Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Vice Presidential Debate (Biden/Palin)


New Member
What are your thoughts and reactions towards the vice presidential debate that was held tonight, 2 October 2008?
Don't you need two participants to have a debate?
Sarah Palin announced pretty early that she was ignoring the debate and so she gave her own little speech while Biden tried to have a debate.

I've never seen a candidate announce and carry out that they were just going to ignore the questions and do their own thing.
I mean, I've seen them dance around questions and never get around to actually answering them, but to just flat out say that they were ignoring them?

It wasn't a debate. It was a massacre. Joe Biden is now sitting at home enjoying a plate of Sarah Soufflé.

Somebody stick a fork in that turkey, because she is done.
she was good at regurgitating talking points with a folksy twang, with her shrugs and winks and batting her eyes at the camera :rolleyes: all act, no substance.

but she couldn't show a drop of compassion when biden choked up talking about losing his wife and daughter and having his other two kids in the hospital...she was too busy checking her notes to pay attention =/

and how about the 'i'm not going to answer questions from the moderator' bit =/

I'm sorry but if anybody votes for McCain-Palin then they should be considered too unfit to make decisions. She flip-flopped on so much I couldn't stand but laugh out loud throughout the whole thing.

Meanwhile Biden totally kept her on the defensive the whole night.
In all honesty, I didn't see much of anything from either of them. Biden chanted his liberal mantras, Palin echoed with her slightly more conservative mantras. A lot of hot air and posturing from all of 'em. It's sad that the politicians have to pander to the 'undecideds'. Man, if you're still undecided after the candidates are nominated, you're running your life with a broken moral compass.

I think Biden won on substance. But I think the focus of this PARTICULAR debate (from McCain's side) was more aimed at voter's perception of the candidates. I think Palin successfully stopped the bleeding from people's perceptions of her due to some recent interviews. She didn't have any "deer in the headlights" looks or have any disastrous gaffes. I think she did what she needed to do. I do not think Biden advanced himself or his campaign politically in any way.


If we were scoring this based on substance, Biden wins. (he has experience, this was expected)

If we were scoring this based on net political gain, Palin wins.

At this point, net political advantage is EVERYTHING.

This was a good night for the McCain campaign.
As expected, Biden seemd more coherent than Palin. Palin was too... informal? I do not know the right word but ignoring the moderator's questions and rambling on what McCain has done at random points... Granted, it is not like Nixon v. Kennedy debate where Nixon sweated under pressure but otherwise, Biden pretty much got this debate down.

If McCain, the OLDEST president inaugurated if elected, is not going to live for the next 4 years, would you trust Palin to lead the country? Pretty embarrassing really...

I do not think Biden advanced himself or his campaign politically in any way.
It certainly helps a campaign in that it proves to the American people at least Obama's got a senior and trusted official that will give sound advice and cover up Obama's "lack of experience."
It takes 2 to tango. There wasnt much to Palin outside of her "folksy" twangings. Biden won all aspects of this debate. He even took it easy on the Rook when she mispronounced the general's name twice in Afghanistan.

I'll be honest...

When I was watching the debate, I thought Biden sounded like George Carlin...

At which point I said "you have my attention, good sir"
It's Palin's informality that brings her appeal. Yah, Biden did win on substance, but it was a good night for the McCain campaign because all Palin had to do was stay on the defensive the whole time. Remember that most of the guys on this board are pretty well educated, we'll trust the coherent guy more. But if you're out in the sticks, Palin appeals because she's the little guy going up against the big time intellectual law professor. You think the public is looking at the points, no, they want to see Palin talk and stay somewhat intelligent, from their point of view, she did that perfectly. It didn't matter whether she answered the questions or not, this type of debate format was definitely to the one who can just talk.

BTW, can anyone explain to me how she can't name a single newspaper she reads, yet she's a journalism major?
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It's Palin's informality that brings her appeal. Yah, Biden did win on substance, but it was a good night for the McCain campaign because all Palin had to do was stay on the defensive the whole time. Remember that most of the guys on this board are pretty well educated, we'll trust the coherent guy more. But if you're out in the sticks, Palin appeals because she's the little guy going up against the big time intellectual law professor. You think the public is looking at the points, no, they want to see Palin talk and stay somewhat intelligent, from their point of view, she did that perfectly. It didn't matter whether she answered the questions or not, this type of debate format was definitely to the one who can just talk.

BTW, can anyone explain to me how she can't name a single newspaper she reads, yet she's a journalism major?

That's easy who reads newspapers anymore. NY Times and papers across the country are laying staff off constantly as their circulations continue to plummet. Most everyone how's anyone gets their news off the Internet today. Getting your information from a newspaper is a thing of the past.
Palin is just a shiny object to put next to McCain to attract all the 'Bushes' in the republican party. With Bush, they
voted for him because he was the kind of guy they 'wanted to have a beer with'. And now they have Palin to distract
them from a triger happy representative and get the republicans thinking, 'I'd like to be with someone pretty like
that chick.'

It's a wonder the democrates in our goverment ever get anything done. :smile: Wonder which way I vote.

I love how she says things like, 'Oh you democrats, always looking in the past.' YEA WE ARE LOOKING IN THE
PAST! You ruined our present because of it, and we are going to learn from it and APPLY IT TO THE FUTURE. @_@

If I just lost my match cause I forgot to play an energy last turn, I'm not gonna do it again in the next game!!
:thumb: Like the Pokemon referance?

Palin needs to learn how to pronounce nuclear.

I think its a West coast thing... I always hear it pronounced nuke-u-lear here. In fact I did not know it was not supposed to be pronounced that way until people started making fun of President Bush for saying it that way.
Who fared better in the vice presidential debate?
Sen. Joe Biden 70% 170581
Gov. Sarah Palin 26% 63445
Neither 4% 9312​
Total Votes: 243338​
Well that's the current poll from cnn.com, and it says a lot about the general public's opinion. And it has nearly 250 thousand votes at the moment, so I'd say it must be pretty accurate. People definitely favor Biden over Palin...
I only got to see a few minutes of it, From what I saw, Biden murdered Palin. Sarah's mannerisms just crack me up sometimes...