Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

The Big Bliss - 5 in 1 - Updated with Variant 5!!!

Steven's didn't work for me when I tried it. Usually I was just too fast for it to get me more than 2 cards in many circumstances. I was nearly alway amazed if I got 3 or more with it since that rarely seemed to happen.

TVR is the best play IMHO since you can use it to get energy in the discard.

Adventurer is next, draw wise, sicne it can do the same if you have energy in hand when you play it.

Bill's & Steven's are OK in this deck but not as good as the other two.
Oh, and your Electivire matchup is way of, i think. Haven't tested it much, but what if the player drops a PP/Charm and OHKO Blissey? If he does it 2 times? Don't forget most Elecvires plays 2-3 Scramble Energies...
I'd say 60/40
Oh, and your Electivire matchup is way of, i think. Haven't tested it much, but what if the player drops a PP/Charm and OHKO Blissey? If he does it 2 times? Don't forget most Elecvires plays 2-3 Scramble Energies...
I'd say 60/40

The deck was not tested much, in fact almost none. Lucario/Blissey was tested a lot, won a few BR, etc. The other ones where not played much, sorry but Blivire and Blissey/Delcatty where just examples, that need help.

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After reading all the posts, I think I should stick to trading on this site...
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Dante63s Personally I appreciate the effort that you put in to your article. If others don't get it or just dismiss your efforts and say you have bad lists then that is their problem. Don't let it bother you, there are plenty of silent readers out there. Some of the criticism would sit better if the same posters would actually step up and post their own superior lists and explain why their list is better. if they are unwilling to do this then they ought to be a bit more carefull with their negative comments. At the very least to give some hints and clues as to what it is about the list that is bad and I don't mean comments like "Happiny LOL" that gives absoluetly no clue as to why Happiny may or may not good in the list.

The truth may be out there but there does seem to be multiple truths right now.
Dante63s Personally I appreciate the effort that you put in to your article. If others don't get it or just dismiss your efforts and say you have bad lists then that is their problem. Don't let it bother you, there are plenty of silent readers out there. Some of the criticism would sit better if the same posters would actually step up and post their own superior lists and explain why their list is better. if they are unwilling to do this then they ought to be a bit more carefull with their negative comments. At the very least to give some hints and clues as to what it is about the list that is bad and I don't mean comments like "Happiny LOL" that gives absoluetly no clue as to why Happiny may or may not good in the list.

The truth may be out there but there does seem to be multiple truths right now.


Dante63: Congratulations! Great article!
Also, my main problem with this article. honestly, isn't the content, but rather the grammar. If you guys need someone to proofread stuff, I'd HAPPILY do it. :X

That's my only complaint as well. Large, busy forums need to hold their users to a strict standard of posting etiquette, or else everything goes to chaos. This is especially true for featured articles, where the forum actually endorses the poster by reviewing and approving the article before it is posted.
I agree. Grammar is very important when trying to communicate with people around the world, especially with people who might not have English as their native language.
2) You must have had tournament success with the deck in question. Before your article is finally accepted, you will need to PM a Cardiologist or Feature Editor with the premier tournament (Cities or higher) at which you used the deck and the place you finished. We expect you to have placed no lower than 8th with your feature article-worthy deck. There is one way around this rule: if you can find someone who has had tourney success with the deck to cowrite with you, or to sponsor your article, you may submit as usual. This is to eliminate the possibility of a deluge of article submissions about untested decks, and to eliminate articles that may not be accurate with regards to matchups.

This is taken directly from the DECK ARTICLE SUBMISSION RULES posted by Dendrobatida. If the guy hasn't even tested the decks in his article, that's even worse than not having tournament experience, which leads to extremely inaccurate matchups.

Well desert eagle if you go by that rule, I won 2 BR with the Lucario/Blissey variant (Master Division).
If you are such skilled/experienced/whatever player how come you don’t post your list? You say something about your team is making the articles, I will save you the effort just post the 60 cards deck list here, you obviously already have that you don’t have to wait, I bet you wont, because your the one that doesn’t want to show deck lists

(Thread, A response to those wanting details on decks played – Meganium45).

If I where to think like you, which I don’t, you would not want to post your list because you worked so hard making the list. Is that right? or am I missing something, please get your story straight :thumb:

When I wrote the article I knew it would make problems, simply because Blissey is so highly played, every player will have problems with the list, because most players are using a different list, the discussion is endless: That list is bad, my list is better, why do you use that, etc. Really how can you solve this problem? I suggest for does who “Have problems with the list” post your list and we will all see the BIG difference. This happens to be my list and it works well, people may think it needs some work, but to criticize it with out given the solution is not how it is done. As I stated before, this article is mainly on Straight Blissey and Blissey/Lucario. The other two are also in the article mainly to talk about and maybe fix up, both Blissey/Delcatty and Blissey/Electivire are untested, there here to give ideas on making a better list as you noticed some ideas where already given out, which were already added to the main list.

I repeat to all the “Skilled Players” to please, post your list here and we will all get the big picture OR give ideas.

This post is kinda off-topic sorry.
I won another BR with Blissey/Lucario, I put x2 Holon FF and x1 Fire to the deck list, helped a lot in mirror match and vs. Mario.
Pokémon: 19

2 Happiny (MT #52)
4 Chansey (MT #76)
4 Blissey (MT #5)
3 Elekid (DP #48)
3 Electabuzz (DF #29)

3 Electivire (DP #3)
1 Electivire Lv X

Trainers: 25

4 Tv Reporter (DF #82)
3 Castaway (CG #72)
2 Strength Charm (DF #81)
1 Night Maintenance (MT #113)
4 Celios Network (CG #73)
3 Holon <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Mentor (DF #75)</st1:City></st1:place>
1 Copycat (DF #73)
1 Switch (DP #119)
4 Windstorm (CG #85)

Energy: 16

3 Boost (DF #87)
2 Warp Energy (PK #91)
8 Lighting (PK #106)
3 Double Rainbow Energy (CG #)

This list is 59 cards.

Pokemon: 15

4 Chansey (MT #76)
4 Blissey (MT #5)
3 Riolu (DP #61)
3 Lucario (DP #6)
1 Lucario Lv. X (MT #122)
1 Sableye (CG #10)


Trainers: 29

4 Tv Reporter (DF #82)
4 Castaway (CG #72)
3 Cessation Crystal (CG #74)
3 Plus Power (DP #109)
1 Strength Charm (DF #81)
1 Time Space Distortion (MT #124)
4 Celios Network (CG #73)
3 Great Ball (PK #77)
1 Holon Mentor (DF #75)
2 Copycat (DF #73)
2 Team Galactics Wager (MT #115)

You've got 28 trainers here.

There's probably errors in the other lists, I think somebody should look into these. =/
All I can say 9th in the world having only lost 1 match at BR all season! Uses different trainers so this is not the same engine as "TRUK" which is a big difference! Not going to say what the differences are because why would anyone just hand over a great idea to for people to benefit from with little to no effort on their part. Not to hard to figure it out. "READ". Take some trainers out and some different trainers and test it...........easy :)

Won't matter too much when the new set comes out :)

Quit flaming and hating!
All I can say 9th in the world having only lost 1 match at BR all season! Uses different trainers so this is not the same engine as "TRUK" which is a big difference! Not going to say what the differences are because why would anyone just hand over a great idea to for people to benefit from with little to no effort on their part. Not to hard to figure it out. "READ". Take some trainers out and some different trainers and test it...........easy :)

Won't matter too much when the new set comes out :)

Quit flaming and hating!

You make me curious, 9th in MA? SR? JR? All agegroup?
Blissey solo? or Blissey ++
We also did use our own trainer line, which is not TRUK (I think because I really don't know what they mean with it).
9th overall

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9th overall

9 Kant Shen 1683.18 MA ON CA

he only lost 1 match all season - won every tournament.

He used various versions of the deck, the one I saw was with electivire (dump truk) due to the discard ot the LX for 120 dmg. The engine is amazing if you can figure it out. And to watch it work when it kicks in it is amazing! That is not the strongest version though. They can be beaten if you use the right counters for the deck type. But I must say they worked as a team so the other guys used decks that would defeat anything that beat his deck! I will not give too much away because I do not think it is fair that they worked hard on this and it should not just be handed out.

If you read you can figure it out as they thought they were being cryptic and they gave alot of the engines secrets away the rest you can figure out by playing the deck.

Took me about an hour of reading.

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