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Loads of new Black and White Collection cards revealed

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Front Page News Editor
Staff member
As seen here, a LOT of new cards were revealed in a commercial for Black and White Collection.

Some of the new cards look good, others not so much. What are your takes on these?
And just a single one with an ability...
I hope the game does not end up even more simple as it already is.
But a lot of great cards (both now and in the past) have no Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies. I certainly don't think that lacking an Ability will make them useless.
That was a sort of annoying commercial, but at least it showed off some card art. It doesn't look like anything to spectacular in those cards, but I can't read Japanese so I can't know for certain. I hope translations are posted up soon so we can see what they do at least.
They only did show off one stage 2 - Ganonboar (or Boarbeque, or Emboar) that we didn't know yet (Hahakamori was already revealed) so I wouldn't read too much in the appearant lack of abilities.
...I've never seen Japanese people (almost) rapping to Pokémon cards... WHERE IS THE J-POP?
Anyway, like ShadowGuard said, I hope there isn't a lack of abilities. I hope it isn't like:
A: Tackle ffor 20
B: *draws* Bite for 10
A: *draws* Evolve. Body Slam for 40
B: Bite for 10
Judge: BRB, Ima go get some coffee.
The Pokemon don't seem so amazing, but there may be more that haven't been shown yet that are more amazing. The Trainers and Supporters could have a lot going for them too.
Enbuoh – Fire – HP150
Stage 2 Evolution – Evolves from Chaobuu

Ability: Fervor Dance
Choose 1 Fire Energy card from your hand and attach it to one of your Pokemon. You can use this ability any number of times during your turn.

[R][R][C][C] Heat Stamp: 80 damage.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4

;) nice one
And that power isn't even limited to fire Pokémon, as the original Rain Dance is to water. ^^
But this is pretty much the only really interesting Pokémon from that bulk up to now.
I don't see why Bronzong SF wouldn't work. Grab 2 fire a turn, at least double energy attachments a turn.
Because Bronzong has 3 retreat cost. That has always been his downfall.
Wasnt there another Enbuoh that did 150 for 4 with a hefty discard? He might enjoy this card.
Oh and obligatory Rayquaza/Deoxys Legend mention.
I don't see why Bronzong SF wouldn't work. Grab 2 fire a turn, at least double energy attachments a turn.
Maybe it will work, but 3 Pokémon just for bench support? And there's still no way to get them out of the discard pile, you'll need 2-3 Fisherman or Energy Returner at least.
Are you guys forgetting how bad the set Diamond and Pearl was? This beginning of Black and White will only have about 4-5 good cards and the rest will stink. Oh and just to put it out there,Nationals has been announced in Indianapolis,Indiana again!!! WHOO! Also Lost World IS going to get printed!
Are you guys forgetting how bad the set Diamond and Pearl was? This beginning of Black and White will only have about 4-5 good cards and the rest will stink. Oh and just to put it out there,Nationals has been announced in Indianapolis,Indiana again!!! WHOO! Also Lost World IS going to get printed!
Diamond & Pearl was bad?
Well, we had Infernape, Empoleon, Torterra, Electivire, Lucario, Machamp which all were played a lot after their release. Yes, it got bad later because of the power creep in further DP and PL sets, and only Dusknoir and maybe Magnezone still saw player after a year. But that doesn't mean that the set was any bad at its release.
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