Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Why are we getting less at prereleases?

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New Member
This is starting to get rather annoying. Im not against what POP does and why they are doing it, but I am still questioning. At the first prerelease I went to (DS) Everyone recieved extra packs for winning. But come the next set, everyone gets stuck with a lame 2. Making the fact of winning a prerelease nothing. Not one reward. And then, come LM, we get deck boxes. Cool! But wait, we cant give away those for DF. (I dont know what happened about shipping or anything though.) So fine, we settle without deck boxes. Now what makes me REALLY mad is that when I went to the PK prerelease, WE DIDNT EVEN GET A PIN!!! WHY?? Why is POP cutting the funding of prereleases? And why did they raise the price even though we get less?

Just wondering.

-Dustin Zimmerman
It's to prevent cheating. Back when they gave boxes to the winners, people would cheat just to get a box for a very low price. But for the later sets, I don't know what is going on.

However, I do wish that boxes were given to LM prerelease winners -_-;;
I can understand eliminating the box for the winners because the kids just couldn't resist trading for those basics and stage ones so they could play the big, stage 2 ex that they just pulled, and there just isn't any practical way to police 50-60 kids at once. I'm at a loss to understand why first the deck boxes, and now the pins have vanished. Eight packs and a prelease promo for $20 is starting to make these events look like break even affairs for POP. I guess they've gotten tired of treating us.
Eight packs and a prelease promo for $20 is starting to make these events look like break even affairs for POP. I guess they've gotten tired of treating us.

I agree 100%. It isn't a good thing when I have to actually take time to think about whether or not going to a prerelease is worth it. When it was 4 packs, I would go without question. I'm assuming that many people are thinking the same thing so if POP wants large turnouts at prereleases, then they need to up the reward.
yeah i seriously want a pin though.... those were pretty awesome.... and it would be nice to get those 4 packs afterwards..... but i'm content with what it has become....
Actually, with the removal of the pins, Imma gonna start getting involved.
We didn't even have any prizes.
Why do we still attend at all?
and now people are actually agreeing with me, and in some cases the people who told me to shutup :/ good god... anywho, at the rate it's going, just don't go and save up a bit more and buy a box.
I know, but its also a great time to get the cards you need or somthing, whether it be the new set or not. Although, I DO think they need to bring back Prizes...Because then people would just concede every match....Like I have before...
I know, but its also a great time to get the cards you need or somthing, whether it be the new set or not. Although, I DO think they need to bring back Prizes...Because then people would just concede every match....Like I have before...

I wouldn't do that since you are supposed to only get the extra packs at the end if you play through.
Giving up matches without actually playing may make the PTO not give anything to him/her for doing that.
I started my first pre-release when DS came out. I got 10 Packs, a Pin, a ranking, a pre-release card (Before the tourny began) but then they started changing it. The next time I went it was 8 packs, a deck box, a pin, a ranking, and a pre-release card after the tourny already started. Now its no ranking, no pin, no pre-release card before the tourny, no deck boxes or anything. I think im done going to pre-releases. I dont see a point in it anymore.

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