tournament. It was pretty cool, but anyways moving on to the match. So I get back to my seat and I get set up to play.

Round: 5
I start with the beldum active and he starts with a castform. He goes first, so he throughs down a beldum and delta draw’s for 1. I draw into a Dratini and I use a mentor to grab a Beldum, a Castform, and a ralts. I got the ralts early to power him up and to take out John’s pokepowers quickly, but grabbing it so early might have been my first misplay of that game. He saw the ralts and said “A man don’t tell me your playing Gardy ex”. I was silent, but it made me happy to hear that. After a few turns and a couple delta draws I play a Metagross d active, Dragonite, a Metagross d, a Latios*, and a Gardevoir ex d. He had down a Latios* active Metagross d, 2 dragonair d, a castform, and a Treako d. He KO’s my Metagross with Latios*. It was my turn and I had to assume that he was going to put down a Sceptile ex d next turn so my last chance to use Gardevoir ex d was now. I had 2 energy’s on Latios* and 1 energy on Gardevoir ex. All I had to do was play the Latios* active, use delta charge on the Gardy ex, and retreat to KO his Latios*. But I’m not quite that bright apparently. For some reason I played the Gardy ex active forgetting that delta charge only works on the bench. OOPS AGAIN, my second big misplay. I imprison his Metagross and pass. Well that pretty much sealed the deal for John, he retreated and plays a beldum to stall for a turn to power his Latios*. I had no choice but to retreat and KO his Beldum with a Metagross. He KO’s my second Metagross with the Latios*. I KO the Latios* with my Gardy ex and he KO’s my Gardy ex with his Sceptile ex because of Weakness. After that he just out played me for a tight win. I was still excited about the DS and at the same time so mad at myself for making another misplay.
Metanite vs. Metanite

Round: 6
Jesus tries to comfort me by telling me I can still get into the top 8, but I was pretty sure the resistance would keep me out. Anyways I had one more match up before top 8. I who would have guessed it would be Spencer that I had to play. That was a bad thing because we had tested a few times and he new exactly what to do against a Metanite deck, not to mention he new almost exactly how my deck was built. That put me at a disadvantage right away. There isn’t much to say about a match like this one. Spencer sets up quicker and starts spreading damage every were with Zap and Cursed stone. I took the game to 2 prizes but there really wasn’t anything I could against 4 cursed stone and 4 C crystal.
Metanite vs. Delta

So I end the day with a 3-3 record. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but the every Match up that day had given me a really good feel for Metanite and just exactly how to play it in different situations. I definitely learned from my mistakes I can say that much. Anyways Ryan also got a 3-3 record, Devon and Spencer had a 4-2 record and I guess I was the resistance Spencer needed to get 8th seat for the top 8. Good for him I thought. So it was Spencer vs. Jordan Hill, a mirror match. Spencer went 0-2 in that match up. Jordan went X-0 that day, beating John Anderson and taking the gold. Spencer’s mom had showed up about 3 hours earlier to get us but she left and came back about a half hour after Spencer’s Match had ended. So we leave and Mrs. Nalle takes us to McDonalds for food. We get back and I collapse on my bed and fall asleep.


Sunday morning, once again the sun was out, I felt better, and I was sure I would get my X-0 today! (Cough, cough). It was pretty much a ditto of Saturday morning……ditto?........ So this time my dad was taking us to Rockville. We were supposed to get to Spencer’s house and pick him up by 9, but because we are always fashionably late, we got there at about 9:15. But we only lived about 45 min away (when my dad is driving anyway) so we were ok. Spencer wasn’t happy with Delta the day before so he decided to go with Bancham, which meant Devon had to play Delta, but Devon doesn’t own any good cards so he didn’t really have a say in what he played. So they switched decks again. I didn’t change my deck much; the only thing I changed was taking out the Latias-Latios ex for a Celabi ex and a Giant stump. I hadn’t used the lat-lat once at VA states and I new Kevin Wong was judging at MD states so that was one RK9 deck out of the way and I thought these 2 cards would help a lot more. It ended up being the right decision as you will read later. So I make the switch and we show up at the shop a couple minutes late, but it was ok. There were a lot of people there as well, but a lot of people from VA states didn’t show up. Like John Anderson, Jordan Hill, Brett, Gonzalo, and Sean. Never the less it was packed. We look for a table and end up joining Luke R and Mike P. We write up our deck lists and get in line which was just as long as the day before. Devon started running around again for Holon trainers, but this time I guess he ran out of luck because he couldn’t find extra. So he was forced to play a delta deck with Lanette’s net search and TV reporters. So Kevin was the head judge and he started the announcements. Parings went up and we all got to our tables for the first match.

Round: 1
My first match was against Ryan Webb. We say our hellos and get set up to start. I was forced to play a Dratini active, but I rolled a higher number, so at least I was going first. The game starts and I play a lightning and flip tail to paralyze so I do ten damage to his active Holon Castform. He was playing Gatorqueen and he got the mentor start, so he grabs a Nidoran and 2 Totadiles. Ryan places an energy and Delta draws for 3. My go; I used a transceiver for a Castform, a 2nd Dratini, and a Beldum. I retreat and play a metal on the Castform. I delta draw and pass to Ryan. He draws, and evolves to Nidoqueen with a rare candy. He used invitation and places a 4th pokemon onto the bench. He evolves a Totadile and delta draws once more. After about 1 more delta draw each we are both pretty much set up, but at the time he had the advantage in pokemon. He drags off a Dratini I had benched with his Feraligator and does 40 because of both Feraligators he had in play. So I retreat with a lightning energy and push up a Metagross with the necessary energy to attack. I use Delta control and get a Dragoniar and evolve the damaged Dratini. I play a Ralts and use delta charge on the ralts. I evolve a Beldum to a Metang and use a Scientist for 4. I discard 1 energy on Metagross and 1 energy on the benched Dragonite for 70 damage. So he goes and ends by dragging off the Dragoniar for the KO. I play the Metagross and Drop enough energy to KO. So he brings up a second Feraligator, evolves into a Feraligator and damages my Metagross. Anyways I ended up wining.
Metanite vs. Gatorqueen

So I win the first match, always a good sign. Kevin announces the lunch break. Team Leesburger joins up with the Tuskey’s and Timothy to walk up to Wendy’s. Sense it was about the only place to eat around the line was literally out the door. So we wait for a while and we notice the Melony Allreadt got her food and had some extra fries. It came to mind, but Spencer was the first to react. He leaps over the tables and grabs the fries. Ryan saw that and wouldn’t let him take all the fries, so he starts trying to take them from Spencer. Spencer fights back, but after about ten fries Ryan grabs them and gives them back to Melody. So Spencer is satisfied and he sits back and laughs at us as we stand in line for another 10 minutes. I had to pay for my brothers because they somehow ran out of money. We get out food and rush back with about 5 minutes to spare.

Round: 2
This is one of those matches that you just hate, regardless of whether or not you win. I was playing Adam, and he showed up the second Kevin said begin. After we got set up I called a judge and asked if we could get a 2 minute extension, but the judge didn’t give it to me = ( . He was playing a Flariados with a couple minor techs. He starts first with to Eevee. He plays a grass energy and calls for a 3rd Eevee. I thought it was a little odd he didn’t grab a Spinarak, but I guess he had his reasons. So I got my Castform start again, use the mentor for 1 Dratini, 1 Beldum, and 1 Celabi ex. I play the Dratini and the Beldum and I already had a Beldum on the bench. I hold on to the Celabi ex and draw for three. He draws and evolves the active to Flareon ex, so obviously my Castform was Burned and Confused. He plays a spinarak on the bench and plays a multi on Flareon ex. He hits Castform for thirty and I flip heads for the burn. I draw and I really didn’t have a whole lot of options. I didn’t any energy, and I had 1 Metang and a mentor. So I use the mentor for a holon voltorb, a 2nd Dratini and a 3rd Beldum. I play the dratini and the beldum, evolve with the metang and play the voltorb on the Dratini. I couldn’t retreat and attack so I had to take a risk and try to delta draw. Heart of the dice, I flip heads on the confusion and the burn. So I delta draw for 5 and get a rare candy a transceiver, a windstorm and a couple energy. Adams draws and plays an energy on the benched eevee. I guess he was thinking about weakness and thought it would be smart to go straight Flareon ex the whole game. It made sense. He KOed the Castform and takes the first prize. I play the Dratini active and draw. I use the transceiver for a researcher and rare candy to Dragonite. I play a lightning and use Agility to flip a heads. I guess he didn’t think of the Ariados because he just passed. I started evolving my bench and I played the Celabi with an energy. I use agility again and flip tails. So he retreats it and spider traps the Celabi. I flip heads on the asleep. So I retreat and use the Dragonite to KO. He evolves a Flareon ex to burn and confuse and he damages my Dragonite. I flip head again of the burn. I use the windstorm on his full flame and retreat to the Celabi to stall again. The next turn he was taking a really long time to finish for some reason and it wasn’t helping my situation, so I asked a judge to watch for stalling and after that we were at each others throats for the rest of the game. It seemed like to me he started intentionally stalling, but in such a way to get away with it. He started asking the judge about a lot of different things, but the judge wasn’t saying anything about it. I called over Kevin and asked for a time extension because he was late, and because Kevin was head he over ruled the other judge and added 2 minutes. Well Adam wasn’t happy about that. So he starts arguing with Kevin all the while I’m continuing my turn. So in the end we ended up with a seven minute time extension and Kevin started calling Adam on things like not announcing Flareon’s pokepower and stuff like that. It wasn’t fun for either of us, but I won on time. Adam was pretty upset and we both got a warning from Kevin (What ever that means)
Metanite vs. Flariados

Round: 3
My third match was against a kid named Pablo. There isn’t much to say about this match. He was playing RK9 / Houndoom and I took out the lat-lat before the tournament, so obviously he took the win, he out played me (sniff, sniff). I do have to say that he was probably the smartest player I played over both tournaments. The deck was very well built, regardless of whether or not it was the right deck choice, and he new exactly what he was doing. Kudos Pablo.
Metanite vs. RK9 / Houndoom.

Round: 4
Round 4 I played Michael Miles. He was playing a Gardevoir ex / Flygon d (ex) red face paint deck. I seems like the kind of deck that, if built right, could easily beat me up. But his problem was it wasn’t very well built. I don’t think he played any Holon Castform, and that would be the obvious play in my opinion. So the story is I set up faster, and he couldn’t get out a Gardevoir ex fast enough to shut off my powers. I don’t think he realized how much Gardevoir ex would help against my Dragonites and Metagross because he used a mentor and didn’t grab a Ralts. He didn’t play a ralts till 5th turn and although he had a Flygon d to play energys faster it was just too late for him to fight back. I believe he grabbed 3 prizes, but it took the win. We talked for a while after the match about our game and things he could have done to play better. I think he understood what he should have done to beat me.
Metanite vs. Gardevoir ex / Flygon d (ex)

Round: 5
So we took a little break and I went to go find out the record of team Leesburger so far. Spencer was 2-2, Devon 2-2, and Ryan was 2-2. They all had a chance to make it in the top 8 cut, as long as they won the rest of their matches. At this point for me I probably could lose one more and still make the cut because of my resistance, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to try to lose. So round five I play Michael Miles’ brother Peter. We get set up and have laugh about me beating his brother. We role and I go first, so I play a Castform and the only other basic I had which was a Dratini and I delta draw for 1 using a metal. Peter was playing Salamance / Flygon d, which in my opinion is a slightly mediocre version of Metanite. To be honest I can’t completely remember what happened in this game, but I don’t think he was playing the Castform start either. Oh by the way, if anyone reads something that I wrote which isn’t true please tell me so I can correct it. I’m trying to make anything up, I’m writing this to the best of my ability to remember. Anyways back to this match; so my second turn I can’t find a mentor, but I used a researcher to grab a beldum and I delta drew for 2. turn 2 for peter, he plays a second energy on a bagon and evolves a couple pokemon. A very long story short, we both get set up and Peter makes the misplay of attacking first with Salamance to KO the Holon Castform, which gave me the opportunity to get rid of his only powered Salamance before he could take advantage of weakness. I out play him and win on time.
Metanite vs. Salamance / Flygon d

Round: 6
So things were looking pretty good for me, I had one more match to play, but I was pretty confident I would make the top cut through resistance regardless of what happened in my next match. My next match was against Mike Renolds. I talked to some people and found out he was playing Meglix, OHHO. That’s a pretty bad match up for me. I did have the Gardevoir ex to help, but if I stuck that up all he would have to do is play a Metagross and take advantage of weakness. So I just basically prayed that Mike would get a horrible start and I would luck out for the win. And I guess God answered my prayers because Mike started with a lone Holon Voltorb and couldn’t grab a basic or a decent trainer for 3 turns. I beat him turn 4 with the Garevoir ex. GG sir. I do feel bad for Mike though, he didn’t make the top cut.
Metanite vs. Meglix

So I made it in the top 8, cool beans. I think I was 3rd. I checked team Leesburger for results. Devon got a 4-2 record but just missed the cut, Spencer lucked out for 8th seat again! And Ryan ended the day with a 3-3 record. The top was Luke Read with Mewtrick / Eeveelutions vs. Spencer with Bancham. Next table was a mirror match Mike P vs. some guy (sorry I can’t recall your name) both playing Polistall. Next was me vs. Michael Miles again, and finally last table was Pablo vs. Adam. So we get all our decks in order and wait for them to finish their deck. After about 20 or so minutes we all go to sit and shuffle like MAD. And we did, and did it over again. As we were shuffling Michael and I were sort of teasing he other about how were both going to own each other. I was though secretly really nervous because when we talked after our first match I had explained to him exactly what he should have done to beat me, not expecting to play him again.

Top 8
So the first match was a little similar to our first match, but he did play smarter and it was very close, but I set up faster and just barley won the first match. Second match we had about 35 minutes left. We set up but this time Michael has a much better start then I. So I drag along, slowly getting set up, and he is almost ready to take me out. Well I use a scientist and get like a god hand with rare candy and everything else I needed to catch up. So I do, and at first it seems like I could take the game. But in the middle of the game, out of no where, he plays a bellsprout. I’m thinking, “Oh no, here comes the Victreebel.” And it did come. He used it combined with Gardevoir ex to rip through me. I lost the second match. The 3rd match we both got decent starts. I win because he is about to have a Gardevoir ex set up to attack, and I luck draw into what I needed to build a Metagross DX and take control of weakness. GG

Top 4
Adam got his pay back, He beat me 2-0. There was a big miscommunication between me and the head judge which played a big part in Adam beating me, but I’m not going to get into that. He beat me far and square (Sort of).

So that’s about it. I ended 4th place to losing to Luke Read for 3rd 1-2. I got my winnings, and trophy (Which is very pretty I must admit) and my dad drove us home. THE END!


Mr. and Mrs. Tuskey
DS lite
All the Judges at MD states
Getting in top 4 at MD states


Kevin Wong’s misunderstanding
Spencer for beating me with my cards =(
Spencer's report being twice as long as my own.
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[Next table was a mirror match Mike P vs. some guy (sorry I can’t recall your name) both playing Polistall.
I'm the guy.


Kevin Wong’s misunderstanding
What did he misunderstand?
Nowhere in the rules does it say that he had to give a time extension to people who show up just as he says "begin". What did Kevin do that you didn't like?:confused:
Yo, nice Deck report.

I'm glad to have finally met more PokeGymers in the Real World.

One thing though, about our match. I don't play Espeon ex... I did however, have a Espeon δ in my deck though(for Delta Heal).

Your Latios * was a pain though. You had no NRG, then 2 Delta charges and a Casty for 150 and a KO.
I got back with a Crystal Shard for the KO that next turn, but weakness killed me.
Yo, nice Deck report.

I'm glad to have finally met more PokeGymers in the Real World.

One thing though, about our match. I don't play Espeon ex... I did however, have a Espeon δ in my deck though(for Delta Heal).

Your Latios * was a pain though. You had no NRG, then 2 Delta charges and a Casty for 150 and a KO.
I got back with a Crystal Shard for the KO that next turn, but weakness killed me.

Ohh you know what you're right. I mixed our game up with the RK9 / Houndoom game at MD. Sorry about that. lol and ya that Latios* is a pain.

If everyone must know what happened with Kevin, then here you go. I'll be completely honest in saying that I don't keep track of the current rules of the game. I mean I know pretty much everything from talking to people, but I've allways depended on the judges to help if I needed something. Well durring my top 4 match I asked kevin about the rulings on what happens on game 2. He being the head judge I didn't have a doubt he was right. Well he confirmed to me that if time runs out on the second game, you go to a death match, and then a death match for a 3rd game. (But in actuality if the time runs out on the second game who ever won the first game takes it all right there.) But because I wasn't sure and I trusted Kevin, I let the first game drag out long enough so I could win the "death match" in the second game. So I lost the first and some random judge comes up and corrects Kevin, time runs out and they refuse to do anything about the misunderstanding. Ohh well, life goes on. You can argue and say it was still my fault by not studying the rules, but to put it frankly Kevin was head judge that day. Anyways I don't want this to be a big deal. So there you go.
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Cause the Tournament Rules Document makes such interesting bedtime reading :lol: .

IMO, it isn't a player's responsibility to know the tournament rules. That is what judges are for. Player's have a responsibility to know how their cards work and gameplay rules. Tournament rules are icing on the cake. There are some interesting tidbits in there that players would want to know though, like time limits and who goes first in match play.

Reading the tournament rules on Match Play, I had to read it several times before it occurred to me that the other judge was (most likely) correct. For your reference, it is 18.7.2 in the Tournament Rules, #2 in the "
In best-of-three matches (generally only used in higher-level events), use
the following series of criteria to determine the outcome:" area:

2. If neither player (or both players) was late nor away from the
match for any period of time, the judge determines the winner
based on who won more completed games. If both players won
the same number of completed games, ignore this tiebreaker.

So, in Game 2, if time is called and you lost game 1, your opponent has +1 more completed game than you. Even if you were to win Game 2 on prizes and it looks like it should have forced a tiebreaker Game 3, I don't think a game where time is called is considered "complete." If it is, then that's a whole other tree to bark up :/ )

hum... tricky ruling.

My tournament report could beat up your tournament report.

Nice one in Maryland. We're definitely taking Regionals, amirite?
So, in Game 2, if time is called and you lost game 1, your opponent has +1 more completed game than you. Even if you were to win Game 2 on prizes and it looks like it should have forced a tiebreaker Game 3, I don't think a game where time is called is considered "complete." If it is, then that's a whole other tree to bark up :/ )

correct, Game 2 was not "completed" therefore your opponent has more wins and therefore wins the match. that's how it worked in top 2 for seniors at MD.
Congratulations on making top 4 :) You played extremely well.
I wasnt able to see your top 4 match since i left after loosing to flareados in the top 8 X-x;
Hope to see you at regionals :)
This is Peter with the flymence. BTW I do have castform in my deck I just didn't get it. And the big misplay in that battle was me putting energy on the wrong pokemon instead of salamence. (This was in the begining of the battle. I though your dragonite had 3 energy on it and you where going to do a heavy impact next turn, and KO my salamence) If it had been on salamence I would've delta blasted your dragonite. I played Adam too and he decided to show up late. Judge wouldn't give me a time extension either :(
About our first match. The main reason you won is a HORIBLE starting hand on my part. Also I did know
that stoping the Dragonite's is the trick to beating a metanite, though I dont quite rember why I didn't take a ralts. I do remember haveing good reasons at the time. Just so you know, I almost won. In the end I neaded to drawn a RC with the tv reporter so I could play down the bellsprout, RC into a Victreebel, necter pod your Metagross DX, KO you with weakness, KO the Metagross that used to be active with the 10 from psysic pulse, and KO your Latios* with 10 from sand damage for the win. And just how is my deck "Not well built"? :confused:
Sorry, I didn't want to sound harsh, its just that I don't think you were playing the Castform engine, which is perfect in a deck with all delta pokemon. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I didn't read your report in full, so I'm just now going back and reading some of the games.

I retreated to Latios ex and stalled for another turn. He retreated to Kraby and slightly surprised me with a tool card and a DRE. He hit me for 70 and I the returned the favor with a Metagross and knocked it out. ... Gonzalo reacted by dropping out, which gave me really bad resistance. Oh well.
I'm sending you a PM on this when I get the chance, sometime late Friday or Saturday.

He leaps over the tables and grabs the fries. Ryan saw that and wouldn’t let him take all the fries, so he starts trying to take them from Spencer. Spencer fights back, but after about ten fries Ryan grabs them and gives them back to Melody.
When I saw that, I was thinking "he's so young and acting all noble" :rolleyes:

I was playing Adam, and he showed up the second Kevin said begin. After we got set up I called a judge and asked if we could get a 2 minute extension, but the judge didn’t give it to me = ( . ... The next turn he was taking a really long time to finish for some reason and it wasn’t helping my situation, so I asked a judge to watch for stalling and after that we were at each others throats for the rest of the game. It seemed like to me he started intentionally stalling, but in such a way to get away with it. He started asking the judge about a lot of different things, but the judge wasn’t saying anything about it. I called over Kevin and asked for a time extension because he was late, and because Kevin was head he over ruled the other judge and added 2 minutes. Well Adam wasn’t happy about that. So he starts arguing with Kevin all the while I’m continuing my turn. So in the end we ended up with a seven minute time extension and Kevin started calling Adam on things like not announcing Flareon’s pokepower and stuff like that. It wasn’t fun for either of us, but I won on time. Adam was pretty upset and we both got a warning from Kevin (What ever that means)
Why would the first judge would not grant the 2 minute start-up time? A lot of players take this 2 minutes very loosly, not caring if they run over in resolving mulligans and such, so the judge probably figured it would not have mattered. I still find it odd. Penalty Guidelines suggest a Caution to a player arriving 5 minutes or less late. I suppose missing the pre-game set-up qualifies you as late. See Penalty Guidelines Document section 7.5.1. Minor.
To answer your question about what a Warning means: an advisatory/corrective action of a Warning level or higher (anything above a caution) needs to be reported to POP. This is done to insure the warning is was given with fair reason. If enough warnings are submitted, POP will investigate them for any habitual behavior and apply its own consequences if they see fit. See Penalty Guideliness section 8. Lasting Consequences.
But why did he give you a warning in that? That doesn't make any sense.

Sounds like you had a pretty colorful time at the State Championships.
I did use a Castform but it took a while to get active due to a bad starting hand. Also I didn't relize that you were using a metanite untill you played the Dragonair. The DF Dratini + Jirachi ex threw me off, I thought I was playing a Dragonite ex / psysic deck. That's probly why I didn't take a Ralts.

What's the Castform engine?
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