Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

You know what Grips my rear?

Home Improvement was the bomb.

It was a family oriented sitcom which was pretty sucessful.

The 90's was where TV was at its prime.
Cocoa beans come from oompa land. I knew that cuz I watched Willy WOnka!

but it does have stuff I didn't learn until 7th grade or 8th... i'm only a freshman but i know those fifth graders are like... mean... and there's too many commercials... it doesn't take that long unless your ahead in prizes in pokemon!
Don't forget about the 70's, that 70's show was amazing I can't believe they are still running reruns today

I am joking no hate post plz.
What do you mean discover electricity? We found batteries in the middle east for electroplating gold dated from ancient times. Leyden Jars were also used for batteries during Franklin's lifetime, before the kite experiment.
90's wasnt bad, but I think the 80's cant be topped, that was when TV was at its best.

The 1990s had those horribly politically-correct five-man-band shows, though, and nothing can top those for camp value. Sometimes you'd even get a two-for-one, like the black guy was also the wheelchair guy. Also it had Captain Planet, one of the only shows where this made some modicum of sense, even if everyone spoke English with funny accents.

Let's see a 1980s (or 2000s, for that matter) show as effectively tell kids that the power is yours!
Yah, too bad instead of actually taking that advice to heart, those same kids elected leaders that do the complete opposite in the name of economic growth.
Captain Pollution was a great villain. I can see why kids thought he was cool enough to warrant voting in his direction.
What gripes MY rear is how MTV is called Music-Television but rarely plays music videos and airs GARBAGE shows like "The Hills", "Rob & Big" etc etc etc... [and when they do play videos it's like at 3 am when us teenagers are sleeping! We have school MTV!]


I don't like having to pay for DIGITAL cable in order to watch REAL MUSIC TELEVISION.
