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What program does everyone use to make fake cards?

Muscovy Level X

New Member
I've been trying to work on a fake card set, but none of the programs I use have the right fonts (currently I use GIMP for fakes). What program(s) have the right ones?
GIMP has the right font but you will have to do trial and error to get it.

"Trial and Error".

... Or, yknow, you could look at a tutorial.
I don't think we're allowed to link to other forums here, but uh... google search fangking pokemon "fake card tutorials". Should be somewhere in the top results.
... Or, yknow, you could look at a tutorial.
I don't think we're allowed to link to other forums here, but uh... google search fangking pokemon "fake card tutorials". Should be somewhere in the top results.
I've got refrences to what fonts to use (I think I even know the tutorial you're talking about), but I can't find a program that has them. :rolleyes:
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Some of the fonts can be tough to get hold of though (as you're supposed to pay for them...)
Yeah, I tried Googling for some, but none had even the "Gill Sans MT Bold Condesed". :frown: My fake set has been paused untill I can find the fonts.

CaC really needs a refrence of were to get the fonts.