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New Infernape MD brings us to Infercatty v2

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As an Infernacatty player, here's my view:
-You don't need Rotom.
-I never thought about it before, but Pachi is a pretty good idea. Normaly Call energy is better, but the deffence against Cess is needed.
-For Pokemon searchers, try 3 Celio and 2 Bebe.
-Add in at least one Copycat/Rowan/TGW, and try Felicity's Drawing instead of TVR.

Overall, that's a good list.:thumb:
I appreciate the compliment, makes ya feel good. I understand what everyone says when you say "no Rotom"...but you gotta look at it like this...You can really take advantage of taking that first prize loss.

You don't see many people running a "starter" Pokemon anymore since Holon's Castform became obselete. The Metagame now is to just use straight strategy. Let their boss Pokemon KO your Rotom. While they set their boss up, you basically get a chance to add 2 energy per turn to a benched Chimchar-Monferno-Infernape and draw 6 cards to boot via Energy Draw and Energy Trans. Yes, that is only the case rarely, but it can happen. If you don't get it energied up well, drop a scramble, or Rare Candy another Infernape, retreat active Infernape after Rotom KO, and use scramble for 120, even more if you got a PlusPower or two.

I'm guessing that the Copycat/Rowan/TGW is to prevent deckout? Delcatty Ex should handle that...but adding one of those shouldn't hurt.

Why Felicity's and Celio/Bebe changes? I get being able to discard 2 Fire instead of one for Felicity's, but are you always going to be willing to discard those 2? TVR seems safer. I don't understand Bebe, except deckout again...
y does everyone just post inferior ape lists??? if u want 2 play catty thats fine but call energy drop it play 4 pachi at least. and if u want 2 play a ball i'd play masterball or dusk ball over quick ball any day
That's the beauty of it all though, there are no inferior lists :thumb:. That's the versatility of the Nape man.

As for the call for the 4 Pachi and drop call. That was my original make. Several suggestions said to change to 3 Pachi and 3 Call. Look at it like this. With 4 Pachi, that's 4 chances for CFF. With 3 and 3, you get 6. Granted it's two less with call, but it's all about the draw anyways.

Masterball or Duskball is probably the better play, but the way I see it, with Quick Ball, you get something. Consider Quick Balls filler spots right now anyways. Realistically, it should probably be...

-2 Quick Ball
+1 DRE
+1 Scramble
Not really. It does give you that option of CFF, and if you get stuck with it in your hand, you can always use it for energy draw. Please remember, I run Delcatty Ex. It makes for some awesome upstream, or hey, I could even use that energy for its attack. Too me, Call Energy is fine in this deck. Gotta get that Rotom...:biggrin:
yea wat about mid game when u need 2 attack and all u have is a call energy when u needed one more fire for the ko
Why would you say all you have is call energy? Even still, you can still Mach Punch if all else fails. Seriously, there is almost no point in the game in which all you have is call energy. Plus, Delcatty Ex only needs a Call Energy :biggrin:
no i'm saying one turn where all u can draw into is a call energy, and no mach punch prolly isn't the play, it'd be retreat for rotom dual trans. delcatty ex can also use one r energy. ape lv.x flare up is a much better attack than upstream in the 1st place. each time u use a dre u should get the ko which is 4 prizes right there and for at least one prize u should be able to attach 3 r energy to an ape leaving flare up for your 5th or 6th prize.
Everything you say is true, in a sense. You drop 4 DREs take 4 prizes. Get stuck with a Call Energy, upstream!!! You've definitely got some energy aside from DRE, you can do anywhere from 40-80 more than likely dude. That's prize 5.

I'm not saying my list is better than yours just because I posted an Infernape deck too man. Chillax...
He has a point, the versatility of this deck makes up for pretty much all of the arguments that you've made Abyss. It's an updated version of a deck that had already made a huge impact earlier on. So theres no disputing the structure of the deck. There's no use in calling his list inferior in a "Deck Help and Strategy" forum.
i wasnt saying that playing delcatty is inferior by any means im saying that playing call energy in this dek is not a good idea period. i updated my thread with why i belive that claydol is more efficient and effective than delcatty. would you not agree that attacking with infernape is more preferable than delcaty ex?
Yeah...which is the point of my deck. Infernape is my main attacker, Delcatty Ex is not. Delcatty Ex is 3x the attack Claydol is...and Delcatty PK Power compliments Infernape Lv.X way more than putting 2 cards into your deck, then drawing until you have 6. Call energy is perfectably acceptible, especially if you want to set up quickly. Isn't that the idea?
y does everyone just post inferior ape lists??? if u want 2 play catty thats fine but call energy drop it play 4 pachi at least. and if u want 2 play a ball i'd play masterball or dusk ball over quick ball any day

But anyway.
In my opinion, i think that having a backup attacker with a colorless attack that also works well with the build of the deck is just great. Especially for one colorless dealing massive damage if your infernape isn't as energized as you need it.
i know wat i said an i explained that playing call energy isnt good. if your ape isnt set up thats when u rotom attack its effective even in mid to late game. yes delcatty is a better attacker than claydol. u max out your damage at 170 which is great. obviously my testing of this deck hours upon hours against the metagame and red face paint deks contributes nothing to my knowledge of this dek.......
well mr. bk i could wreck u anytime....everything i say is for a reason u think of strategies that might b good theoretically......
guy who started this thread delcatty ex has to take your last prize or how are you gonna attack the next turn....
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