Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Whats the best way to organize a collection?


New Member
I did some trading at league this week, and it got me thinking about how I have my binder organized. What do you guys think is the best way to organize the cards, or whats easiest for you when you're looking through someone else's binder for trades?
I have mine divided into type and then energies / trainers / supporters in back. Works pretty well for me. If you wanted to sub-divide it further that might be a good idea.
depends- for collection they are arranged by set and number. for deck stuff, i arrange them by type: grass, fire, water, electric, fighting, psychic, dark. metal, colorless (kind of this is weak to that, which is weak to that, ...) order- and alphabetically by the highest evolution in the particular chain with earlier evolutions behind the highest evolution in a large card box (holds more than a binder). I keep my trainers in a large card box and arrranged similarly by stadium, trainer, tool, technical machine, and supporter. i als keep the reverse holos seperate from te non holos in the trainer box.

It was a pain to get set up, but really convenient once it was arranged like that.
I kept my entire collection sorted by set number in binders, which made things very easy to find should I have needed them. Alternatively, sorting rares by type with a separate place for Lv. X's/SRs and then having a stack of trainers, a stack of energy, and stacks of non-rare Pokemon works.
Some good suggestions.
I'm generally against alphabetizing, as every time I get new cards I'd have to re-do the whole thing. That might be workable if you have a small binder, but otherwise it'd be very time consuming.
I find that hardcore collectors looking through your collection GREATLY appreciate it when you organize your cards according to set and set number. In the sea of little kids at your league who like to organize by type, you'll be the only one that the big collectors have an easy time trading with, because they can find everything really quick. The main reason not to organize by type is that if you need a specific card, you need to basically know the type, to find it in your collection. If it's not a card your familiar with, you will have to go through the entire "insert type here" section, only possibly to find that it's not grass type, it's psychic type. More work than is necessary, in my opinion. Hope this helps with your organization needs. :thumb:
I've sorted my cards twice before. The first time it was by set, and the second time it was divided into sections of SP, Basics, Stage 1, Stage 2, Lv X/Secrets, Trainers, and Energies. with each section alphabetized.

I liked the second way a lot better. It was a lot easier having all of a certain card in one place, rather than having to look at 3 sets for Bebe's, for example. Also, all of my reprints were in the right place, rather than having another section for them.

I can't even stress how much easier it was.
I have 2 binders, One for Just Pokemon, organised by type. With the 'best' at the beginning and working back through each type. Then the other binder is all the Colourless Pokemon and Various Trainers.
I also keep all my energy in a clear plastic UltraPro Card box (As I don't really think they need to be keep in mint-near mint condition) And I also have a 4 pocket/page mini UltraPro binder for all my Lv. X, Ex, Secret Rare ect. cards. It works for me, It might work for you :3 Hope I dida helps.
I have TONS of cards. And I throw lots of decks together, usually a new one everyday. So I'm also taking apart decks everyday. I have my cards organized by set (took 6 hours to do :p) It gets really annoying putting cards back in their place time after time mainly because i'm lazy. what should i do?
I have TONS of cards. And I throw lots of decks together, usually a new one everyday. So I'm also taking apart decks everyday. I have my cards organized by set (took 6 hours to do :p) It gets really annoying putting cards back in their place time after time mainly because i'm lazy. what should i do?

Stop being lazy is the optimal answer for organization.
You could try having a separate binder exclusively for your deck staples or cards that you are likely going to use. Any other cards can go into separate binder.
This question gets brought up a lot. As someone who is always trading and always looking through binders...

- We keep our super rare (Level X, Shiny, Secret, etc.) and rare cards in a binder. If you want the best binders and aren't afraid to drop a little money, buy a Monster brand binder. Best binder you'll ever buy, without a doubt. Anyway, we first organize the Super Rares by Lv. X, and then Secrets, and then shinies. Supers are sorted in chronological order starting with the newest set, and by number. After the supers comes the regular rares, which are sorted by set and collector's number. After that comes the promos, which are put in chronological/numbered order, depending on the card.

- We keep all of our Commons, Uncommons, and sleeves in a cardboard card box that you can find at any hobby store. We keep ours in a 5-rowed, 5k count box. You can get smaller, or probably even bigger if need be. Anyway, they're sorted the exact same way, by set and then by number. However, trainers have their own section, filed chronologically. We also keep energy in a separate box, so it's easier to find/bring for pre-releases.

This is by far the best route, imo, for commons and uncommons, with how large collections get. However, I would strongly recommend making a spreadsheet of all the cards contained within the box, and putting that list somewhere inside the box. That may sound like a pain, but it's either that or re-arrange your box after every tournament or league session, as some younger kids just want to trade to trade and will insist on looking through every card, heh.

Oh, and it should also be noted that you should penny sleeve all the foils in your C/UCs for maximum protection. :D

Good luck!
I've been doing this for a while, and it works out pretty well for me...

1) All of my Rares and Holos are stored in separate 4-pocket binders, separated by set. Like, I have a different Rare/Holo binder for each set since (I think) Delta Species. This includes every RH, Shiny, Secret, and LvX. In each of these binders, I sort them first Rare-Holos sorted by number, then Rares sorted by number, then RH-Rares nominally sorted by number, then RH-Trainers nominally sorted by number, then RH-Uncommons nominally sorted by number, then RH-Commons nominally sorted by number, then all the Shiny, Secret, and LvXs go in the back one or two pages. You can fit something like 8 cards in each pocket. I also double-sleeve every holographic card (i.e. I sleeve them, then put them into the pocket, double protection.)

2) Long ago, I obtained a large quantity of 400-count boxes. It turns out that these are the perfect size for a single Pokemon set of Commons and Uncommons, with 8 of each U/C maximum. Believe it or not, I can fit something like 530 cards into these boxes, and the only set that I had trouble fitting everything in there was Legends Awakened. I sort these boxes by set number and label each box with a Sharpie. I keep 8 of every Modified U/C Pokemon, and 4 of every Unlimited U/C Pokemon.

3) T/S/S/EnergySp get their own set of boxes. I separate out my Trainers based on "category". (Trainer, Supporter, Stadium, TM, Tool, TGI, etc). Currently, my Modified TSS collection takes up 2 separate 400-count boxes, and my nonModified collection takes up a single box. Unless the card is particularly good (Bebe, Rosey, Candy, Cyrus), I keep 8 of each card if it's only found in one set, and no more than 4 from each set that I can find, where 1st edition cards are treated as a different set.

4) Every card that goes over that maximum gets tossed haphazardly into a 5,000-count box, which I bring to League as a "Free Trades" box. Basically, in order to take a card out of this box, you need to leave a card. I generally don't care what kind of card you put in or take out, just as long as it's card-for-card.

If there's a vendor at Nationals that's buying cards, I'll then empty the 5,000 count box of all non-Modified cards, as well as cut my non-Modified set boxes in half, and sell them. I'll use the money to do something nice for my League, such as a free tourney with good prizes, or a BBQ, or some kind of party, not sure what I'll do quite yet.
I think the best way would be to organize them by set. You could further organize by set number if you like, but I sort mine by type. It's much easier to go, "What type is this Pokemon?" rather than "What set is this Pokemon out of, and what is its set number?" when looking for cards.

It makes sorting your cards after a rotation so much more easy. That is, if you're a competitive player. You don't have to sort through a billion cards looking for all the sets that have rotated out, you just grab the stacks that need to go.

If you collect, then it's a pretty easy call to sort by set and set number.
All Pokemon in my binder are organized by sets and set #. Usually I keep holographic cards, plyaable rares like Spiritomb and Claydol, and reverse holos in my binder. I use a seperate binder for Special Energies, Trainers, Supports and Stadiums. I even keep the three catagories of trainer cards on seperate pages. Makes it easier for me and other collectors to find stuff in my binder. I have a 4 pocket binder for my Lv.X's and soon Pokemon Primes.

As for cards that have been rotated out, they're all in different binders, but those cards are now sorted by the evolution lines and types. So when I'm building a deck for unlimited I'll find all the aviailable pokemon and the evolutionary relatives with ease.
I've been doing this for a while, and it works out pretty well for me...

If there's a vendor at Nationals that's buying cards, I'll then empty the 5,000 count box of all non-Modified cards, as well as cut my non-Modified set boxes in half, and sell them. I'll use the money to do something nice for my League, such as a free tourney with good prizes, or a BBQ, or some kind of party, not sure what I'll do quite yet.

Do you BBQ the cards you have hundreds off? Lol.

I just have a binder for each set, organsie them into it and keep Level X's, secrets, foreign language etc cards in a worlds binder, and all T/S/S organised in a box. Works quite well, but I'm a bit lazy and have stacks of cards on my desk... Lol.
