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What Tech to run?


New Member
So, I have a couple of stage 2 decks that could fit one of these 3 tech in it.
Listed in order of importance (IMO) to me:

Exploud (no weakness)
Dusknoir (dark palm)
Nidoqueen (mass heal)

My prons and cons of each:

1. anti weakness prevents OHKO or 2 turn setup KO combos (Uxie, Flygon, Garchomp, Lucario C combos)
2. Works w/o surprise factor
3. 130 HP
4. 2 retreat
1. Bad attacks, no resistance

1. anti full bench decks (beedrill, jumpluff, some SP, Flygon)
2. Good resistance
1. Bad attack
2. Works best on surprise factor/afterwards easily play around
3. 3 retreat

1. Anti spread decks
2. Mass heal lessens the chance of 2 turn setup KO's and bench sniping
3. Good Attacks, good resistance
4. Works w/o surprise factor
1. Doesn't HARD counter top tier decks (spread/snipe are not in that category)
2. Most decks preform OHKO's vise 2 turn setup KO, so the healing factor is lessened
3. 3 retreat

So I am leaning more towards Exploud.
The anti OHKO's and working despite my opponents play style puts it on top.

But, Dusknoir is such a close second that Hard counters a different deck style then Exploud, and could counter the decks that Exploud helps against if I can surprise them with it. Exploud does not have this versatility.

Nidoqueen is the play for its well roundness, but doesn't hard counter any top tier (popular) decks.

So, I am asking for opinions to support/counter/add to my opinions to sway my judgement in the direction its going or against.

Plus I would like to hear about others area metagame in which one of these techs or another works against it well.

Thanks for the input/discussion!
It depends one the deck you have. If you need something against :fighting: weakness, i would run 1-1 dewgong sv. if you have cards like moonlight stadium or your meta is flygon/other cards which has 0 retreat cost, breloom sw is your choice.
but if you want to tech in one of the following you mentioned, nidoqueen is always the best choice. its a good 2nd hitter if you need one and if you are able to hit and run your mainhitter its body helps you more than exploud.
If you run a deck that already includes Psychic energy, Nidoqueen. In a deck that doesn't, Dusknoir.

40 for 1 energy is unbelievable in times when you have to get on the offensive immediately after your main attacker is KO'd... but kind of useless if you don't have the energy to use the attack. Dusknoir is good disruption but is easy to play around unless you can run suprise factor. But with hand-seeing cards, bebe's search + etc (where you have to show the card you get), it can be difficult to get out stealthily.
I like Dusknoir the best, and you´re wrong about the surprise factor, that´s only a plus. Look at it this way: if your opponent plays around Dusknoir, they still aren´t playing at full power. Say you Bebe´s for a Dusknoir, your opponent won´t play more than 3 benched Pokémons, and you don´t even need to play it. When (if) your opponent plays a fourth basic, you can play it and get rid of the most problematic tech, or you can keep it in your hand until your opponent plays a fifth pokémon if need be.
Then you might go with Nidoqueen. Consider that it works best in a metagame with spread deck or in a deck whose main attacker tends to be 2HKOed by 10/20 damage.
^ I agree with that analysis. Running with a bench restricted to 3 means a sub-optimal set up for most decks, and restricts their ability to play Uxie, Azelf, and techs. That's what everyone forgets when they bring out the old 'easy to play around' argument. Just forcing your opponent to 'play around' something is good.

I would only use Exploud if the deck had a terrible metagame Weakness (like X2 to Luxray).

Try Nidoqueen and, if the healing affects damage calculations so that your Pokemon are surviving a turn more than they would without it, then go for that. It's also good for decks that either tank, or retreat and heal.

Otherwise, you can't go wrong with Dusknoir and a couple of Warp Points.
Agree with everything said.

Nidoqueen = tank decks or MotherGengar
Exploud = bad metagame weakness
Dusknoir = everything else
I would run Nidoqueen 1-1-1 and 1-0-1 Explound (if you are useing flygon) because you heal every turn with Nidoqueen and than its harder for SP's to OHKO your flygon with Garchomp C X but it all depends on the deck your using