Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Horrid Misplays/ Horrid Luck

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^i did that last year with SSU for the heck of it, i didn't get heads but it was still fun :) it's best to do that that in games where your playing a friend and your hecka bored.
at nationals this year (europe) in the second round I got the following hand:
1 Uxie
4 Fighting Energy
1 Night Maintenance
1 Premier Ball

and I draw Rare Candy
^^ Second turn the game was over. And even more embarrasing is that he played dialga/palkia and I had a very positive matchup with my machamp against that deck, because he played only 1 unown G.
i don't really know if this count but, i took a bus for an hour or so to get to league, and then found there was no league and had to take the bus home :(
At Regionals I was playing Kingdra. In R4 I prized 3 Kingdras!!!! I lost. (Of course) Also, I ended up beating the same kid in T8.
This happened to my opponent at regionals round 6.

we are both have 3 prizes left, and he was running dry on basics. he plays TSD
...tails, tails, and tails. so he trys this again with another TSD.
...tails, tails, and tails. becouse he could not get any more basics, he lost. i felt kinda bad.
One time playing MetaNite in League play, all four Special Metal energy were prized. I was forced to discard both my Multi energies on successive Crash and Burn KOs or risk letting my opponent set up, and neither prize drawn was a Metal energy.

Top 8 cut at a 2005 CC, game 1 my Blaziken EX is prized and my usual main/early game attacker Electrode EX is useless because I'm up against a non-EX Fighting deck. Game 2 I have second turn Pidgey active and RC in hand, Celio, and both Pidgeots are prized.
I'm in the finals at Regionals and time is called on game 3 and I lose since I'm behind on prizes,I go on to win the game and thus regionals otherwise. :)
wow bumer i dont know how you could stand all day jugding lol hopeyou didnt doze while watching a match lol "jugde he drew 2 cards at the begining if his turn ..JUGDE !!zZz hugh oh didnt see it sorry " lol ya

i had horrible luck when shiftry ex came out lol i played 5 rounds with black player choice sleeves lol lost evry single game including 1 to a starter deck lol i was so ashamed lol and next tourny i went to lol changed the sleeves and went like 3-1 lol i have never used black player choice sleeves since >_>
Playing ElectraNite at Battle Roads, Final Match.

Game 2: 2 out of 3 Elekid prized, lose with about 10 minutes left.

Game 3: 2 out of 3 Dratini prized, lose almost instantly.

Next day, throw in a couple of Hermit, proceed to take the day with 1 loss.
the worst play i´ve ever had was yesterday at the nationals.
i was in top4 and played three games.
i loss the third game because there was no time anymore- AND MY OPPENEN T has taken only one price card
and i had all of them left.
tough luck.
Sitting across a special person and watching dumbfounded as he attaches two energie's to a Seadra and seeing the KO
C'est la vie
I was playing tyranitar, and my opponent had a budew active, and had poisoned me last turn. Now i can't do anything to his stupid little 40 hp budew. So i just start using spinning tail and crippling his bench. And after this had gone on for about 5 turns, (he kept his bench alive with like 4 heads on all his life herbs and multiple potion drops) i realized that moonlight stadium was in play and i had a switch in my hand the whole time. I still won somehow though.
Someone top THAT kind of stupidity lol.
this isnt horrid luck on my part its horrid luck for my opponent. thye have an Espeon on the bench so that their active leafeonX has 130 hp. im playing a scizor/cherrim, and they just KOed my active scizor after hitting 70 with 2 cherrim because of a leaf guard. i send out a cherubi in hopes of getting an NRG and they end their turn. i draw no NRG, no way to search one and no unown Q or way to search for one. so i pass, they go use bind down for 30. now i cant retreat, and now i onlt have 20 hp left. i draw, repeat of my last turn, use nap. agian they bind down, now yet again i cant retraet and only have 10 hp left. i draw thanking god after its an NRG. now i have a problem i could attach it to the benched scizor with only 1 NRG but instead i attach it to the cherubi. now comes the best part, i declare an attack using bullet seed, i role my dice and get 4 heads. with the 2 cherrims i get the KO. game i have 1 prize left now and they still have 3.

in the next games we played they scooped both times because one, they onle had 2 evees in the deck, and in the other game both of the non-level X leafeon are prized.
going against DEXOYS cool form i know him he played a tryaintar deck vs my duskgar deck he got his dark energys out so quickley and KO my pokemon with grind so annoying
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