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More focused Elite Trainer Box feedback

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I can't do the survey on my phone for some reason (can't pick the proper ranking), but I think an actual deck box and not the semi-cheap one included would be nice, and sleeves; with that, you then have a full competitive kit to offer any players without having to get something else 3rd party. Boosters to me, while nice, aren't a must-have thing as you'll end up buying more, so to me anyways it's not much of an incentive to pay more for, even with an upgraded deck box or sleeves.

And of course, to me anyways, having all 3 options for $5 more would be ideal, just saying :)
yay etb!

I bought the first etb and felt it was worth the cash. I would change/remove the paper deckbox, and change the coloring of the flip dice.

In regards to the survey, I would totally spend 5$ more for some nice pokemon sleeves and a deck box that will actually protect my cards. If you want to really move some boxes add in a tropical beach promo card. :pokeball: I hope you all do make another etb, slowing convincing the wife to play and I think it would be a perfect starter kit for her.
Deck box and Sleeves with same number of packs. Heck take away some packs and give me other collectible stuff and I'd be happy. Didn't buy the first ETB for the packs. Won't buy future ones for the packs either.
I would really like to lobby everyone for the option with box, sleeves, and the same number of packs. We can get an extra pack separately if we want.
if magic the gathering fat packs have 9 packs per box why cant this?

i highly doubt the packs cost that much to make and most card shops sell 3 packs for $10 it really wouldnt change that much to make it 9 packs

i kinda feel ripped off getting 7 packs for that much just my opinion but i could care less about the dice
Out of everything in the ETBs, the packs are the thing I'm least excited about. I love unique, useful merch. If it means that we get fewer packs to get quality tournament Pokemon branded sleeves and a solid matching deckbox and a unique set of dice, I'll gladly give up the packs.
Out of everything in the ETBs, the packs are the thing I'm least excited about. I love unique, useful merch. If it means that we get fewer packs to get quality tournament Pokemon branded sleeves and a solid matching deckbox and a unique set of dice, I'll gladly give up the packs.

Definitely agree, "swag" is a much better selling idea to me than just getting another pack, why else do you see people making custom playmats or using Japanese Pokemon sleeves and such? In comparison, another pack, eh.

Perhaps another idea would be for a mini binder? Like the BW mini flip ones that hold like 60 cards or something total, that would also fit in easily to the ETB.
Perhaps another idea would be for a mini binder? Like the BW mini flip ones that hold like 60 cards or something total, that would also fit in easily to the ETB.

Out of curiosity, was there ever a reason given as to why the Dragon Vault mini-set was removed from ETB? Was it just so the ETB could cater more to players that way?
Out of curiosity, was there ever a reason given as to why the Dragon Vault mini-set was removed from ETB? Was it just so the ETB could cater more to players that way?

Dragon Vault was never in the ETB? It was always listed as the "Plasma Storm Elite Trainer Box." Where did you get the idea that it would have Dragon Vault?
Dragon Vault was never in the ETB? It was always listed as the "Plasma Storm Elite Trainer Box." Where did you get the idea that it would have Dragon Vault?

PokeCollection once mentioned it during his live streams that Dragon Vault was initially to be released in some sort of form of the ETB but that idea was scrapped and they chose to release the set in blisters instead.
Good call IMO. Those things still haunt the shelves of Walmarts, Targets and Kmarts (and game shops haha)

It'll take some time for me to earn enough cash to buy them all hahahaha.


What I could suggest for the elite trainer box is if they don't do it four times a year, that they don't associate the ETB with the main set. Instead, if the ETB was released twice a year, include boosters from the 2 latest sets instead...

... but then again, I haven't seen anybody play a limited game, sealed or draft, with boosters from different sets, so I don't know if the ETB should have all the same boosters or 4 from the latest set, and 3 from the second latest set.

My vision of the ETB is to be a sealed/draft ready product right out of the box, without any additional purchases. So far it seems to achieve that task, although I wished it had 10 of each energy instead, but looking at the cards that I pulled, it is impossible to make a mono type deck, and would probably make a 2 or 3 type deck anyway, and thus using at least 2 types of energy. Sealed deck format has 40 cards and not 60 cards, so 5 of each energy is probably enough anyway.

Before people get confused, sealed deck format is NOT opening theme decks and playing them against each other. Sealed deck IS opening 6 boosters, and building a 40 card deck out of them, and battling someone who did the same thing. Of course energy counts as part of that 40 card deck, and the rest of the cards, well, since there is no side deck, I guess they aren't part of the deck.
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I'm under the impression (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the Japanese version of the ETB came with playable singles. Things like Eelektrik and Pokemon Catcher. The sort of thing League Leaders could easily promote to new players.

Right now, I dislike the fact I can't recommend someone buy a starter deck without a set of sleeves because it isn't playable out of the box for Battle Roads. I don't see including sleeves in the ETB as solving this problem, since the total cost is so much higher than a starter deck plus 60 or even 100 sleeves.
I'm under the impression (someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the Japanese version of the ETB came with playable singles. Things like Eelektrik and Pokemon Catcher. The sort of thing League Leaders could easily promote to new players.

Right now, I dislike the fact I can't recommend someone buy a starter deck without a set of sleeves because it isn't playable out of the box for Battle Roads. I don't see including sleeves in the ETB as solving this problem, since the total cost is so much higher than a starter deck plus 60 or even 100 sleeves.

The Master Deck Build Box EX costs 4,200 yen (roughly US$42). They even have a cool commercial that comes with it: Master Deck Build Box EX Commercial (マスターデッキビルドBOX EX).

The box comes with almost every single staple that you could have wanted when it was released. Basically, if this product was released in America, it would make the game much more accessible. For less than $100 (2 master boxes, a set of sleeves, some dice), you could instantly have the tools for competitive tournament play.

Obviously, this product would decimate sales for other products in America, so given TPCi's history, TPCi would never actually release such a product. (I think it's understandable that TPCi, a profit-seeking business, would not want to kill sales for a lot of its other products by releasing a Battle Box in English.)

Here's the card list, which contains almost every single staple from the format in which the box was released:

2 Victini
2 Tepig
2 Pignite
2 Emboar
2 Reshiram
2 Piplup
2 Prinplup
2 Empoleon
2 Kyurem
2 Emolga
2 Tynamo
2 Eelektrik
2 Zekrom
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Ralts
2 Kiria
2 Gardevoir
2 Solosis
2 Duosion
2 Reuniclus
2 Darkrai EX
2 Zorua
2 Zoroark
2 Zoroark
2 Rayquaza EX
2 Tornadus
2 Crushing Hammer
2 Revive
2 Dark Patch
4 Ultra Ball
2 Rare Candy
2 PlusPower
2 Heavy Ball
2 Pokémon Catcher
2 Max Potion
4 Random Receiver
2 Level Ball
2 Rocky Helmet
2 Eviolite
4 Professor Juniper
2 N
4 Cheren
2 Bianca
2 Double Colorless Energy
2 Blend Energy GFPD
2 Blend Energy WLFM
8 Fire Energy
8 Water Energy
8 Lightning Energy
8 Psychic Energy
8 Darkness Energy
If they do sleeves, they really need to be a similar quality to the very first Diamond & Pearl pre-release ones.
Not the later ones that had the "foil" like sleeves (that have a habit of splitting or peeling).
PokeCollection once mentioned it during his live streams that Dragon Vault was initially to be released in some sort of form of the ETB but that idea was scrapped and they chose to release the set in blisters instead.

Asad said a box, not the ETB. The initially proposed box can be seen here.
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