Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

What are YOUR Pet Peeves?

Sounds like it!

Remember, kids: Butchers cut up meat, not languages.

I think the formality on one's language should reflect the context of the environment. If I'm on AIM, using proper grammar is rather unnecessary.

If I wanted to be formal, I'd write a paper. If I'm on AIM I'm talking with my friends and it's instantaneous. It's the equivalent of using perfect grammar and speech in real life. Do you yourself use flawless grammar and speech when talking to people face to face?
I'd say you just got whooshed.

In all seriousness, I stick to "proper" grammar online mainly on forums and situations where I have to appear formal, and leave a relaxed form (mainly just removing capitals from everything but proper nouns) for things like games, IM conversations, etc. But, as I said, abbreviations and acronyms are one thing, and leet is, well, another. So it's largely people who actively butcher the language than people who exercise slightly relaxed rules in real-time situations that annoy me.
I'd say you just got whooshed.

In all seriousness, I stick to "proper" grammar online mainly on forums and situations where I have to appear formal, and leave a relaxed form (mainly just removing capitals from everything but proper nouns) for things like games, IM conversations, etc. But, as I said, abbreviations and acronyms are one thing, and leet is, well, another. So it's largely people who actively butcher the language than people who exercise slightly relaxed rules in real-time situations that annoy me.


I don't capitalize most words, and the main grammar I use are commas unless my IM has more than one sentence. If I use more than one sentence I'll use periods or whatever fits, but otherwise I skip apostrophes and periods. Apostrophes don't normally help convey my message, but commas and periods are sometimes crucial and necessary.

I think leet is more of a joke than anthing else. When I played comptuer games we mainly used it to joke around. w3 d1d|\|7 4<7u411y 7yp3 l1|<3 7|-|15. It takes way too much time and effort. If anything we'd say "OMG U R SO HAXOR DOOD" and other ramblings.
Whoosh, as in the sound a joke makes when it goes over someone's head. Anyway, Marril's IM-speak (imagine each line break as ending the individual message):

most of my IMs wind up looking like this anyway, which is really just normal grammar but faster to type, etc
I also have a really annoying habit of, like
doing this kind of thing
just sending various short messages
one after another
gets annoying
Wow. this topic took off! Awesome!
I disagree with whomever said that using a double space wasn't 'wrong' - I mean, it comes down to a prescriptive vs. descriptive debate, BUT

All of the styles I previously mentioned list single space after full stop as the preferred method.

And almost ALL printed media uses one space after full stops.

Just becuase someone has done something for a long time, and likes to do it, doesn't mean it's right. Just because your teacher taught you to do it doesn't make it right.

If you're going to argue that double spacing after full stops is not wrong, show me some DATA which supports that thesis. 'Cause I've researched it (all my peers tell me I'm nuts) and pretty much every shred of data I've found says single spacing is correct. (see pet peeve #2)
Show me something that actively says, "Double-spacing after a period is wrong." Just because it's not "right" in that it's the prescribed, common-use form (which you called "the preferred method", which doesn't imply any wrongness on the other's part) doesn't inherently make it "wrong" after all.

So... toying with semantics, and argument from numbers. If you can provide me something solid, I'll gladly back off.
I hate...

People who just act STUPID, showing no powers of logic or common sense whatsoever.

People who insist on the home keys position when typing (asdf jkl;). Doing that hurts my fingers. Freestyle works just fine for me. (Someone else brought this up, and I'm agreeing.)

People who think I want to know what their political/religious beliefs are, and thus, spout them out at every oportunity. Sure, you hate George Bush. I just don't care.

And staying on-theme with Pokegym:

I can't stand people who don't know what they're talking about, yet still act as if they have all the answers. Y'know. Those people who carry out conversations like this:

-(him) You're next match is against Bob. Good luck, 'cause you'll need it.
-(me) Why?
-'Cause he's playing Psychic, and you're weak to it.
-So what? I'm faster, more consistant, more powerful, and am an overall better player than he is.
-But...Psychic Weakess...
-I've also played the match numerous times. I have the good matchup, the Psychic weakness never actually comes into play.
-Yeah, but...
-Just shut up and listen. I know what I'm talking about. I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE.
-Psychic weak...
-*walks away*
Oh, right, I should probably have a Pokémon-related one.

It really, really irritates me when people spell my name "Marill." There's a long litany of reasons why I spell it Marril, such as that being its original spelling back when Mewtwo Strikes Back first came out, it looking aesthetically better, etc, but the fact remains that spelling it wrong just looks very sloppy.

On a related note, I go by the name Tyran in a lot of online games. Normally, people just shorten it to Tyr, which is fine, and I don't have a problem with it (heck, I even have two websites with "Tyr's" in the name). However, people who shorten it to Ty—and it seems to only ever be on FFXI—really irritate me, especially because they're the type that don't capitalize anything and I can never tell whether someone's addressing me or thanking someone.
Wait - i'm not supposed to double space after a sentence? Just single space? Can't do that.....too use to double spacing. Plus it looks neater.

My biggest pet peeve is probably turn signals, or lack thereof. Sometime my mind reading powers are not up to snuff so i'd appreciate it if when you go to make a right/left turn you put your right/left turn signal on well ahead of the actual turn.
My biggest pet peeve is probably turn signals, or lack thereof. Sometime my mind reading powers are not up to snuff so i'd appreciate it if when you go to make a right/left turn you put your right/left turn signal on well ahead of the actual turn.

Wow, that's one of mine as well...

Here's an example. My mom and I were at an intersection turning left. There was a dump truck comming towards the intersection. He flashes his lights at us. We think "Oh, he's going fast and doesn't want us to turn, for fear of hitting us." Yet, by the time he is at the intersection, he had slowed down and turned right. That really annoyed us, because for one, we could have turned. And 2, he could have just put on his signal and we could have known exactly what he was doing, instead of flashing his lights and hoping that we could read his mind.
1. People cutting me off in the middle of talking

O.M.Lord, this is so aggrivating. I come from an area where everyone loves to interupt you. You'll try to a get point across, and then someone wil say, "Can I ask you a question?" and then continue to dominate the conversation. Can't a person get a single idea out without being interupted? I hang out with people, and I just sit in the car and listen to them all just interupt each other. "Well, you see...", "Let me ask you a question...", "Yeah, but...", **gun shot**

with the inturuption thing, that happens to me, too. My dad will be talking to someone, then I have something funny to say, but they keep talking, and when I get a chance to say it and start talking, they just automatacly change the subject, so I can't say anything or else I'll look stupid....
When people mis-spell things and dont capitalize things. That usually irritates me...I never really understood why but it annoys the **** out of me! lol. It shows me that they're uneducated. I can understand how people use abbreviations like B4 instead of before for example or lol for "Laugh out Loud" and how you mis-type something on the computer...but if you purposely mis-spell words or say a sentence wrong...it annoys me to a point that I cant even explain. That's probably mine, Grammar & Spelling errors...


Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

with the inturuption thing, that happens to me, too. My dad will be talking to someone, then I have something funny to say, but they keep talking, and when I get a chance to say it and start talking, they just automatacly change the subject, so I can't say anything or else I'll look stupid....

I usually interupt people for that same reason, just because I have something funny to say. And if they quickly change the subject...then I change it back so I can say that funny something. lol. Another thing, I hate when people cut me off but I always catch myself doing it to other people lol. That's funny I guess, now that I think about it.

I realize that I always have to finish my sentence. If I was talking in the middle of class and got yelled at for it I "feel the need" to finish that sentence and continue. It's pretty funny...in all situations. Here's a few funny situations.
Your talking in the middle of class, and the Teacher catches you and points you out to the rest of the class and tells you to stop talking. "Corey, stop talking." 45 Minutes later you go up to your friend and say the rest of that Sentence and he\she..."what are you talking about?" lol.
Your on the phone..."alright well, okay talk to you later man. Oh by the way before I forget!" *Friend hangs up* you finish the sentence talking to yourself.

These are just what I do and sometimes I feel stupid but they irritate me if I dont do them. lol.
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PSYCO829: not to say it's right, but the 'reason' :rolleyes: the parent was probably yelling at you was because his kid got into trouble at all...in other words, you weren't watching him the way THE PARENT should have been, to prevent the situation from happening to begin with =/ Umm duh? 'lifeguard on duty' doesn't mean 'you don't have to watch your kid'...=/

Which ties into another peeve: parents who abdicate active parenting of their kids in public places, assuming 'everyone else' will take care of their little darlings while they browse, shop, drink coffee etc.

Or the ones who act as if anything and everything in a store is theirs to amuse their child with: like the parent (or grandparent? definitely old enough to KNOW BETTER :mad:) who not only let their 2 y/o walk/crawl/sit on my league tablecloths/playmats, but was about to pick up the end of the one the child was sitting on and use it to DRAG HER KID AROUND ON THE FLOOR WITH to give her a 'ride' before I stopped her o_O :mad:


i think you are quite right
my problem was he almost cost me my job complaining to the city after i had just saved his son's life
in effect, he did end up costing me my job as well...
1. People cutting me off in the middle of talking

Heh, I actually know someone who'll go a step further than that. They'll interrupt you to ask you something really inane (like "so, how was your day?") and then in the same breath launch into a completely unrelated topic without even giving you the chance to answer.
1. People cutting me off in the middle of talking
2. Mods delete my post for absolutely no reason and then not giving me an answer to why it was deleted
3. Stalling at PKMN Events. I so dont like this.
4. PPL on aim talking to you and then leaving and not telling you they are moving away from the computer or refuse to respond after you either where helping them out or just talking.


1. I do that every so often...haha next time I talk to you, if I cut you off just slap me. lol.
2. That rarely happens to me but when it does...I hate it and it does irritate me.
3. I lost Regionals last year because of this. That really ticked me off. 5-0 in swiss match and then lost in Playoffs because of a staller.
4. I tend to do that every so often without trying to or without realizing it...I do it by accident. lol. Although, I usually aren't the one recieving the help...usually giving the help. lol.
