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Cresselia Lv X aslo worth playing?

with gardevoir PK is very speed, psy shadow attach energy a creselia and the damage counters move at your opponent's pokemon with poke power creselia, gardevoir and gallade are of the same family its great!!!!

If you get Cresselia and Cresselia Lvl. X in a Prerelease, play it, no questions asked. If you get her leveled-up, you are going to win. End of story. She's not so good in regular play, however, but even there, she could still see some use.

Glaceon Lvl. X and Leafeon Lvl. X are pretty cool - in fact, the entire Eeeveelution line may well be the best yet, which should please at least one of my players at League.

- Croatian "this set is totally X-factored" Nidoking
I hate how people are comparing these cards to other cards that they combo with there are a lot of cards in the format that are amazing when played with other cards they look good in print but when you actually play them they turn out not to be as good as you thought. These cards are good but not anywhere near game-breaking. While Blissy and Leafeon my be a good idea the deck will not be able to stand up to Blissvire or even Blisscatty for that matter in terms of speed and t2 blissy which is the best blissy varient IMO will still be able to take most of these new cards. I am also suprised that people are not excited about cresselia, it is a banette that is usable on the bench! That is ahmazing and even if it wont score you 3 prizes it will give you 2 but the fact that you can basically shady move twice per turn without having to be active is ah-mazing by itself. No one plays psychic anymore anyway so who cares about the 2x weakness. The eeveelutions seem like a lot of fun but I dont see a leafeon deck making a BIG influence in the current format.
Something seems to be wrong... there are endless possibilities for Leafeon Lv.X, you can power up huge stage 2 hitters very quickly, you can play it with anything that needs fast energy, but most of the people here only think of that crazy pink egg. :/

And, still remember, Leafeon has to be active to be leveled up. You can't play it just to the bench like Flygon/Delcatty/any other supporting Pokémon.

With this in mind, I would think a true Eeveelutions deck - maybe with some techs, Absol ex like last season or something else - should be very nice. They have nearly every type except fighting und metal, other than the earlier ex-eeveelutions you can attach DRE to them, Umbreon and Espeon have nice supporting bodies, Leafeon stalls and spends energy and Glaceon owns decks that use lots of powers. The only problem is that you just get four Eevees, but with the CFF move and NM/TSD it should be possible to deal with this.
Leafeon is nice on its own . Another supporter line would be nice in the start. Weavile seems to be a nice choice. It is able to boost all the Eeveelutions and covers the weakness.
The Gallade/Cresselia combo seems kinda easy to play around, for a few reasons:

1. If you get hit with Gallade's attack, you choose the benched pokemon you send up.

2. If Cresselia is using Gardevoir PK for energy acceleration, it's probably going to be within most pokemons' one-hit KO range when it becomes active.

3. The deck would have a mono psychic weakness.

You can easily play around Gallade's cheap damage by either sending up pokemon that have already been damaged, or by sending up pokemon that haven't evolved yet and thus would only take 0-20 damage from Gallade's attack. Baby pokemon would be particularly good in this situation because you could just evolve that damage off.

So as long as your opponent isn't going to have a Cresselia Lv.X ready by their next turn, you can continue to manipulate the playfield to make sure Gallade can't spread damage with his attack. If you consistently keep bringing up the same pokemon that has already been reduced to 50 hp, the Gallade player will have no choice but to KO it with Gallade's second attack or waste their turn.

If Cresselia Lv.X sees play, I can see skill hack decks and Mew* seeing a lot more play. And people might start teching Clefable DP into decks that already use boost.
Actually, Eeveelutions seems *more* viable this season than last! You are limited to only two of the most powerful of the Eevees (Leafeon, Glaceon), so you have more possibilities for Four Corners than ever. Umby and Espy have nice support powers, and the other 3 are at least viable attackers. It's a nice counter deck, similar to Four Corners, but much easier to run given Eevee's AMAZING T1 attack and Leafeon's abilities. I could imagine a deck like that running a Celio's Balls engine with lots of draw and Castaway for Basic Energies...
True that. Both Leafeon Lv. X and Jolteon are nice cleaners. Main issue is what to combine the Eeveelutions with and how to obtain the limited amount of Leafeon Lv. X from the deck fast. Are the balls able to search out Lv. X ?
Hi bullados,

Thanks for the update. Would Bebe's Search be able to obtain Leafeon Lv. X too? A third search card would be awesome in this deck for the classic Eeveelution evil knievel tactic.
I'm kinda suprised.... noone thinks a pokemon that shuts off powers and hits every bench for 20 is good?? sad... oh well yah I like all the Eeveelutions in the next set or after that the problem is......
I\'m kinda suprised.... noone thinks a pokemon that shuts off powers and hits every bench for 20 is good?? sad... oh well yah I like all the Eeveelutions in the next set or after that the problem is......

we know its good, but the fact that its a coin flip to deal damage and that his other attacks arent that good means that he gets secondary consideration