Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Hanaan's NE Regionals report - 1st place (9-2)

Hanaaaan!! I am so absolutely proud of you! I can remember those days when you would poke-blow my pixies, back when I played the AMU in Tewksbury!!

I soo remember you trying to "sort" your cards too, I think you needed a little help in that department!! You did great though! My only regret about your day is that you didn't get to play me, and you played the Unk instead, next time!

I can still remember what I said to you once you made the top 4, "Hanaan, this means you win a trophy no matter what, right?" and you said "Yes, I won the first-place trophy!" and I said "Well, all of the top 4's get one though, right?" and you replied "Well, yes, everyone else will get a trophy, but I will win the trophy!" Aha! And you did!!

I am extemely proud of both you and Sara for doing so well despite the ordinary tops, although I wish everyone could have came in first!!

Awesome job Hanaan, keep it up, and ladies n gents, I was the first person to get a kiss on the cheek from the New England Regional Champion!!!
Awesome job Hanaan, keep it up, and ladies n gents, I was the first person to get a kiss on the cheek from the New England Regional Champion!!!
Hey, EM, you are such a fantastic fan! Yes, I remember the trophy conversation we had :)
I had it in for that trophy, and I was not going to leave without it!
Thanks for your support, and next time, if there's a line for getting a kiss on the cheek - you can cut right in and get to the front of it :redface:
Oh! And we all forgot the best part about Hanaan winning!! Aylam got to hand his father the trophy and prizes!! Great job, both of you, and everyone that participated!
Em, I love your new signature!! This is a true original, and no one else can claim that :) See you guys at DH on Friday?
Almost definitely, it's Dan"s birthday today, so unless he throws his back out again tomorrow I know where he'll want to be!
Congratulations Hanaan! That's so exciting. I really wish Brett and I could've made it to Regionals but I had a college open house and Brett had a little league game to play. I was wondering where you've been absent from league, it had only been Aylam, but now I understand; I've been too busy myself lately. Man this college stuff is overwhelming.:rolleyes:

Anyway, glad to hear about this win, both of you should be real proud! Trophy Trophy TROPHY!Hope to see you guys soon!:biggrin:
I think that the main factor in our series was the point in which time was called.
I was a step ahead, but did break the pitch-dark lock. If you then one-hit my Cress X with yours, then it's a tie game again, and anyone's to win.
About the penalty - I don't think I would have gotten any prize penalty for this - rather, it would delay the game by 2 minutes or so... Was I searching the deck illegally, trying to use a trainer after pitch-dark?
Classic Gengar mirror, though. I bet you also wish you played with 2 unknown-G's - I sure could have used another one that day...

If you're intrested in updating, time was called on your turn after I Pitch-Darked you more than a few times. You were able to attack and take the first prizes with Cresselia. I was set up with an active Gastly and a benched Cresselia X with 2 Energy and Claydol. (If the Claydol wasn't there, I was holding 2 Drawer and a Luxury Ball after you broke the Pitch-Dark lock.)
It's reports like these that keep me from playing the game. When I went to my regs I figured it would be a bunch of uptight nasty gremlins that wouldn't act cool or nice, or let you take things back.

Luckily I was wrong. Congrats on tha win anyways, win nats man!!!

darkartisan - I'm not too sure I understand what you mean, but regardless, the subject of letting people take back mistakes is interesting.
Of course, one may categorize players that allow their opponent to take back a mistake as relaxed and fun, and those who don't (such as myself) as anything but.
Doing so is a mistake.
In my view, it is just as easy to think about your next step before you act, rather than after. It's just a matter of practice and habit.
I never ask to take any of my mistakes back, knowing that the best way to train myself to not make that mistake again is knowing I risked losing a game because of it. On the other hand, I think that letting someone take a mistake back in tournament is doing them a short term favor, but messing them up in the long term.
When I play with friends at league, it's all about learning, and taking back mistakes is a good way to learn. However, tournaments have a different intensity to them, and if someone can't live with their own mistakes and own up to it, it's not my place to baby them.
Again, this was not pointed at you, just relating to the issue you raised.
Playing Pokemon has so many aspects, and a highly accurate process of determining moves. I like sticking to it, whether I'm on the winning or losing end of it :)