Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Eastern Canadian Regionals @ Apr 12

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I just checked with my copy of TOM, and the lowest attendance to warrant top 16 is 46 players. So it looks like you were the closest to being right.
Well, I can definately see a very good chance of all 3 Lesages in the top cut (2 MA, 1 SR) :lol:!!! Top 16 is alot and hopefully I can do well enough in Swiss so I can be the best in Canada again:)
well me and my bro are coming so thats +2. And some others will come cuz its just so big(biggest thing in Eastern this year)
Well, I can definately see a very good chance of all 3 Lesages in the top cut (2 MA, 1 SR) :lol:!!! Top 16 is alot and hopefully I can do well enough in Swiss so I can be the best in Canada again:)

:) - yes there is a good chance of that!

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There will be more people then at provincials there for sure..........P_A your going to play and not judge?....I hope I do not have to play you. What about Josh?
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no, i ment sebastion crema and gordon coates.

haha, ofc i know that's what you would say :D i just wanted to be safe and go with the the two provincial winners (i should have won) from the west :)

but yea, Sebastian Crema and Gordon Coates does have a very good history to back up what you are saying :p we gonna have to see how Malcolm Storness-Bliss do at regional (if he goes) and at national.
:) There will be more people then at provincials there for sure..........P_A your going to play and not judge?....I hope I do not have to play you. What about Josh?

:wink: You would have absolutely nothing to worry about with me if I did play. You're an artist, and better than me. Actually, I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing. I told Marvin a while ago that I wouldn't be available for Regionals. So he told me he was going to make other plans. Then it looks like my plans changed. Now, whether or not he needs another judge, it looks like we'll be going. I haven't gotten a response whether he needs ANY extra judges. Who knows, maybe both Josh and I might play! So I'll probably decktest anyway, and see how it turns out. If I judge - fine, if not, that's fine too. But if I don't judge, I'll be certain to make sure that I can't be used as a resource. Any funny business and I'll .....

Hey, by the way, wanna decktest together? :smile:
Sweet! It is too bad that G&G will still dominate though:p

That OBVIOUSLY means you've got another version of GG just waiting for regionals, :nonono: now i'm 100% sure you're playing GG for regionals you can lie all you want but you can't drop your most successful deck :lol:

it's time to bust out another rogue deck

i'm gonna change my signature because i'm proud to be a rogue:eek:
Of course Zach is going to play G&G. He's had so much success with it, he's not going to throw it away and try out a different deck. I am quite curious to see his new version in 2 1/2 weeks. However, I'm much more interested to see what rogue deck Geneses come up with:lol:
Sweet! It is too bad that G&G will still dominate though:p

G&G will NOT take Eastern Regionals. I won't be there to play but I know someone that will and this person will crush all G&G decks. Put your thinking cap on - your going to have to be more creative than playing G&G.

All hail Mr or Mrs Secret Opponent with the death to both G&G & Magmortar.
Thanks Curtis, that was nice of you. LOL - as if it was me who has the secret deck! Ha! To be honest though Josh and I have been playtesting 3-4 hours every night. I think we have at least 3 decks that will do well. We're testing against the metagame, and seeing what we can come up with. One deck is going to be a complete surprise, but I think it may do the best. We'll see. In the meantime, we're gonna work on an event before Regionals, and see if we can make it work. If not, that's no biggie. We'll just have to make sure we have everything ready for Regionals.
Umm yeah you got me but, after getting beat up by Matt K's Teched Out G&G, I have started to think of my own techs and I have figured out the perfect anti-metagame G&G deck so beware. Power-ADE was City Championships, Power-Ade V.2 was Provincials, ArKaide is Regionals. BTW, Geneses, aren't Queen/King or Feraligator/Meganium considered Archtypes??? But, I do have to admit you are the king of RoGuE decks :lol: (I used to play Rogue decks before SW)
BTW, Geneses, aren't Queen/King or Feraligator/Meganium considered Archtypes??? But, I do have to admit you are the king of RoGuE decks :lol: (I used to play Rogue decks before SW)

Actually, Nidokingdom is an obvious combo, BUT never made it to archetype and Feraligatr/Meganium isn't anywhere close to what the achetype gatr was. that gatr deck was based around gatr with support lines of fearow or nidoqueen with gatr being the only pokemon doing the damage. my megatr deck was based on meganium doing 80 reduce 30 plus 20 if buffer peice was applied and used gatr as a lost resort. i never ran the castform that everyone did and the only delta pokemon in that deck were JUST meg and gatr. Those two decks were meant to to hit weakness at the time that i played them.

BUT enough about background information, your "arKaide" as long as it has to do with gardy and gallade in the same deck... it's still a GG and if your tech is arKanine -.- i really wish you good luck on that one...

Anyways i'll be sure to bring my rogue along with my 6 other friends with rogues and hope that more than just two of us make it to top cut this time... and a Matt Koo(hoping he goes back to rogue for regionals!)
Geneses, do you think I am a n0oB??? Arkanine in a G&G deck is not the way to go! It is called ArKaide because it is Team Lesage's *NEW* G&G engine brought to you by our 2 best engines made by myself & Ka'Mewie (Kai & ADE). I have also fixed it up with wicked-crazy techs to defeat the Metagame. Have fun wondering what they are:lol:

I will hopefully bring some of my crew from London so yeah, battle of the crews:lol:

(BTW, Banette is my 3rd easiest match-up now*hint*Gardevoir/Gallade is my 2nd easiest *hint* & Magmortar is my easiest:lol:*hint*).

Hopefully those hint will help you with what my techs are hahaha (I will bring HEXed drinks, don't worry)
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