Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Who WIll Be Competing At Worlds?

Patriarch said:
Mmmk, so we can get an idea of what worlds will be like, here's the inevitable evolution of the simple "who will be at worlds?" thread. Here are the questions I'd like you to answer:

-What is your name? *If you prefer, only put your last initial*
-Where (if outside of US, then include nation) and how did you win your invite? *ex: 3rd place trickle down at a Regional*
-What Deck did you use to win your invite?
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds?
-Answer a random question!

Time for a reeeeeal roll call! :biggrin:

-Mike Reynolds
-Morrisville, NC, won Mass Reg
-Q How well will i do at Worlds? A:eek:bv i'm getting day 2 XD
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-What is your name? Taylor Mitchell
-Where? 4th place last year at worlds.
-What Deck did you use to win your invite? speed swampy
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds?11-14

4th place in 2004 worlds
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What is your name? Peter Ortiz
-Where (if outside of US, then include nation) and how did you win your invite? NJ Regionals 1st Place.
-What Deck did you use to win your invite? Ludicargo
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds? 15+
-Who in Pokegym is related to me? Espeonchris14

This is my first worlds!
-What is your name?
Chris Schell
-Where and how did you win your invite?
1st Place Eastern Regionals
-What Deck did you use to win your invite?
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds?
-Answer a random question!
Did you really win two regionals!? Yes I did. :smile:

*Bonus Question!!*
Worlds 2004
Staffed. Mostly the AV room Day 1. Day 2 I helped judged whichever pre-release flight it was with all the computer problems. :( If I never hear "How much longer until we start" ever again, it'll be to soon.
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Name: AJ DeLoye

Where did you win your Invite/Trip: Michigan GC, 3rd Place due to Alex/Jason making T2

What deck did you use to win your Invite: Speed Drag

What Age Group: 15+

Random Fact: T4 Nationals, and the only player to get a girls number in Florida last year!

OK/......Proud to ANNOUNCE 2!!!


Zak K. (ShellShocker)
Winner Sedalia Gym Challenge over DarkJake in finals
DeckUsed - VernolaRockLoc
Age Division - Just moved into 11-14

Next....the HJ of the 10- division in the Chicago GC!!!

Andrew K. (Littleduckdrew)
Winner Sedalia Gym Challenge
DeckUsed - 4 Corners - Andrew Flavor
Age Division - only 9, so 10-
Happiest thought after winning - getting to Judge in Chicago, and then going to 6 flags with friends instead of the St. Louis Gym Challenge!!!

Now - I get to go too!!! JUDGE ---- PIGLET DRAFT


Now, just to get the 4 year old qualified...yeah....

I forgot to do Anna's. :D

-What is your name?
Anna S
-Where and how did you win your invite?
1st Place Jackson, MS Gym Challenge
-What Deck did you use to win your invite?
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds?
-Answer a random question!

*Bonus Question!!*
Worlds 2004
Grrrrinder~. I forgot how she placed though. =/ She got a Sportsmanship award, so that box every set has been pretty awesome.
-What is your name?
Adam M.
-Where and how did you win your invite?
2nd place Jackson,MS GC(trickle down)
-What Deck did you use to win your invite?
-What age group will you be competing in the day/s of worlds?
-Answer a random question!
how many times have i got a ray ray start wit my deck?10
-Bobby Malec
-3rd Place Trickle Down at Southeast Regionals
-Speed Blaze
-Did you really T4 with Primetool?! Yes, yes I did.
2nd UK Nats
My 2 year old was the youngest qualifier for UK Nationals this year (she gained her second CC title)

Name:Tyler McCutchan
Invite:2nd at Dallas Gyn(trickle Down)
Age Group:11-14
Random Stuff:umm...I'm playing Blaze at worlds and going to top4!
Shame we didn't see her taking her place at Nationals I wanted to see just how good FK's offspring had got after winning her CC :)
What is your Name: Kevin Jackson
Where and how did you win your invite: Oklahoma Gym Challenge
What deck did you win with: Speed DragTrode(Undefeated)
What age did you compete in: 15+
Random Question: What is your dog's name: SHARKBAIT HUHAHA ISAM-JACKSON
Last Year Worlds: 13th in 2004 Worlds
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