Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Best Supporters


New Member
What are some of the best supporter cards in the current DP-on format? Basically, I am looking primarily at cards that have draw/search power, but would consider supporters that help in other areas as well (e.g. disruption, etc.).
^Hands down the best surporters in this format. Almost every single deck out there runs multiples of 3 out of those 4 supporters.
draw wise - Prof. Oak's Visit, Felicity's Drawing....
Is Volkner's Philosophy any good?

Also, I keep hearing about a "Galactic Engine" that involves Cyrus's Conspiracy. Can someone please let me know what a "Galactic Engine" is?

Roseanne's Research
Bebe's Search
Cyrus's Conspiracy (for SP decks)


Volkner's Philosophy
Felicity's Drawing
Professor Oak's Visit

Hand Refresh

Cynthia's Feelings


Team Galactic's Wager
Looker's Investigation
Cyrus's Initiative
Team Galactic's Mars


Palmer's Contribution
Aaron's Collection (SP decks)

Energy Manipulation

Lucian's Assignment
Flint's Willpower (SP Decks)

Those are the most playable Supporters imo


A 'Galactic Engine' is used in SP decks. Basically, you use Cyrus to fetch (usually) another Cyrus, a Team Galactic's Invention (SP Radar, Poketurn, or whatever you need most), and an Energy. Then repeat.
A galactic engine is used for SP decks. It usually consists of:

4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
4x Poke Turn
4x Energy Gain
4x SP Radar
4x Power Spray
2-3x Bebe's Search
4x Roseanne's Research

Then choice trainers/supporters/stadiums.
I heard there was a crucial ruling on Looker's Investigation during Worlds. Can someone please let me know what the ruling was?

I took a look at the cards you mentioned and they all look pretty good. :)
The ruling applies to all cards that say "...draw up to x number of cards." Looker's Investigation was only the example that was used. We used to be required to declare the number of cards we were going to draw before we started drawing cards. The ruling said that you may draw a card, look at it, and then decide if you want to draw another one, look at it, and continue until you either reach the limit you are allowed to draw or decide to stop.
Oh, so the ruling actually benefits Looker's then, right? Because let's say I run a Speedrill Deck (I don't but it's an easier example) and the first card I draw with Looker's is a Beedrill! I can then decide to stop right there right? (I probably won't because the other 4 cards could be useful)

I know this belongs more in the rules section, but can I use Looker's even if I could get "decked" if I draw the full 5 cards (in this case, assume I will draw less than 5 cards just because I don't want to get "decked")

Lastly, what is the advantage of running Cynthia's Feelings over Looker's Investigation? To me, while I can potentially draw more cards using Cynthia's feelings (after shuffling) , I can draw more cards consistently using Looker's (after shuffling) and still get to both see my opponent's hand (and have them shuffle it in if it is very good).

Palmer's is NOT good guys

Au contraire, Aziz. I think it is in some situations.
For example, in a Beedrill deck, I would MUCH rather have 2 Night Maintenance and 1 Palmer than 4 Night Maintenance. Frees up a space.

Actually... now that I think about it, Beedrill really is the only deck Palmer's is good.
word, Bees is the only plausible deck to put Palmer's in. But even then I prefer heavy NM as being able to Bebe's/Rosy the same turn is crucial.
I agree. But I'd include Palmer's for the low energy count mostly. There were a lot of situations when I ran Bees where I wish I could have gotten 3 Bee parts and an energy. Plus, late game, you would probably be able to get a full line via RR Bee and Claydol anyways, since the deck would be so thin.
Palmers in a beedrill deck? okay. Palmers in a speedrill? No. 4 night maintenance. Speedrill is all about that recovery factor. If you can bounce back from a KO each turn(like most speedrills can) then you maximize the chance of doing 120 points a turn. If they eat 4 of your beedrills on critical KO's then you need to get that back. I'd take 4 NM over a palmers any day.

Palmer's is NOT good guys

I think its pretty good in SP decks where the build are usually super tight. I use it all the time with SP radar to get back crucial techs that have been ko'd or sacrificed. Plus it lets me Hydro shot/Fire Spin ad naseuem with as little as 4 Fire or 4 Water in my deck.


lol, you should really quote who you're referncing to, I thought it was me at first and re-read your post like 8 times until i figured out it was the poster above me
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