Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

BRAND NEW League, Help? =D


New Member
Hey! I'm just starting out in the world of Pokemon Leagues. I've read ( and PokéGym's guide to starting and operating a league by Ultimatdra.) pretty thoroughly I think, but I find it all a bit confusing.
I was really into pokemon, and the TCG when it first started in American, but I was a little kid at the time, and TRAGICALLY I've been out of the Pokemon World for a while.
Thankfully, I'm back in, though a little out of date, but extremely excited to start a League!
But I've got a few questions, and things I need help with. (This is my first ever League season)

I just learned that Wizards of the Coast doesn't do it anymore that it's been transferred to Nintendo, but I don't understand what that means for playing the game, in leagues, and in general.

I'm moving to the Rochester area and I don't know anyone there. My little brother and I are the only ones that would be in the league to start off with, so I would really appreciate ideas on how to advertise and get members. (I plan to run the League at a library, not a game store, if that changes how to advertise.)

How do you go about enrolling members once you have them and getting them POP id's and such?

What does the League leader say at meetings? What do you DO at meetings?

What if I can't get a good number of members?

I've made a website for the League, and if anyone would taek a look at it and tell me if it's okay, that would be terrific!Here

Also, if you have any general tips, pointers, things I should know, etc., I would LOVE to hear them.

I am only 16 so I can only legally be the League Leader, but I would be the one with the responsibilities of the owner, but my dad or mom would help out with anything that needed an adult, and be the technical League Owner if paper work needed to be filled out.
I am up for the responsibility and have the time to run this league, and I would be very grateful with any help answers, and advice you could offer.
=D Thank you!
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First off, welcome to the world of League Leaders.

I will try and give any kind of help I can. I am a League Owner and League Leader in the Denver, Co area.

Hey! I'm just starting out in the world of Pokemon Leagues. I've read ( and PokéGym's guide to starting and operating a league by Ultimatdra.) pretty thoroughly I think, but I find it all a bit confusing.

Good places to start, also, since you are a league leader, you should be able to register on the Official PUI League Leader forums, you will find a link to it on your 'My Pokemon' account if you are allowed to register.

I was really into pokemon, and the TCG when it first started in American, but I was a little kid at the time, and TRAGICALLY I've been out of the Pokemon World for a while.
Thankfully, I'm back in, though a little out of date, but extremely excited to start a League!
But I've got a few questions, and things I need help with. (This is my first ever League season)

I just learned that Wizards of the Coast doesn't do it anymore that it's been transferred to Nintendo, but I don't understand what that means for playing the game, in leagues, and in general.

The only major difference in the switch from WotC to PUI, is the Masters age group came back. I was not playing when WotC had Pokemon, but I have never had any problems working with PUI

I'm moving to the Rochester area and I don't know anyone there. My little brother and I are the only ones that would be in the league to start off with, so I would really appreciate ideas on how to advertise and get members. (I plan to run the League at a library, not a game store, if that changes how to advertise.)
Pokemon Leagues are largely word of mouth, you have a site for info, put that onto fliers and other League items. Give it to your members when they sign-up, keep it updated with events - both League and major stuff. The League will be listed online at Pokemons site, so that will bring in people as well. Make contact with other Leagues near you and go to those. Talk with the League Leaders in your area and hook up with the Tournament Organizers and Premier Tournament Organizers, they will help you with events. Tell other players you run into that there is another place to play - especially if your times are on when no one else is running a League. Die hard players will take advantage of any playtime they can get.

How do you go about enrolling members once you have them and getting them POP id's and such?
POP ID's and League scorecards will be included in your first league kit. The form is pretty simple, if the member is under 13 years old, parents / guardians have to fill it out, with their info. If they are 13 or older they can do the form themselves. If you have kids, that Mom or Dad just drop off, get contact info for M/D in case of emergency.

What does the League leader say at meetings? What do you DO at meetings?
I just talk with the players, parents, and other League Leaders (we have 3 at both of my Leagues). I work with new players and spend alot of time getting beat up by the kids. I do play, but not much, I focus my time on awarding Points, signing up members, answering questions, ect. Sometimes it is slow enough or no new members come in that I can play most of the night, other nights, I never even get a deck out.

What if I can't get a good number of members?
I would be more worried about getting too many members. A league in my area had so many players attending that they had to split the age groups and make it that the groups meet every other week. Meaning group a is 11 and under and group b is over 12. One week group a meets and the next group b meets. For getting members, ask the library if you can put up a flier, and talk with the local schools about it as well, they might let you post a flier there as well.

I've made a website for the League, and if anyone would take a look at it and tell me if it's okay, that would be terrific!Here
Good looking site, nice and basic leaves little room for confusion. Make sure that any fliers or business cards you make have that address, along with the and your email on them. Post any tournaments that you hold at your location and also list any events - like Prereleases, Cities, Battle Roads, Regional's, States on there as well. Keep it updated often and maybe have a guest book for visitors to sign as well.

Also, if you have any general tips, pointers, things I should know, etc., I would LOVE to hear them.
Biggest tip, don't forget to report the League, if you don't report, you won't get your league kit, so you will have no product for your players.

I am only 16 so I can only legally be the League Leader, but I would be the one with the responsibilities of the owner, but my dad or mom would help out with anything that needed an adult, and be the technical League Owner if paper work needed to be filled out.
I am up for the responsibility and have the time to run this league, and I would be very grateful with any help answers, and advice you could offer.
=D Thank you!

This is all I can think of right now, but I will add more if I think about it. If you have other questions, post them here or you can PM me them.
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that's helped me!
I'm so grateful to you! =D!
I think I've got some other questions, but I'm tooo sleepy to think of them, but thank you for being so nice and allowing me to ask you more questions later! I'm so gald you coudl help me out!

!!! Thank You !!!
Not a problem. Luckily, when I started working with the Leagues, it was working for a PTO helping him out. He was a great source of info for me, and really helped me when I started my own League. He is one of the League Leaders at my League as well.

I have found most League Leaders to be really good to bounce ideas and questions off of, since we have all been there before.

Anyway, I am glad that my answers helped you out, and fell free to contact me for anything else that you might need.
There's a beautiful topic plastered to the top of the League forums. Read it over, it will answer all of the questions that you have right now, and probably preempt many of your other questions that arise.
There's a beautiful topic plastered to the top of the League forums. Read it over, it will answer all of the questions that you have right now, and probably preempt many of your other questions that arise.

If you took the time to read the first line of his post, you will notice that he said he already did that.