Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

"ex Unseen Forces": Richardson, TX, ...August 14, 2005

Spotter said:
How does one go about winning these "free entries" for the preRelease? Inquiring minds wanna know!



You can win FREE Admission to the Pre-releases at the "ex Unseen Forces" Pre-release. MP Birch will give out free admission as one of the door prizes for the next Pre-release. And MPB is thinking about other ways of giving out free admission also. :rolleyes:

MP Birch
beatlerat said:
What? Free? YES!!!!!!
You know I'll be there and I'm bringing the family .......That'll mess with your minds!!!


Yes, bring the family!!!

Oh yes, tell Mrs. Rat, "Happy Birthday"!!! Is she really older that MP Birch, now???

MP Birch
shiftrymaster68 said:
Is there anything for bring ing new players? I might be bringing my Mom and Brother after teaching them...


Great call !!! Yes, MP Birch will continue to give the new "booster packs" to new players and the ones that brought them.

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Good thing I'm going to 2 Prereleases w/ my bro. So if we both get 6 packs for the tourney and 4 additional packs
We'd get..........40 packs total x9 we'd get 360 cards of the set!
hitmonchan93 said:
Good thing I'm going to 2 Prereleases w/ my bro. So if we both get 6 packs for the tourney and 4 additional packs
We'd get..........40 packs total x9 we'd get 360 cards of the set!


Nice math work...very Poke-Mathfic.

awsome I get a 2 boxes worth in UFO set cause I have more bros now we have 7 days to go!!!!
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"8" more days until "ex Unseen Forces" arrives at "JJK Cards" in Richardson Square Mall. MP Birch can't wait to get a look at these new cards in this series. These cards will surely cahnge the "Mega-Game"!!! I have gotta catch them all!!! Be here or you will be behind and will you catch up??? This is a "LAST DAY of SUMMER BLAST"!!! On Monday. school starts up. Go out in style this summer...be sure to catch all of these Pokemon in the "ex Unseen Forces" series. :thumb: :thumb:

Until then...take care. :wink:

:pokeball: MP Birch :pokeball:
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This time next Sunday, you will be in line to get into Richardson Square Mall for the "ex Unseen Forces Pre-release" at JJK Cards. "7" days to go until this exciting event!!! If you have never attended a pre-release, then you are in for a treat. Wait until you hear the players as they open their packs....it is price less to hear the comments. Can't wait as the real count down begins now!!! :clap: :clap:

:pokeball: MP Birch :pokeball:
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