Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Gardevoir PK

for some reason i dont see gardy ever becoming popular in this format. Its too slow and shes weak to many decks and thus she dies pretty quickly. Zapper really does like to write articles thats for sure.
gardy, slow!?! what?
its almost always turn 1 for me!
gardy simpley rocks the house with gardy ex d! lol is playing; gardy psy shadow, gardy ex d, dellcatty energy draw, magneton energy back. this deck is soooooooooo fast!
for some reason i dont see gardy ever becoming popular in this format. Its too slow and shes weak to many decks and thus she dies pretty quickly. Zapper really does like to write articles thats for sure.

WHAT???!!! SLOW???!!! Never. Use it with Delcatty (Pk) and Magneton (Pk) for a seriously quick deck.
actually gardevoir is quite slow compare with current metagame, mainly because of her energy base attacks and pokemon with 100hp now day get kill easily.
actually gardevoir is quite slow compare with current metagame, mainly because of her energy base attacks and pokemon with 100hp now day get kill easily.

its turn 2-3, unless your hand is the worst in humanity!!!
i have a feeling gardy will top 4 the worlds this year, anyone else get that vibe?
its turn 2-3, unless your hand is the worst in humanity!!!
i have a feeling gardy will top 4 the worlds this year, anyone else get that vibe?

If Gardy doesn't T4 in any age group, then I'll play Ludicargo next format!:biggrin:
I take it you guys started playing pokemon since 05 and 06 cuz you guys have no idea how bad the deck is. Honestly. If you have played the game earlier than 05 then you guys have no intelligence on the TCG game AT ALL!!!!
Gardy is only so good right now. Even with Magneton/Catty, Eggs would just come in and destroy, Metanite would easily over power it, and BanDoom is far too fast.
Gardy is cool and everything, but with those decks being at the top right now (And Flariados too, yes, Flariados.), it won't be able to really do much. It's another thing of looking good in theory, but in actual play...it's just not happening.
supertyranitar-against Raieggs, Gardy relies on top decking Windstorms or Stadiums. If Gardy has one in they hand at all times, then Gardy would have a good match. If not, then Gardy is likely to lose.
Against Metanite, Gardy can tech in Gardevoir Ex (Df) and Crystal Shards to make the match-up easier.
Bandoom is extremly tough, but a possible Sceptile Ex (Cg) tech could help, as could Lati-lock with Latios Ex (Df). Either one will make the match-up significantly easier.
Flariaods is another tough match-up, I will admit that, but Ariados is weak to Gardy, and once again, our friend Sceptile Ex will help, by shutting down Flareons Power.
What I'm trying to say is that Gardevoir will survive and be a good tech in the current format because it's an easy deck to tech into to fit the local metagame. If it wasn't for that fact alone, then it would be bad. Because of this teching ability, it's great.
GMD was me!!! Uh... i'm thinking boomerang, energy out, energy down, energy back. Uh gardy ex d isn't a tech, its the best attacker in my oppinion. The deck for me is; gardy PK, gardy ex, catty PK, ton PK. This is an awsome deck. 3 attackers that can do easy significant damage, and inprison markers, this will the way to play it in my oppinion, that's why i'm doing the report this way.
GMD was me!!! Uh... i'm thinking boomerang, energy out, energy down, energy back. Uh gardy ex d isn't a tech, its the best attacker in my oppinion. The deck for me is; gardy PK, gardy ex, catty PK, ton PK. This is an awsome deck. 3 attackers that can do easy significant damage, and inprison markers, this will the way to play it in my oppinion, that's why i'm doing the report this way.

For me, Emerald Gardevoir is needed while Gardy Ex is a tech against bad match-ups, such as Metanite, otherwise you will be wasting spaces for the Gardy and the Holon's Pokemon/fire energies needed for its attack, which could be used for other cards, like a beefier Magneton line, or more techy trainers, or something else. Many Pokemon can be taken care of by Magneton, which, IMO, is the main attacker.
Also, you said it needed a good acronym, so why didn't you say about GMD before when you thought of it?