Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Best basics combo for a 4, 5 and can't read 6 year olds.

you think this is bad? you should have seen the discussion he had with a judge when he tried to grind in with dragtrode a few months ago...
I think many people have said the same thing - pick something that they like (a Pokemon or a color) and build something simple around it. Last season, my 5 year old could handle pretty advanced stuff - he is a good reader and excellent at math. In fact, his biggest issue was probably trying to explain to some other players just why a certain card did what it did. But he quickly learned to just call a judge. But not every 5 year old can handle the same cards and he could not have handled the R-Gon deck that his big brother played. Start simple and play and then add to it. Pokemon is a GREAT way to enhance reading and math skills so take advantage of that if you can.

And honestly from one parent to another, judge whether your child is ready to play. Most 3 year olds are probably not ready. It does not mean that they cannot enjoy Pokemon cards and grow into great players but at 3 s/he might just be better off collecting cards or playing 'war' style battles - flip over top card and high HP wins. Help them learn the fun of gaming and a little math too. They will want to do more when they are ready.
It has to be THIS format? Why build him a deck right now when a new set is coming out this month?

Just build it queendom until this format settles down. Queendom has all the essential lessons of pokemon playing.
It has to be THIS format? Why build him a deck right now when a new set is coming out this month?

Just build it queendom until this format settles down. Queendom has all the essential lessons of pokemon playing.

he does have a point...
Use Hurricane or FlyVire.

She barely knows how to play a Trainer deck how is she going to play those.

Anyway we are working on either a lighting deck or a fighting deck. She did not play in any Battle Roads since she was not ready. I am hoping to get her ready for cities. She does not really care right now if she wins or loses but just wants to represent herself at the tournament.

For fighting it is a
4-4 line of Lucario
4-4 line of Sandslash
4-4 line of dudrio.
Deck has fighting energy ,4 scrambles along with a cast of plus power, strength charms TV reporter and Great ball. Is there anything from the new set?
Is there any cards right now that say you can not attack a basic forcing them to attack Sandslash?
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Use Hurricane or FlyVire.
let's see
devinatly not....

the fairies are all very well... but what with?

anyway, i'm gonna have a huge think about what to play for a 5/6/7 year old. atm pachirisu start seems good.

let's see:
raichu MT and manectric MT?
you think they will get no where?
if the kid has a consistant deck, they can win alot of the games through sheer beatdown and speed, with a little disruption thrown in (ER2, warp point, possibly wager)
seriously, wats gonna beat him? the one kid playing a good deck? he is getting used to the game, some how i dont think he is going to win the first event he goes to
Wigglytuff (cg) is a useful stage 1 in just about any young player's deck. Just don't use Iggly. He fits with just about any other stage 1 line you care to play.

After that a lot depends on what she likes and what she can handle. Lucario would work. Magmortar is a bit more complecated. Plenty of reasonable stage 1 grass types around. Etc.
Why not just through a bunch of random pokemon together that do special conditions but nothing else? That works well for some of the leaguers here.
She barely knows how to play a Trainer deck how is she going to play those.

Anyway we are working on either a lighting deck or a fighting deck. She did not play in any Battle Roads since she was not ready. I am hoping to get her ready for cities. She does not really care right now if she wins or loses but just wants to represent herself at the tournament.

For fighting it is a
4-4 line of Lucario
4-4 line of Sandslash
4-4 line of dudrio.
Deck has fighting energy ,4 scrambles along with a cast of plus power, strength charms TV reporter and Great ball. Is there anything from the new set?
Is there any cards right now that say you can not attack a basic forcing them to attack Sandslash?

Does she understand the Sandslash? It seems to have a lot of 'if, thens' to me which may be confusing. Lucario is a definite for a fighting deck. What about the Graveler? That one would be fun if she likes to flip coins/roll dice. Or even Machamp for a watered down Mario? It would be a high HP for the deck which a lot of kiddos like.
16 Pokemon:

4 Bonsly DP
4 Sudowoodo MT
4 Riolu
4 Lucario

Trainers: 30

4 Great Ball
4 Pokedex
4 ER2
4 Celio's
2 Steven's
4 PlusPower

Energies: 14

14 Fighting

This shouldn't be too hard to play.
Bonsly's Babyevolution would teach him/her a little about Poke-Powers.
Due to Bonsly's power, I dunno if it would be smart to put in Ces. Crystal too, I don't know how good/smart your kids are.
Shoud DRE be in here? Would they understand the -10 dmg? I mean, if they lay a DRE on a Sudowoodo, it would be =/.
The Hurricane/FlyVire idea was a joke, sorry xD.

I think MurkrowMurkrowMurkrow can be a nice fun and easy deck to play.

4 Wynaut DP
2 Wobbuffet PK
4 Murkrow
3 Honchkrow
1 Umbreon *

4 TG Wager
4 Copycat
2 Holon Mentor
3 Buffer Piece
3 Castaway
3 Windstorm
4 Super scoop op
4 Warp point
2 Night mainteinance (TSD Better)
3 Celio's Network

4 Dark
4 Dark special
2 Scramble
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