Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

what do you do if you get ripped

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New Member
I was on pokebeach right after the undaunted prerealse and treaded a bunch of stuff that i got from there.
I conformed 3 trades. and sent all my cards then I sent them Pm asking if they revived my cards they said yes. Its been 2 and a half weeks now and I havent gotten anything about from any three of them....
what should I do?
They are all saying that they sent them but I have a feeling they havnt.
One guy said that I didnt send them my address but I went back through my sent mails and I found where i sent him my address. I forwarded it to him and he called me a lair.
I dont know what to do all the cards I was trading for I need for Battle roads and Im just freaking out.
-If you have a problem with a Gym trader: email [email protected] stating what the problem is, who it is with (screen name and real name), the email address of that person (if you have it), mailing address, and a time line of the trade. Please include as much detail as possible on what has occurred.

Believe it or not, it's very easy to do the above. All you need to say is "I'm [insert YOUR 'Gym screen name here] and I traded with [insert offending party's 'Gym screen name here] but have not received their end of the trade. I sent my [insert your part of the trade here] on [insert the date here] , and [insert name of the offending party here] agreed to send me [insert the offending party's trade here] in return. I haven't got it yet. Their real name and address is [insert the offending party's real name and address here] ."

If you can fill in the blanks, and send it to [email protected] that's all you need to do.

Also, to the guy who called you a liar, now that he has your address, he is required to send you your cards, now that he knows where to send it and what to send.

Also, this is in the wrong section. It belongs in the Trading Post, Check a Trader Thread. I think.
If you're trading on Pokebeach and need help with a trade, please go there get your problems solved. The Gym and the Beach trade areas are not associated with each other.
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